What IS the W.E.F?

Apr 30, 2023 12:42

What is the, "Great Reset"?  And what is this, "Agenda 21," "Agenda 30," "Agenda 45," and so on?  Some people out there still may be wanting in knowledge of this global conspiracy.  So, here is a post which might clear that up for ya, cuz it's like a skin cream.  The WEF is acne.

First of all, something very important must be understood, here.  Capitalism cannot proceed forward in time along a straight line.  Nature works against that.  Primarilly entropy, but a lot of other things.  So, we not only end up with business and financial cycles, and cycles of boom and bust, we also have cycles involving the rise and fall of nations, empires and even civilisations.  In other words, doom is always inevitable, relatively speaking.  (Progress is partly a delusion.  A promissory ploy, just like investments based on credit).

So, these are trends.  And people with money, including banks, seize upon trends before and whilst they are unfolding, and thereby make even more money.  Generally speaking, the rich are inherently parasitic.

What happens when boom times go bust?  That's when what is called, "communism," or, "socialism," steps in.  This is never by accident.  Ever since the French Revolution, it has been understood by the wealthiest families, royalty and banks, that industrialising societies actually needed something like communism in order to continue to serve their profiteering.

For one thing, communism, as we are calling it, serves the purpose of providing an enemy, a target, for populations investing themselves in capitalist expansion.  All communism offers, basically, is a steady (welfare) state, antithetical to expansion, and to the psychologies of ambition, ego, will, and even charity and self-reliance.  And certainly of greed.  So, when expansion slows, it is very convenient to have the spectre of an enemy, without and within, to keep the population from blaming and attacking the elites themselves.

Polarising society allows them to divide-and-conquer, and also to manage minds through fear tactics.  With the sole purpose of not only retaining their wealth, but increasing it.

However, in "communism," it can be useful to have some of the population blame the rich, sometimes, and to manifest violent protests in the streets.  An unwitting kind of loyal opposition.  And, we saw this when OCCUPY first started off, funded by the great destructionist, George Soros - who is both a NAZI and communist, as well as both a Jew and an anti-Jew.  I believe he is atheist or anti-Christian, yet his whole scheme of destroying economies in order to save them is a sort of idealistic Hegelian religion.  Self-serving.

The OCCUPY movement was soon exploited and diverted into what has become BLM and Antifa, shifting blame away from the rich, and towards race and ideology.  A shell game.

Also, violent protests in the street, whether by commies or NAZIs or Antifa, or so on, are sometimes exactly what the elites want to see happen.  Even when these protests may cause billions of dollars of property damage.  As far as them causing injuries or deaths, most of the elites honestly could care less.  In fact, most of them are sadistic.  (How they got sadistic, or how the sadistic got rich, is a topic for another post).

Violence in the streets is great opportunity to expand the power of the state.  And that is what matters to the elites.  Because they pull the strings.  It doesn't matter if you call it capitalism or communism, their ultimate goal is STATISM.  The Chinese model.  So, even if a country reacts to bust by putting communists into office, that's fine, because the elites will still be holding on to the property, the infrastructure, the industries, etc.

Capitalism vs communism is a charade.  Through most of history, these have been warring, dysfunctional siblings, completely dependant on each other for their own partisan identities.  Most populations will fight over whether a cat is black or the cat is white.  What they miss is that it is sill a cat.  It isn't a dog, of true democracy.  It is still the cat of the fat-ass technocrats.  Apples and oranges are still fruit.

This is why almost all of our politicians, on the left and the right, kiss up to, and take their cues from, the elites.  Even if one candidate wages a true campaign against another, of opposite ideology, the elites own them both.  So, if a commie takes control, or a NAZI takes control, their bets have already all been hedged, and they continue to come out ahead.  These days, the elites are generally represented by the W.E.F.

If there's one thing you can count on, it's one thing or the other.  Boom or bust.  Red or blue.  Chaos from order, order from chaos.  Confusion and manipulation of the masses.  Distracting them with stupid shiny objects, like mass shootings, trans gone wild, abortion/choice, warming, and so on.  But they are damned serious about gun control and, ultimately, global genocide.

