Mar 28, 2023 10:13

It's been interesting to watch the libertarian/constitutional right struggle to remain enamoured with Trump, and swiftly flocking to his side, every time Trump holds a rally or makes some anti-war or anti-DeepState statement.  But, it is appearing to me, more and more, that Trump may be working as one more cog in the great machinery of the global WEF conspiracy.  When one studies these things, one sees signs.  Aka, red flags.  Here are a few points indicating why Trump may not be what most people think he is, from my point of view.  I have been studying political science for decades.  I am also an outsider.

1 - Trump promoted the kill-shot "vaccines."  Normally, the development of actual vaccines takes about 8 years, more or less.  This is because research takes time; patents take time; safety studies take time; setting up corporate &/or governmental infrastructure takes time, and distribution and administration take time.  So does funding.  This time around, the COVID concoctions took what?  Less than a year to roll out?  And all that success redounded to the edification of Trump and his Warp Speed programme.  ("Warp Speed" sounds like another prefabricated term).  However, all the patents needed for the G.O., mRNA, venom sequence, hydrogel, etc., ingredients had already been attained, years prior to, "Trump's," great project.  And whatever safety studies were made, were fakes or propaganda either put out by the illegitimate crypto crime syndicate, FTX, or published in compromised medical journals.  (False study/ results published by the latter would be later retracted).  So, either Trump naively hopped aboard the ride, anticipating glorification from the public, or he knew, ahead of time, that the whole thing was a planned operation.  Because that's what it was.  Instigated by the DoD, DARPA, the DOE, and so on.

2 - Trump not only took credit for the massive, deadly "vaccine" roll-out, he never spoke out against it, when overwhelming evidence appeared, proving that the "vaccines" were killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of people, he never, ever admitted that his involvement was a mistake.  He never came out, shouting that he had been lied to by Fauci, et al.  Instead, he continued to shine credit upon himself, for Operation Warp Speed.  It looks to me that he had been, at the very least, a pawn of Warp Speed, rather than the executive of it.  And he continued to involve himself in the project, and its big lies, despite the fact that the "vaccines" were killing, mainly, political conservatives or Republicans.  It is very unlike his profile for him not to perk up about this reality, and use it to rouse his base.  This fact raises the possibility that Trump is only a Republican by name, and so could actually be left-wing &/or just another psychopathic billionaire, only interested in benefitting himself.  By any means.

3 - Trump did not strongly oppose (deliberately) inflationary "COVID-Relief" spending.  In fact, at least once, he proposed spending more than the Dems.

4 - Trump often says that he has no interest in prosecuting the criminals involved in political illegalities.  When asked, he gives the pat answer that he wants to unify the country and move ahead.  That trite meme does not wash in all cases.

5 - Trump did not hire Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., into his administration when he had the chance.

6 - Trump did place several pro-DeepState people, and operatives, in his administration and bureaucracy.  This probably included the two-faced Redfield as head of the CDC.  Not to say that Redfield's recent criticism of the COVID conspiracy, NIH, etc., were not excellent.  But it is OK for such opinions or facts to come out now, because these things unfold along a grand, planned schedule.  And I will discuss thus further later.

7 - Trump failed to implement a number of policy promises related to pushing back on the DeepState, privacy constraints, election rigging, Biden crimes, FBI crimes, gun control, etc.  When my brain is working a little better, I might come back and provide a little list, here.

8 - Trump never came down on McCarthy, a RINO who is often controlled opposition.

9 - Trump acceded calmly to the removal of a special judge in the Mar-a-Lago case.  He was also safely in New Jersey when the raid occurred.  He was also never jailed.  But a lot of hay was made, from the whole smoke-out, by the Dems.  And by Trump.

10- Trump may have had some relation to Jeffrey Epstein, (as per one of my recent posts).

11- Trump never droned Soros when he had the chance.

12- Trump has consistently fed left-versus-right, and internal GOP, divisiveness.  This was apparent when he immediatly went into attacking Sanders, who lost the Dem Primary, instead of wooing Sanders' base.  (Sanders was guilty of the same divisive politics).  It has also been apparent when Trump called DeSantis names, for no sensible political reason.  And...

