Shooters - Part TWO

Apr 29, 2023 18:39

Everybody knows I am pro-LGBT. I am an environmentalist. Climate change is real. I oppose war almost always. I am anti-fascist. I am pro-black. I don't hate immigrants. And so on. But all of these very well-meaning causes have been hijacked by the people trying to take over the planet and kill off most of its population. And RFK Jr. says as much.

So, with billions and trillions of invented and corporate money, these bastards have been top-down financing every possible way to pit us against each other. This is why the trans movement has gone crazy, with all these funded, "Tranny Clown Story Hours," and sexually explicit books, etc, showing up in grade schools all over the country.

The BLM and Antifa riots were funded, and instigated, as well, from the top down, with their leaders ending up with multi-million dollar mansions. George Soros has funded to install many Public Defenders and DAs into office, who let violent criminals back on the streets. The FBI, the CIA, and the corporatist media, have been implicated in most of these projects.

Many mass-shooting were similarly funded and fabricated, for the purpose of having us turn on each other - AND for the purpose of convincing people to hand over other people's guns. Despite what they say, it is not easy for a total clampdown - or for a complicit invasion by China - when lots of people own guns for self-defense.

Here is a little dump on trans issues. I probably have more links elsewhere. But I don't like people dwelling on all the recent trans absurdity being hyped, because to do so is to take the bait. It's a deliberate, manufactured trap, which wastes precious media time, and diverts attention away from the far more pressing issues.

For example: There will by a vote in the WHO to hand over legitimate state and national - and personal - health decisions to THAT hijacked, centralised body. The WHO will then be able to decide that everyone must be, "vaccinated," in any upcoming, fatuously declared, "pandemic." And decapitated states will simply go along with the WHO's, "recommendations."

The clot shots were just the beginning. This is a global depopulation attack. The new rules at the WHO MUST BE STOPPED!

‘I Wish They Had Been More Understanding’: Detransitioner Says Adults Told Him His Family Was ‘Enemy Number One’ | The Daily Caller

Canadian parents protest after trans-identified male allegedly exposed genitals to young girls in pool change room

Fauci Paid $453K to Make Primates Transgender

'Trans women are women, but...' - Scottish leader's hypocrisy on trans equality row exposed

DENNIS PRAGER: LGBTQ ‘Pride’ Is Not About Tolerance. It’s Totalitarian | The Daily Caller

Watch: President Trump Releases 'Plan to Protect Children from Left-Wing Gender Insanity'

Op-Ed: We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here’s what we’ve learned about the shooters - This does not mention SSRIs, Fentanyl, MK Ultra, radiation beams, or any of that nonsense. See also recent post at wiki_truth.

mass-shootings / mass-shooters, s- 'shooters' (mass-shootx) (2022-23), lgbt, psychology - mass-shooters/ shootings

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