Self-interested politicians usually are not concerned about these ends, or the actual future of the planet, or the welfare of humanity.  Most of them seek office because they seek attention and power.  Most of them are narcissists, and some of them are psychopaths, male or female.  They know that the road to power is paved by kissing ass.  More and more, these days, they respond less to the concerns and welfare and individual rights of their constituents, and more to money being laundered down to them from on high.  And this is a fact.  The primary conspiracy on Earth is called money.

And the whole discussion of what money is, what assets are, what power is, can be found in other posts herein.

Many bad things have come out of Austria-Germany, because that area, an empire declined, is kind of like a middle sibling, trying to play the East, (Russia, Slavs, Ottoman, Orthodox), against the West, (Anglo-American, British, French, Holy Roman, Protestant).  Sometimes, instead of this clever diplomacy, instead of good things happening, very bad things happen - because, after all, it's still caught in the middle - sometimes like a trapped raccoon.

So, we've seen world wars, Hitler, genocide, the nuclear bomb, etc. come out of "Austria," along with a lot of genius and amazing art.  The latest bad thing to come out of that region is called Klaus Schwab, auther of, "The Great Reset," and king of the W.E.F.

A long time ago, I noticed that, after many years of empire, and as empire collapses, there is a kind of inversion of some words in its language, which reflects an inversion of values.  This would follow the culture becoming more urban, and so more urbane, and so more ironical.  And irony, as awesome as it is, can often be misinterpreted by the youth as being reality - face value.  Thus an inversion of values, and words, over time.

In addition, when society becomes more and more polarised, then some people jump ship for the opposing side/s.  Rhetoric becomes tailored to say one thing to one faction yet actually serve the needs of an opposing faction.  Politicians learn the art of saying one thing and meaning another.  And we sure have seen a shitload of that, in the USA, in recent years.  And, during times of stress, animals not only often do the exact opposite of what would be best for them, (see COVID pandemic), they also LEARN a habit of doing the exact opposite of what would be best for them.

I have written of a thing I call value distention, or value ambiguation. This is a social cognitive-emotive process where values become amplified and yet diluted in meaning, prompting society more towards anxiety or aggressiveness, or the will to power, rather than the conscientious, diligent building up of socio-economic capacitation. Eventually, the values become so confused that they become, in reality, opposite to their original meaning or intention.

I came upon these ideas via various routes, but the idea of words "inverting," I think, came to me first when I lived in Philly, where the word "no" is pronounced almost identically to the word "yes." (Nyah vs. nyem). The idea is to stun the listener with apparent ambiguity, get him offguard for a tiny millisecond, giving the speaker some sort of advantage or escape route. But also, in fact, in a dysfunctionalised society, no is pretty much as good as yes, in reality, anyway. There are other examples, in Italian, and other post-empire societies. Word "inversion" is a kind of artifact, telling, "Empire once rose and fell here").

But, expanding outwards, actual value distention or ambiguation turns people and societies inside out. What is acceptable in one group is not allowed in another, and distinct paradoxical "dialects" develop separately. The big example is, no one can say the derogatory n-word except those in the black, "community." So, these individuals are encouraged to malign each other using a word that is said to a horrendous token of white racism. But, this whole area is all about how, not only values segregating in society - but also groups. And groups end up being pitted against groups. Ultimately, commies against NAZIs.

We have seen how groups or issues on the left have gone so far left that they are now fundamentalist, right-wing, for all intents and purposes. I.e., FASCIST. "Accept me for what I am," is now, "I will kill you if you look like a racist." (Or something like that. Got to get back to that LJ series I started).

Then there is the example of the two parties switching places. The GOP is now the party of the working poor, whereas the Dem party is associated with elitism. The identity politics of the left has morphed into racism, while the GOP champions individual rights and opportunities. The GOP is anti-censorship while the left has been exceedingly pro-censorship, but is so benighted it cannot see this through its own double standards.

And, looking at political issues,,, It once was that most Americans were personally ambiguous about abortion/choice. I.e., they had qualified, finessed opinions on the issue. But, out of all that ambiguity arose two highly polarised sides, both helped along by elite funders and supporters - certain churches on the right, and (often racist) eugenicists on the left. By turning this very blurred issue into something extremely polarised, and polarising, conspiracies successfully managed to polarise most of the public, this way or that. And the issue was made pivotal to presidential elections.