13- Trump has been acting like a manufatured fool - almost like one of the FBI's zombie mass-shooters - absurdly warning there would be "death and destruction" should he be indicted.  And also weilding a baseball bat?!  Come on!  Too obvious!  After the whole January 6 drama?  No sane person would have done this unless it had been scripted, for the purpose of further divide-and-conquer tactics.  Same thing with the demand that he be handcuffed.  Playing the victim, spewing fake moral outrage.

14- What were the results of the raid on Mar-a-Lago, of the the threat to arrest him, or January 6th, of Russiagate, etc.?  All of these covertly originated campaigns resulted in a mustering of Trump's base, and a rise in his popularity in the polls.  As I said, Trump looks to me as he may be an, "antihero underdog", deliberately manufactured by the global-elite WEF conspiracy.  Not only does this conspiracy use AI, it also uses expert behavioural psychologists, political scientists and military tacticians.  They know what they are doing.  And they, being mainly psychopaths, know how to manipulate.  As some Dem recently said, (para), "These MAGA Republicans don;t like being told what to do.  They must be broken!"  So, they know the psychology.

15- "MAGA" - another manufactured-sounding term - was the ultimate boogie-man for Dems to target and attack.  It brought in millions of dollars of campaign money for them.  And Biden's insane little demon-matador speech, which was clearly manufactured from on high, was built entirely around attacking MAGA.  (Subsequently, Biden, etc, retracted and then repeated and then retracted the whole attack on MAGA, as presented in that speech, but this is a political tactic which I shall discuss later).  After seeing the construction of the Russiagate campaign, and so on, this all seemed a little too coincidental for my palate.

16- On January 6th, Trump made a speech which he probably knew would be used as fodder for extensive attacks by Dems.  He never actually threatened violence, in the speech, however.  Recall the FBI's letter, saying, the laptop issue, "Showed all the signs of Russian disinformation" - only to deny that they ever SAID it was ACTUALLY Russian disinformation?  This is because they know what they are doing.  ("It depends on what the definition of 'is' is").  Scurrilous lawyers that they are, they write their proclamations out with the intention of attaining plausible deniability down the road.  And, when something somewhat fudged, like this, issues from the mouth of some revered political icon, his or her base almost always gives him or her the benefit of the doubt, because, "He means well!" The Dems are notorious at forgiving their criminals. Pathological, in fact.

17- Trump has now jumped aboard the strategic anti-trans bandwagon.

18- Back to January 6...  Trump never proceeded from his podium, at the rally, to the Capital, where he could have tried to call off the so-called insurrection - and "insurrection" which was actually a false-flag SET-UP by the DeepState.  Well, wasn't that convenient?  Then came the report that Trump tried to ATTACK the driver of his car, who was taking him away from the rally.  Although this was poved to be a LIE, the January 6 commission never admitted evidence that it was a lie.  And, if and because it was a lie - which is WAS - then why did not Trump ever speak out about it?  Because it was part of the construction - just like the diversionary bomm at the capital office building.

19- Alex Jones, at the rally, had been told that a stage awaited him, near the capital.  However, when Jones did go to speak there, he found that no stage existed.  That was because the intention was not to have Jones speak, but to have Jones move to the Capital, and become, if not involved in, blamed for, the actual so-called riot at the  Capitol.  This grand bait-and-switch supports #18 - that the whole thing was a contrived construction, and a trap.  And it does look suspect that Trump was aware of this.  Alex Jones, btw, does support Donald Trump, above DeSantis, etc.  However, Trump does not take Jone's phone calls.  Now, why would that be?  Can you say, "guilty!" - but not guilty of crimes reported.

20- Was the outrage over the rigging of the 2020 election actually genuine?  Or was this another staged event?  What ever happened to Sidney Powell?  And how can Dominion proceed with it's BILLION-dollar lawsuit against her, or Giuliani, or whomever - when it's corruptions continue to be revealed?  (Alex Jones was also hit by a BILLION-dollar law suit, which was a show-trial slap-suit).  All for appearances.  To move the public and scare away dissenters.  To make a big noise.  Because of why?  Because of GUILT.  So, anyway, what has really ever been done about the vast, OBVIOUS CORRUPTION in national elections?  Other than a few states - nothing.

Don't worry. DeSantis may be just as untrustworthy. There are only a few potential presidential candidates who are trustworthy. RFK Jr., and Rand Paul are the top two. More later.

presidents - trump donald trump

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