
Jun 10, 2023 03:26

Here's a comment from an LJ friend to an f-only post.  Nice to hav support.  I thought other readers might like to contemplate what issue it might be addressing.  In my life?  In the country?  What do you wonder?...

"Damn. This is all high school bullshit. It’s a shame how people have no honor, nor respect for others. It’s all me. Me. Meee!! I cant tell you how many times i get scoffed at for having the AUDACITY to park in handicap parking… even when i have the correct hanger to show that i am.

"Is there anyway that you can fight the stupidity?...

"Grrr! As my brother says… 'you can’t fix stupid.'"

my life, woe is me, my lj friends / cuts, stupidity / stupid people

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