Sadly, at least one side has been played, and nothing was ever done legislatively or constitutionally, over "abortion rights," when the chance presented itself. Instead, the issue was kept taut and polarised, to be used in winning more elections, keeping politicians in power. Just like Dems in big cities shouting about white supremacists, the cops or guns, when they do nothing about crime in their cities. Because this is a strategy that keeps getting them elected. Dysfunctional.

Instead of productive progress even being attempted, rank and file dems are being led towards a culture of morbidity and death. All Dem representatives voted in favour of a bill permitting the killing of a baby after it leaves the womb, which is legally murder. Talk about moving the goal posts. Then there is the campaign to get trans people to take up guns and get violent.

And, of course, there is the war in Ukraine, born of corruption, and meant to deplete US military capacity. Not to mention the Satanic death dances at the Grammies, Superbowl, etc.

But, of course, as I said, this is being fed by (WEF) money from above. From the elites who want us dead, preferably via us killing each other.

Just as the pandemic and clot-shots were funded from above.  I.e., largely through puppet politicians.

Not any of this is anything new, under the sun. It has happened before, during contractions or collapses of other nations and empires. Remember our middle sibling, Austria?

One infamous icon to arise out of post-empire Austria was Adolph Hitler, (who went on to try to kill all the Jews, as he was, ironically, 1/16th Jewish, himself). Young Adolph early learnt the game of playing group against group, in a stressful, ambiguating, polarising society. He learnt how to pull order out of mass-ambiguity, create polarising issues, and pit commies against NAZIs.

Yes, he had some kind of boulder on his shoulder. But not all of this happened by accident. Adolph Hitler's rise to power, and subsequent warfare, was helped along by BANKS. London banks - the richest kind. USA corporations. It was all a joint effort, this WW2 thing. Fascism vs. communism. Didn't just happen by accident.

Germany, strangled by western banks and the Treaty of Versailles, was sent into a Uganda-like inflation. What does that mean? More stress on society. More value ambiguation. More group-against-group. And Hitler appealed to the general confusion by getting himself elected into office - democratically. And then he implemented the false flag of the Reichstag fire to take over the government, and become a kind of, "Everybody-loves-Superman."

False flags are a somewhat sophisticated tool used by the elites, ever since civilisation began, back when they were priests dazzling the masses with their magic, from the tops of their expensive pyramids.

Other tools which they regularly use, to start wars or fuel social uprisings, are value distention/ambiguation, double-speak, appeal to authoritarianism, moral perversions, fear, groupism, some external enemy, and a system of mythos, religion or supremacism. In addition to money, of course.

So, Hitler somehow struck on the right combination of storms to push along his ship of bloodshed - so much so, that it really appears that much of this was provided him by the elites.

Even his genius taking-over of a socialist party seems like something the elites would have planned out for him.

And even the Weimar inflation could have been deliberate. It certainly was seized upon as an opportunity, as is occurring again today, USA.

Another thing to mention is that there were a lot of gullible people in Germany during the interwar period. Many were now isolationists. Many were poor. Many were carry-overs from the gay days of wine and roses. Many were kind of like hippie, free-love progressives. Many were Christians. They weren't looking for trouble so much as solutions. Relief from rising anxiety and inflation.

What was really going on, in those days, was a major shifting in geopolitics, according to the needs of the banks, and the elite families and corporations which they represented. When things got too tight for Germany, and the world depression stalled out investment income, the decision was made to tear down Europe. That way, the banks could make money by financing weapons of war, i.e., mass death.

After that, they could profit by financing the rebuilding of Germany and Japan.

Needless to say, a kind of socialism was installed across Europe, after the war, while communism continued in Russia, and welfare-capitalism prevailed in the USA.

The USA was also given the role of managing the world's reserve currency, which is a system now totally falling apart.

All of these things happened because the powers-that-be was maximising its power, whether through mass destruction, or through a return to higher industrial output and investments. The latter flowered the most at the time the Beatles were let loose upon the West. And then followed the planned collapse of America.

