Dog Ways On My Mind

Apr 07, 2023 09:00

I am first looking into natural treatments for dog.  One problem is that if he has IBS/LGS, then giving him dewormers will make that worse.  Giving him antibiotics or vaccines would encourage IBS.  One natural treatment is fermented veggies.  But whenever I give him a little of my fermented V8, or any veggies at all, this seems to make his gas issues worse.  Treatment with wormwood or other tannins would encourage IBS.  Too much wormwood is toxic, and too little will not kill worms.  (I asked if I could get non-prescription Ivermectin at Walgreens and, of course, they said no.  But I might have found a way to get prescription dog dewormers online, some containing said crazy fool drug).

I found it interesting that natural treatment for IBS says to avoid GMO foods!  Dogs can actually make a distinction, by smell, between GMO and non-GMO foods.  I know that one brand of GMO dog kibbles made one dog ill - I think it was this dog.  (It might have been Diamond brand, not sure).  I mentioned earlier that, not only do we have sneaky GMO foods NOW, they are starting to insert genetic engineering vaccines into meat which, if imported unslaughtered, can be labelled as organic, non-GMO!  And it is also bad to give your dog vaccines.  If they can say this, as applied to dogs, why can;t we say it, as applies to humans?!  Note this, regarding dog IBS, from Dogs Naturally Magazine:

The most likely causes of dysbiosis and leaky gut are:
  • Poor diet, especially highly processed, starchy kibbles (whether grain-based or grain-free), as well as genetically modified foods and meats from factory farmed animals
  • Drugs and other pharmaceuticals: antibiotics, steroids, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories), deworming drugs, flea and tick treatments (pesticides)
  • Over-vaccination: when the body is forced to respond to a vaccine to which it has already established antibodies, this causes the immune system to react and can provoke a number of chronic diseases
I virtually never give my dog any kind of kibbles. Kibbles may be associated with the deadly Bloat. Another cause may be too much oil in the dog food. I believe that oils - especially hardened or transfat oil - encourage gas and bloat, in some dogs. Especially when combined with water. I don't know why. (A little fish oil is OK).  Also, too much water, or doggie drinking with head too low - or too high - can encourage gas, as the dog may take in too much air. Doggie eating too fast may do the same thing.

Despite me being opposed to kibbles, because of their size and because they are processed, and containing oil and starches, here is a site offering a list of, "best kibbles".

The Best Dog Food Alternatives to Kibble, According to a Vet

I am very anti-gluten, and only allow rice, if any grain. I also believe that sweet potatoes and pumpkin are atrocities, but will settle for pumpkin. I believe that regular potatoes are the best carb, aside from rice, and straight low-sugar veggies, for most dogs. Potato skins are toxic to dogs, although I hear they are great starters for vodka.

As long as I am making this post, I might as well include something I was meaning to post in a dog community.

Buying canned dog food is a challenge, for dog owners who have food concerns for their loved ones. I must completely avoid buying any canned food containing even a hint of chicken. It is very difficult to find true non-chicken canned dog food, as chicken is in most, especially in turkey-based. I had been using one brand of dog food that had no chicken listed in it's "ingredients." But, because of my dog's reaction to it, I concluded that it must contain some chicken. I need to get around to telling Chewy about this, and maybe asking for my money back.

I love Chewy, btw. We go way back.

Here is that sneaky eeky brand... Ah, I forgot, it was actually CAT food, which I was buying for my dog. Supplementally. And, it looks like Chewy is only bundling it with other foods. So, maybe they are phasing it out. American Journey TURKEY AND SALMON... (Never mind the picture of Wellness brand). (Click the link for more).

Oh, here it is!  They are only phasing out the old look!

Shopping for healthy, yet inexpensive, wet dog food really is a challenge.  Most innexpensive dog food has filler, like grains, sweet potato and/or chicken.  And ingredients meant to firm up or colour the food, like carageenan, guar gum, or wheat flour, which seem to be irritants to most dogs and many people.  A better thickening agent might be gelatin, and possibly tapioca and xantham gum.  Not sure if arrowroot affects dogs.  (Locust bean gum might, since beans are bad for dogs).

All-meat, and mostly-meat, canned food can be insanely expensive.

I went on two shopping sprees with Chewy, which got me a total of 96 cans of food.  I try to include some fish in his canned alternatives.  In addition to that, I regularly feed him catfish, sardines, canned mackerel, canned salmon or tilapia.  I now boil the catfish or tilapia.  I then use a few spoonfuls of that water in his water, to entice him to drink and enjoy.  (These waterings are timed, so the water does not mix with any digesting food, thus expanding his stomach more).  Also, I am discontinuing the Nutrish brand which, I believe, contains sweet potato or pumpkin.  So, here are the types I bought, trying to save money but looking for the healthiest non-chicken, non-wheat food possible...

