Jun 05, 2023 20:55

A while back, I wrote here, with a heavy, heavy heart, of my awareness that a bioweapons attack has been underway against the world population, especially beginning with a targetting of the West.  The virus was never a virus.  The vaccines were never vaccines.  The conspiracy has been real and extensive, with a history of planning and patenting going back for decades...  (And a history of economic sabotage underway for centuries).  I am so sad to confirm that not only is this military attack real, and true, and underway, it is even worse than anyone could have ever imagined.  Please entertain the thought of believing me.  There is no point for me to dwell in untruths.  You all know me as a person ruthlessly searching for the truth.  Indeed, the truth shall set you free.  But the truth is also that many, if not most, of you are presently being killed from the inside, and will be dying within decades, if not years, or months.

The illness that my dog has is a manifestation of the same illness which I have.  I have CFS, which is, in many ways, identical to, "long covid."  Long covid is rarely caused by the covid bioweapon, but is usually caused by the, "mRNA vaccines".  I have many reasons to now believe that my CFS was also caused by experimental "mRNA vaccine", or by "vaccines containing pegolated nanoparticles, hydrogels or graphene oxide.  These three concepts are all the same thing.  They are referred to as, "mRNA," when they are in fact biogenetic, transhumanist engineering.  They create alternate realities, I guess it would be said, within the bloodstream and organs, such as clots made of programmable plastics and electromagnetic nano-machines.  It doesn't stop there.  But, these artificial "bloodclots" do grow in response to electromagnetic signals, including WiFi and cellphone radiation.  So, those demons seemingly witnessed by those who spin, point and die suddenly, are true demons representing an invasion of an evil, alien life form.  And, my dog and I both worsen symptomatically when both are under the same influence of elctromagnetic radiation, or of stress.  Each these things, I have found to be true, independently, but are correlated causally.

The reason why I have experienced such weirdness in my email accounts, as well as have had blockages of my Walmart site, and so on, is because I am a targetted individual, who is aware of these horrors, and who is trying to communicate them to you.  It enrages me to no end that people such as the neighbours next door involve themselves in such petty nonsense passive aggression - or that my own sister spends her time listening to them and proceeding to evict me, who only wants to work on these studies and writings, causing me extreme stress, and growing my "bloodclots" even larger, and faster.  Thank you, very much.  Meanwhile, such grave horrors have been unleashed upon the world, they are being kept incomprehensible to petty people, by means such as targetted subterfuge, and mass propaganda games, like all the crap that has been going on in the media,, that I don't even need to get into.  It's all a shiny diversion, away from this vast, global, military attack.  And, above all else, they want you to believe those who find and tell the truth are insane.  So they are targetting people with electromagnetic radiation.  And they putting "mRNA" INTO EVERYTHING.

I don;t know how much longer I, personally, am going to survive this assault upon my health.  I have "mRNA" long-covid on TOP of the CFS.  And many other people do.  Babies are being murdered in the wombs.  Miscarriages.  Cancers.  Sudden thrombosis.  The stats are overwhelming.  The truth is undeniable.  Anyone who speaks it, is demonised.  Shuttered away into homelessness - by a bizarre, mustered sociological mass psychosis, driven by not only jealousy and uncertainty - but by cognitive and emotive impairment, itself brought on by ingestion of the, "vaccines".  So - I try to be forgiving of the insane and innocent people who are persecuting me, as I know many of them shall be dead tomorrow, through no real fault of their own - other than, they could not listen to me when they had the chance.  I call upon what is good in us, shared through universe, to come our aid, and help us purge this huge monstrous evil now consuming our species.

Supercomputer Artifical Intelligence has been creating these bioweapons.  And this goes back for decades.  The nano-biologic patents and technology also go back for decades.  The legislation, the gopolitics, the money-laundering, the corruption, the sin - has been like a huge gash across the pure and holy face of mankind.  We are bleeding to death, and too afraid to look in the mirror, rather than an L.E.D. screen.

The control is so complete, and beyond our control, that there are very few will stand up against it.  This is why I urge you, at least, to support RFK, Jr., and people of this nature.  They killed his father and his uncle, so he knows how far will go.  They think they will go on forever, without us, and merged with machines.  Madness has possessed our race.

There are a few ways of trying to detoxify from the "clots", which are, however, deadly persistent, and malignant.  We can also talk about politics, when election are in fact rigged.  We can move towards alternate, intentional communities and currencies, while the planet is being grossly intoxicated with these high-tech weapons at an exponentially accelerating rate.  We need to do more - and as much as we possibly can do.

Therefore, I am urging all of you, who read this, to consider devoting your remaining life, to fighting this obscene and perverse plague upon your own humanity.  Humanity belongs to you, not to them, nor to AI - nor to any other aliens who may also be behind this.

We need to start a non-profit agency in defense of humanity, to challenge the non-ethical decisions of legislators, and related.  Worldwide in scope.  We need to abolish the WHO, and withdraw funding from the U.N. immediately.  We need to get out of the Ukraine these vampires have corrupted.  And we need to stop standing by as good friends and strangers are conveniently disappeared or clotted to death.

I am appealing to the best part in all of you, to rise to this the one and only occasion, where humanity seeks your service for its own defense.  Recognise that this is profoundly real, pure evil, greater than any evil that has ever visitted the planet.  If not now - there will be no then.  Please pray to yourself, and whatever you believe, and ask yourself only one question:

"How can I help to try and stop this?!"

A few simple things you can do:

Realise that Obama, Clintons, Bush's, and others you may have been OK with, because of this or that actual side issue, have been complicit in this conspiracy, with major banks, corrupt cartels, psychopathic billionaires, elite families, and mad scientists. JUST REALISE AND ACCEPT IT. Go beyond petty. black-versus-white politics.

Instead of just reading or sharing articles and videos, actually download as much important stuff as you can. Store it all secretly in EMP-safe containers. They are going to wipe out the internet, and all resistant information, in one or two fell swoops, blaming it on China and/or hackers, and/or white supremacists. But it going to happen.

Have generators and printers, protected from EMP, in your possession. Print out hard copies of everything you can, now, and after the coming collapse. Be sure that any internet links are converted properly so they can be read on text. The internet may not go down for a while and, after it does, it will likely be resuscitated, under tighter controls.


If this is not all being directed not merely by super-ambitious artificial intelligence, but by aliens - who may be us from the future, as transumanised cyborgs - then, we really do have our work cut out for us. But if it is, or if it isn't, there are many in the Pentagon who do believe that sudden earth cataclysm is impending, and soon. I'll post about all that later - but it is a very solid subject, and very possibly true.

Therefore, there are countless underground bases, and islands, reserved for thousands of elites and their friends. This is not fantasy. They killed people for talking about these things.

And, therefore, elites do not see much wrong with doing away with the better part of humanity just before such a catastrophe should occur. In fact, they would see it the most ethical and efficient thing to do.

So, I am telling you that we are not only under threat from this horrible depopulation attack, but from what many experts perceive as a coming massive cataclysm, throughout the surface of the globe, as has occurred every 12,000 years in the past, wiping out most significant shoots of civilisations which may have existed in those times.

That's all I have to say. I am sorry it all sounds so beyond belief. But, we are upon the cusp of becoming, again, mere pawns of great torrential chaos.



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