The W.E.F. was born around this time, during the reign of the Club of Rome and Henry Kissinger. The Club of Rome, and related, advanced the idea that civilisation was doomed to collapse, from environmental, population and food supply problems. Henry Kissinger was a highly influential geopolitical crazy person who was also a depopulationist. He basically was the teacher of Klaus Schwab, who created the W.E.F., (modelled after a group formed by economist, Martin Armstrong).  The main advisor to Schwab became Yuval Noah Harari.  Through the decades, this gang of three carried on the idea that the world is overly populated, and must be culled.

The W.E.F. was formed under the ideology of improving the environment and advancing technology, thinly veiling an agenda of depopulation and technocratic elitism.  In fact, the W.E.F. has been behind some very environmentally destructive projects and incidents, and it doesn't really understand economics very well.

Really, it is just a representation of the worst kind of narcissism growing out of humanity, extant in the elites.  It is an agency for surreptitiously advancing the power grabs of those elites.  It's main clients appear to be Deutsch Bank, the Bank of Switzerland, Blackrock, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Bill Gates, Clintons, the WHO and CHINA.  George Soros and other billionaires are also involved.

Along with its destructionist, depopulation, profiteering and transhumanist goals, the W.E.F., on behalf of global elites, banks and corporations, are following a plan to both disempower the West, especially the USA, and to replace American capitalism (and trade) with a so-called communist state.  (This is discussed along the lines of partisan politics in, "American Marxism," by Mark Levin; and more broadly in, "The Great Reset: War For The world," by Alex Jones).  The WEF conspiracy has been attempting to collapse the economy, infrastructure and culture, but retain the control and wealth by installing what should actually be called (left-wing) STATISM, based on the Chinese model.  Technocratic feudalism.

This is the destroy-and-move-along strategy which ultimately keeps the rich in power and control.  It is the creation of conflict and internal enemies and decline, to the point where the population will have no other choice but to beg for state hand-outs and control.  While they usher in this communist hell, they make promises of more earth-friendly freedom, and pleasant-tasting bugs, and all that.

But, always, at the end of some long stretch of difficult capitalism is the false promise of a communist Utopia.  Likewise, at the end of some long stretch of difficult communism or socialism is the false promise of a new capitalist Utopia where everyone is completely free.  They are both phony sales pitches.  The cat is still a cat, and the rich just keep getting fat.

According to Marxist ideology, once capitalism goes to seed, the proletariat will rise up and naturally transform it into a communist state.  Kind of like a butterfly, you know.  People like butterflies.  However, I believe it was Barack Obama - or Biden - who said that the country is not ready for a Marxist revolution, but "we're going to push for it anyway."

In other words, the WEF conspiracy is just latching onto another theorised trend, the transformation into communism, and they are stealing it away - forcing it unnaturally, and contrary to true Marxist dictates.

So, they destroy infrastructure, they balloon inflation, they create boogeymen out of everyone on the right, they cancel and censor, they illegally search and arrest, they force riots and violence and chaos, and so on.  All the while, they are convinced that they know what's best for everyone, even if that leads to mass genocide.  They are always right, because money - because YOUR money.

They push everything over the top.  So, if you think they mean to create a nice, fair communist world, think twice.  Think of what happens when they push censorship over the top, or anti-racism over the top, or lies over the top, or so on.  It has only resulted in so much MORE censorship, racism, lies - and violence - that their words result in full contradiction in reality.

In other words, when they try to force communism, over the top, what they are really forcing is STATE DICTATORSHIP or fascism.  That's just the logical conclusion of this bullshit.  They are out of control, and they just double down, insisting they are right, and that way only lies chaos, ergo TOP-DOWN CONTROL.  Which is precisely what the elites, through the W.E.F., are trying to accomplish.  So, all of this is by design.

And Barack Obama, who has been an integral part of this insane scheme, closely tied to the banks as he is, has also said, "You never tell the public what you are really trying to do.  You can suggest it a little bit here and there, but you never tell them everything." (Paraphrase).

Again, I supported Obama twice, and now believe he is as evil as evil can be.  Remember, he comes from my part of the country, where asshole narcissists thrive, and spew out pretty idealistic words as ploys and devices and enticements.  But these people, as learnt in the big cities, are 100% Machiavellians, if not worse.

I met his handler, Mister fish-in-the-mail man, Oh Emanuel, and he was a complete jag.  Then he became mayor and closed tonnes of schools down which the poor, mostly blacks, wanted saved.  Rahm Emanuel was once part of Israeli Mossad, a spy agency, as was Jeffrey Epstein.  Look them up, and discover their past lives.  It's all one big party - the uniparty - and they all work for the globalist elites.

