Mar 27, 2023 07:01

Recently, a massive solar CME shot out, from the sun into space, just missing us.  If it had consumed this planet, electricity, computers and internet would have gone over much of the planet - the side facing the sun.  We have not experienced anything so powerful since, at least, 1859, the Carrington Event.

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This solar attack would essentially be equivalent to a gigantic Electromagnetic Pulse, (EMP).  (Crazy countries dream of detonating nuclear weapons over the territory of other nations, producing EMPs which would then short of the electronics of that country, within the kill zone).  Such an attack would destroy civilisation as we know it.  Sending us back to using stones as computers.

But the sun has been up to other weirdness, lately.  There was a giant "hole" in the sun.  A huge vortex very recently formed around one of the sun's poles.  And, a few days ago, the Earth was hit unexpectedly by the worst CME (coronal mass ejection) solar storm in 6 years, producing aurorae as far south as Arizona.

Northern lights spotted in Arizona AZ

This is a LJ series centering around the current erratic madness of the sun, aka, God in various unscientific cultures, (who would fare better in the aforementioned scenario).  However, no sun is an island.  Our sun operates in relation to the rest of the galaxy, (and universe - and - even - alternate universes!?).  Likewise, what happens here on Earth is not completely endogenous - some of it also rises via relation to the sun.  For example, plate tectonics, earthquakes and climate.

Not only does the Earth go through a tangled web of various inter-playing cycles, affecting climate and geology, it - with the sun and everybody else - goes through a cycle in relation to the galaxy.  We are currently passing through the massive photonic cloud.  And this is affecting life on Earth, largely via the sun - but who can tease out all the connexions?...

Most believe that global warming is caused by increased atmospheric carbon dioxide from industry, but it is probably also caused by these incalculable factors affecting the entire solar system, which is also warming.  And, maybe our increased industry is, itself, generated by what happens elsewhere than Earth.  Untangling this cause from that cause, therefore, is really pretty much impossible.

In the big picture, there really isn't such a thing as cause - as there really isn't such a thing a billiard-ball atoms or particles.  There is only wavelike relationship, some of it even superluminal.  So, poor old correlation finally has it's day in the sun.  (Although a pretty simple idea, the implications, in science, psychology, etc., are earth-shattering).  There is no cause.  Only correlation.

The solar system does not just go through regular cycles, it also gets hit by cyclical, random and final catastrophes. Some of these may occur via some sort of harmonic alignment of various, larger relational cycles.  And/or, some of these might occur completely randomly.  Again, weeding out one from the other is ultimately impossible.

But, the fact is, cycles or not, everything comes to an end - or a change so large that it might as well be considered an end.  And that is what ongoing changes in the solar system, as indicated by solar activity, suggest may be in store.  Something Big.

Prophesies do point to something big occurring, soon, or within the next century or so.  And science can tell us how various end-times scenaria might play out.  Maybe a great cataclysm shall hit from the sun.  Or, maybe a giant asteroid might decide to become a meteor.  Maybe the Earth's innards will spill out and choke us all with hot gasses.  But, in any case, the sun will be involved, somehow, you can take that to the bank.

And, some years ago, I concluded that increases of solar inflictions, climate change, increased tectonic and volcanic activity are often correlated with increased pumellings from meteors - which seems like a very odd correlation to make.  But, I do believe it is true.  And it all comes down to where we are situated in the galaxy.  And even the galaxy has its moods.  Think of galaxies as similar to neurons, in a way.  Sometimes, stings of galaxies might become more excited, sometimes less, as waves of cosmic rays, waves or entangled consciousness pass through them.  Maybe, maybe not.  Far be it from me.

What, of significance, has been happening on Earth has been a weakening and disorientation of the planet's (electro-)magnetic field system, which is very probably correlated to changes in the sun, (and galaxy). In addition, the planets inner core is no longer spinning faster than the rest of the planet, but is now spinning slower.  (The media reports this as a "stopping" of the core's spin, but this is incorrect).

