
May 11, 2023 19:21

It's a little known fact that I had wine the other day, to calm the nerves.  And I got through that all right, but after doing work in the yards this afternoon, my heart is painful.  I've tried everything except aspirin.  Both my dog and I are sleepyheads, though.  All that sunshine.  I think he tanned his inflamed inner eyelid a little.  And he's been jittery - after having the smell and the aches, but not as much gas as per the usual bouts.  Twice, he let out a loud whiny yelp as if he was being attacked, but all it was was him being surprised by something.  When he is more ill, this PTSD from the doggie camp returns.  But, he did all right out in the mild heat and sun, though.  For the most part.

A few minutes ago, I opened a card from the Vet's place.  It was signed by 11 employees, all in different, bright colours.  And they all were females, with today-names, except for the two Saras, but I guess that name never dies.  Brandy, Miranda, Nicole, Ashley, all those kinds of names.  But it didn't seem that our actual doctor signed it.  Maybe she's mad I never got back to her.  But 'projects' take time, for me.  Like, today, it was the first time I mowed, and there was some dense jungle grass out there were the dog makes yellow snow.  But, (when actually able), I try to reserve a general theme for a particular day.  Like maybe one day is about going through mail, recyclables, etc.  Another day could be bill and money.  Another day could be all-dog - like I need to order the prescripts, and make an ear spray, and cut more toenails, etc.  Today was all-garden.

What did I do, today?  Usually I let my dog out 2x before each dinner, within an hour.  So, during the intermissions, I slipped out to the garage, and worked on the lawn mower.  I refreshed the gasoline and oil, and shook clean the air filter.  I already bought a filter for that mower, but they falsely advertised it, and so I guess it's the wrong one, unless this  mower uses two filters, which would make me eeeek.  I also never found where the spark plug was, as I intended to replace it.  But, I got it good enough for now.  I can do the rest later.

After feeding said dog - I think it had to be a small dinner this time - we went out back.  I raked leaves around the big flower plants, whatever they are.  Cleaned up alarmingly little dog poop.  Picked up sticks.  Cleared some brush away.  And random trash.  Started mowing, from back to front.  Some of the grass was still moist, so that was a task.  Since idiots next-door had mowed so far into this property, I left some unmowed, to preserve evidence of where they encroached.

Also, I am tempting the guy to mow WAY into this property, now that he sees the grass unmowed, ha ha.  It's a trap for him.

Early in the mowing, I saw the friend across the street mowing, so I went over and gave him 3 more cans of dog/cat food we can't use, plus some tuna for his cat.  And my contact info.  He was dressed all reggae-stylie, and we praised Bob Marley and down with segregation, etc.  He's a gem, he is.

I can't remember if this post was supposed to lead up to something.  I am full of aches and should sleep as much as possible now.

Haven;t heard from community cop today, prolly because he's reading all the info.

Eggs are currently being dehydrated.  I fried two batches this morning.  The second batch goes into the dehydrator tomorrow.  And I will be dehydrating more turkey dogs.  I have nice big glass jars for both of these valuable commodities.  Must order the dogs now, plus sardines.  The more Ill my dog is, the more sardines he gets.  Goodnight.

I lost our melatonin. Hoping for the best.

PS - My journal entries revealed that gunshots usually arrive at this time of the month - the 11th-13th.  Don't know why.  If the shots are from narcissist next-door, there could be some soon, as he and his gf have been creeping around, etc., etc., and just generally up to no good.  She was outside my window making her dog bark.  Some seriously fucked up people, incapable of minding their own business.  But as long as my sister thinks the guy is nice, instead of acting like an actual landlord, I guess I just have to bend over for more of the same.

my dogs - king, gardening, my outdoor work / gardening, narcissist next-door

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