So, I normally have the first two on the left hand side of my dog food drawer, and the second two on the right.  Just for future reference.

Next, I found also found two non-chicken, healthy canned food via Walmart, of all places.  I stock up a little on these, every time I shop there, (once or twice a month).

These two are the least expensive of all, (especially if you get free delivery).  So, I keep them as my primary supply.  (The first one on the left hand side of my drawer, the second one on the right).  The beef is called "grain free" even though it contains rice, iddly.  But this is not because it is made by some mischeivous Chinese company.  Pure Balance is a Walmart branding of a company near the East Coast, USA, called, "Old Roy," or, "Old Yeller," or something.  Hopefully, the global Destructionists don't burn that factory down any time soon.  (There was a beef pate version of #2, but I don't know what happened to that).

I hope my listing these finds might help y'all save some money and get your dog some real good grub.

Now, what's all this about the left-hand and the right-hand sides of the canned dog food drawer.  Well, on the left is either salmon or the New Balance PRO, (which is turkey and potato, and seems fine for my dog's stomach).  (I usually insert his meds into these).  On the right are various red meat, or other.  So, I take one can from the left, and one from the right, and use some of both of them in his meals.  That way, I know he is getting a good balance of innocuous and bold.  (I did notice that Pure Balance #2 does contain some salmon.  How about that?!)  I don't really like feeding my dog large beef proteins, but it is what it is.

And, why did I buy soooo much canned dog food?!  Because I am stocking up.  Meat is being deliberately squeezed out of the market, by the likes of the Impossible Burgermeister, Bill Gates, et al.  The mad scientist Destructionists are also beginning to inject meat, (and vegies), with mRna vaccines, which are not only genetically engineered, but which genetically engineer you and your loved ones.  Believe it or not, such GMO meat imported from, e.g., Europe, and slaughtered in the U.S.A., can be labelled, "non-GMO," and, "product of the USA."  So, this all totally sucks.  Remember that dogs KNOW GMO food sucks(?)  Worse than that, these vaccines will be growing alien blood clots in their hearts and brains.  So, yeah.

Add to that the rising threats of EMPs, black-out, food shortages and nuclear war, then why wouldn't ANYONE stock up?!  I mean, seriously!

If thing got really bad, you could sit in your basement and eat your dog's protein-rich dog food, and possibly your dog, or vice versa.

For that reason, I am trying not to touch what I have now stored in the basement.  I am saving that for trying times.  Meanwhile, I keep buying and using the Walmart Pure Balance for now.  There has been shortages of this brand in the last 6 months.  So.  But I obsess...

Finally, a mention of how I am managing my dog's health problem.  Maybe this will help you.  All those things, mentiond above, like low on the oil, managing water, keeping the food raised somewhat, etc.  No kibbles.

And, I use Ompromazole and Prilosec, and sometimes Benadryl, and various nutritional supplements.

The problems get pronouned when he doesn't crap enough.  He gets backed up.  So, now, I go out and make sure he craps before each of his two daily meals.  If he does, the meal is big.  If he doesn't, the meal is pretty small - like a full boiled egg and a can of sardines, (no meds included in these).  Sardines seem to be great for him.  (I only buy them in water).

If he goes a day w/o crapping, then he gets virtually no meals until he does.

The risk of him getting skinny, because of this strategy, is real.  One thing I do to try to moderate this is to slip a raw egg into one or two of his water-feedings.  But well clear of any time he does get fed.  He also gets a little fish-water in each water dish.  He now won;t drink water unless it tastes of fish, lol.

I also limit his longish walk to once every 3-5 days.  I do this because, (like my CFS), exertion seems to invite symptoms soon afterwards.

(There is a hypothesis that pets of people with CFS can come down with related illnesses).

I almost never give him a bone.  But, I will, in his morning meal, if I feel that things are going swimmingly.  This comes out to perhaps twice a month.

My dog, an Akita, is getting older.  But that also means we have been managing things pretty well, so far, and despite the challenges.  I am considering that he (also??) may have roundworms.  So, I am looking into that.

I hope any of this might have helped you and your annoying, dog-gone companions.  Any half-way experts may feel free to make suggestions regarding my dog's health, if you like.

End of long post, yay!

No - wait!

There's one other canned food, which I buy for dog, and use occasionally, as a supplement.  And it is actually a cat food.  Chicken free, though.  And here it is...

For cat people: Two kinds of chicken-free cat food were also mentioned above.

The Best Dog Food Alternatives to Kibble, According to a Vet

emergency prepping / survivalism sites, animals - dog food - bad / toxic, health - dogs, end of world gracefully, animals - dog food, my dogs - king, food - dogs - toxic, food - dog food - and see animals, animals - dogs, animals - dog food - buy, animals - dog health

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