The Rothschild's are a Jewish banking family which grew wealthy in post-medieval Germany by employing the un-Christian practice of usary.  It is the primary example of an elite family using banks and foundations to gain more and more property and power, including through manipulation of currencies and citizenries.  With other elites, many listed above, they basically own most of the planet and its resources.  How resources are used and distributed.  How countries rise and fall.  Pandemics.  And so on.

These elites are higher in influence than the so-called Deep State, the USA military, the presidency, the CIA, governors, local banks, etc.  They call the shots.  They have all the information and technology decades before anyone else.  They manipulate nations like pieces on a chess-board.  If they spot a trend, suspect a trend, or even create a trend, they are the first to invest in it, coopt it - sink their Bavarian vampire teeth into it.  So, if the real trend is that the world population is slowing, and even reversing in some regions, then they will swoop in and assume leadership of that trend - the sacred controllers.

But, for hundreds of years, there has also existed a club of elites always interested in euthanasia and depopulation, from Crowley, to Huxley, to Sanger, to Kissinger, to Gates.  The whole topic of depopulation should be covered separately, at length, because it doesn't make a lot of economic sense.  But, the W.E.F. thinks that it does, because the W.E.F. acts on behalf of self-interested narcissists.  And, as we all have learnt, narcissists may be great manipulators of the weak, but they are fundamentally idiots.

Secret societies, like the Templars, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Skull and Bones, the circle of Rhodes, and many more, are very interesting and relevant to study.  They are branches of the elites and their vassal states.  Not all secret societies are in synch.  Similarly, the whole bag of elites is never one coherent group.  China seems to have fallen out a bit with the W.E.F., (although this may just be something they want us to think).  There are always disagreements within the ranks.  And, if they ever did create a world just for themselves, they would quickly kill each other off, fucked up as they are.

And, this is not a conspiracy of, "The Jews," or of, "The Chinese," or of, "The Germans," or the Anglo-Americans, or the whites, or the NAZIs, or the commies. It's just a hodgepodge collection of all-sorts, interested in gaining more POWER. And, past a certain point, that means more thrill in harming people.

For this, and other, reasons, the globalist elites, or the W.E.F., are not beyond being defeated.  They would not spend so much time and money on dividing us against each other, or taking our weapons, if they did not truly fear us.  Oddly, fear is part of what motivates their greed.  The main thing which does hold them together as an operational group is wealth.  And that's the same thing that keeps them in control.

But, it isn't their wealth.  It is all wealth that they have stolen from us.  By manipulating currencies and stocks and precious metals.  By manipulating the truth.  By manipulating riots and wars and destruction.  By manipulating our genes.  By taking over natural trends and well-meaning causes.

Another way they have been pilfering our money has been through fractional reserve banking.  Over many decades, this activity - another bank CRIME - has been syphoning away the real value of our money and putting that value in their own corporate empires, into which the rich families and CEOs are invested.

And that dollar bill you hold does not legally belong to you.  It legally belongs to them.  That means that all your time and labour belongs to them.  And now, as they attempt to switch us over to digital CBDCs, we will be nothing but numbers which they can deplete and delete at will, depending on what choices we make, or whether or not we allow ourselves to be injected with "vaccines" deliberately designed to kill us, over time or immediately.

The complete removal of choice and free will.  That is their ultimate aim, and that is their logical conclusion.  Controlling the will of anyone who is free or creative is also the obsession of every narcissist and psychopath.  Remember, the latter always leave a wake of destruction in their path, even as they blindly forge ahead, convincing themselves and other idiots that they are ALWAYS RIGHT.

So, the W.E.F., and their corporate cronies, their politicians, their false prophets, their WHO, their China, their A.I., must be opposed in every possible way, if you value this life on Earth. Like the devious psychopath, they have perfected the art of promising one thing and delivering the opposite. So, when dealing with them and their goons, one should always begin with the premise that they are lying. There is no time to grant them the benefit of the doubt, when they are, in fact, waging a military war against you.

These are the money-changers!

Throw them out of Temple Earth!

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nwo - war against the west, nwo / wef / great reset, +++

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