Such massive alterations could lead not simply to increased geothermal activities, but to an actual shift in the Earth's true north and south poles - (not just the north and south magnetic poles).  Which has, like Yellowstone eruptions, happened many times before in the past.

This is the great, planetary reorientation.  So, of course it would also be reflected in the ridiculous politics of tiny human beings, as well.  And, since we are indetachable from Nature, and the planet's past, and ongoing momentums, we also have it in our nature to sense the deep patterns - a history - behind such a reorientation.  This is one reason why we have evolved prophesies, the Mayan (Olmec) Calendar, mythology, and even science itself.

Another reason is that we probably extend back way beyond 12,000 years ago, into lost civilizations, and so we do have some memory of such events and patterns hitting us in the past, both recorded and in our collective subconscious.  (Of course, both streams are interconnected).

We are also antennae of the fluxes of universal consciousness, and/or random energies.

And it is also hypothetical that external, conscious agents do influence or guide us, and some may even fight us.  Such as, angels, demons, aliens, and all that crap.

One of the prophets of impending doom was Edgar Cayce.  Many of his past predictions were proved correct.  Others were incorrect.  But, he derived his visions from some kind of library of consciousness existing at a deeper level in the universe.  Some would like to imagine this as the Matrix, which is controlled by some intelligent uber-soul.  But, it could just as well be one big happy accident.  Parsimony.  Okham's razor.  Fitting as much meaning as tightly together throughout time as space as possible: The Origami Universe.

You can think of this as the wisdom hiding within a chrysalis or seed.

Anyway, Cayce was one of the prophets who predicted dire events, such as global flooding, quakes, and tsunamis of "unprecedented" magnitude.  (I will be doing a Casey post sooner or later, apart from this solar series).  Because of his predictions - and those of others - even the CIA took seriously the high possibility of coming gigantic earth changes.  I don't know if aliens have been involved, but this may be a big reason why the CIA has been acting so weird for over half a century.  And it may be why this agencies weirdness has dovetailed so well with the depopulation agenda of the WEF, and other involved actors.

But that remains to be discussed further on.

So, this is a series about the sun - but also how the sun acts as a gauge - an oracle - of other changes on Earth, and beyond.  Needless to say, solar activity might be a very big part of any direct cataclysm in Earth's future.  For example, via a solar storm CME, solar radiation during a weakened terrestrial magnetic field, or a sudden heating and expansion of the sun.  But, isn't it just enough to stare at the sun and think, "Golly, that could be a sign!"?

Before really proceeding with this series, I am going to post various links below, related to the Sun, overlord of the puny planets.  These links were accumulated a few years ago.  A lot from like 2014-2017.  I am dropping them off here, mainly for future-research purposes - AND - in case your present curiosity might want to explore one or two of them.

I am not posting them as being critical to this series per se, although many might be quite relevant.  OK?  So, either ignore them, or scan them to see of you are interested in clicking any of them.  That's all for now.  Almost time to give dog his morning fish-water.

SOLAR storms / EMP / etc.

NASA reveals solar storms can cause 'miniature lightning strikes' | Daily Mail Online

New Zealand whales: Hundreds more stranded at Farewell Spit - BBC News

Executive Order to Prepare Nation for Space Weather Events | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

Are Solar Storms Causing Mysterious Sea Animal Beachings?

Super solar storm could leave Western nations without power 'for months' - report - RT News

Hope for end to New Zealand whale strandings after 350 die | World news | The Guardian

Mass Stranding: Hundreds of Pilot Whales Returned to the Water

New Zealand whales: Hundreds refloat on high tide at Farewell Spit - BBC News

NASA reveals solar storms can cause 'miniature lightning strikes' | Daily Mail Online

Cosmic particles freeze computers and change elections | Daily Mail Online

Massive solar storm would destroy global economy

Deadly Stars: Our Sun Could Also Be Superflare Star

Alien Particles from Outer Space Are Wreaking Low-Grade Havoc on Personal Electronic Devices

Rogue cosmic rays from outer space are causing havoc with our smartphones

Major Solar Storm Prep Subject of New Discovery Channel Special | Exclusive Clip


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