The Octopus.

Mar 09, 2023 19:28

Decades ago, a friend talked about how there was a global sex trafficking network going on for the rich, celebrities, bankers, politicians, etc.  I thought that was bizarre, yet possible.  If it was true, to such an extent, I basically thought of it as one of those weird things in the world.  I didn't see it as part of a bigger picture.  Well, now I do, and it is bigger than ever.  Of curse, you know about Epstein and Weinstein, and the suspicious suicidings associated with them, such as those of Anne Hesche and, um, Jeffrey Epstein.  Epstein flew Clintons on his planes, to his island, countless times, but the press only targetted Trump, who essentially met Epstein and refused him.  Epstein and Gates wee best buddies, with a mutual interest in repopulating the planet with weirdos, or something.  In fact, it was most likely Gates or Clintons who sent Epstein to that great vomitorium in the sky.  Interestingly, I have a hypothesis that these two parties - Gates and Clintons - have been in charge of attacks on the global energy and food infrastructure.  What is the connexion there, I wonder?

The big picture is that the big banks mainly oversee child / sex trafficking networks, although its also a mess of various other criminal cabals.  The banks - not all of them - have also been found to be involved in other crimes, including gun trafficking - see Welles Fargo cases.  I think the latter keeps getting caught because it is not Chase, BOA, or City Bank.  (It tends to have Western, conservative patrons).  Why would the banks need to be involved in these things.  The answer is very simple.  Banks, if they want to keep expanding, are inevitably criminal.  Actually, I think I'll save this topic for a later, o_c_c_u_p_y type post.  Pretty interesting, though.

The other part of the big picture is that, not only are the banks and financial companies in charge of everything else on Earth, sex crimes are used against entrapped people in order to make them do things they would not otherwise do, such as vote for criminal legislation, or usher in depopulation vaccines.  If some manipulator knows that some stooge has a record of pedophile, homosexual, sex-trade, etc., crimes, then the manipulator coerces that person to work for him or her.  And so the whole network grows into a giant, authoritarian regime.  Satanic, indeed,  So, child / sex trafficking is actually behind a whole lot of shit that is going on in politics, etc., these days.  The tentacles are everywhere.

So, you can find past posts by going to my Epstein, Weinstein, Hollywood, etc., tags.  Anne Hesche is in there somewhere.  I also plan on doing a post on the depravity and Satanism going on amongst the corrupted elites these days.  And, I plan on doing a post on the rigged 2022 election, mostly concerning Arizona.

I came upon this, concerning the illicit new governor of Arizona, and the sex trafficking problem that hides down there.  Why was she brought into power, in the first place.  Probably to support more illegal immigration, and companies doing bad business with China, and so on, same old same old.  Anyway, I noticed the video mention some weirdness concerning Kamala Harris and sex trafficking.  So, I did a search or two, and was reminded that Kamala Harris has had an odd history related to sex and sex trafficking and sex assault and sex this and sex that.  So, maybe she was brought into power not only because she would be the first black female VP, but so she could further enable the vast corrupt sex crimes network of the rich and infamous.  You never hear much about Kamala Harris lately.  Oh, but that Gavin Newsom.

This led me to pull up some other stories and videos I already had "on file" for you, as well as new stories.  So, after the video of which I spoke above, I will post all these links below.  Some of them are pretty interesting but pretty sad.

Katie Hobbs Removes CPS Director Who Was Fighting Child Trafficking

The Real Significance Of Kamala Harris' Shift On Sex Work | HuffPost Latest News

Kamala Harris Spreads Misinformation on Human Trafficking

Kamala Harris took money from firm behind Jeffrey Epstein plea deal

Kamala Harris responds to alleged sex assault at her husband's law firm

Allegations of 'Sexcapades' Levied Against Kamala Harris by Jacob Wohl, Jack Burkman Fall Flat

Largest Sex Trafficking Ring in Western US Busted - Children Openly Sold "In Plain Sight"

Sex Trafficking in America (full documentary) | FRONTLINE - YouTube

sex trafficking at the border - Qwant Search

‘Wasn’t A Boy’: Mother Testifies That Child Was Sex Trafficked After State Removed Her From Home Over ‘Misgendering’ | The Daily Caller

US Virgin Islands Attorney General Fired After Suing JP Morgan Over Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Scandal As Joe Biden Vacations In The USVI

Exposing Jeffrey Epstein's international sex trafficking ring | 60 Minutes Australia - YouTube

Secret Sex Parties of the Mega-Rich | Informer - YouTube

Fauci Paid $453K to Make Primates Transgender

Michael Jackson's maid reveals sordid Neverland secrets | 60 Minutes Australia - YouTube

Children for Sale: Texas' Trafficked Kids | Unreported World - YouTube

Call for a ban on child sex robots - BBC News

child sex trafficking - Qwant Search

Sex trafficking sting operation in Arizona during Super Bowl leads to ...

The efforts to crack down on sex trafficking in Arizona ahead of Super ...

Mother Teresa's Charity Under Investigation for Selling Babies of Unmarried Women

Epstein Files Unsealed? List Loose Online? NOPE!!! | Reality Rants With Jason Bermas

The Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein connection goes deeper, as both shared interests in eugenics -

Death of Clinton aide tied to Jeffrey Epstein ruled suicide

harris - kamala, epstein - jeffrey, elitist nonsense, sex - sex trafficking, clinton crimes / clinton body count, weinstein - harvey, ++, states - arizona, pedophilia

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