Guardian of the bear.

Apr 25, 2023 16:29

Arcturis is a bright star, possibly holding a planet, sometimes thought to portend bad weather.  King Arthur may have been named after this star.  Wiki: "One astronomical tradition associates Arcturus with the mythology around Arcas, who was about to shoot and kill his own mother Callisto who had been transformed into a bear...  An alternative lore associates the name with the legend around Icarius, who gave the gift of wine to other men, but was murdered by them, because they had had no experience with intoxication and mistook the wine for poison."

Arcturus is also, "an American RNA medicines biotechnology company focused on...the commercialization of therapeutics for... infectious diseases." Lucky company, because they apparently had the latest scary strain of COVID virus named after them. Arcturus.  We live in a beautiful world where wonderful things can happen.

Like, what were the chances of this? - "ModeRNA"

health - v - coronavirus sars2 covid-19, odd news, astronomy

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