Theory: Joe Biden RIPs a Big One.

Mar 05, 2023 17:41

Have you ever looked at a pic or video of Joe Biden, and thought to yourself, "That doesn't completely look like Joe Biden, as in years of yore.  It looks more like a mouse-man alien from, 'Mars Attacks.'"  And, so, it does.  Because, while Joe Biden may only be controlled by aliens, it actually IS possible that he really isn't Joe Biden.

There is a conspiracy theory that says that Joe Biden has actually been dead since 2018.  And I am thinking of believing it.  Because, even if it isn't true, it's still true.  I mean the man can hardly talk.

Once, Joe Biden's true granddaughter, one of the many spawn of Hunter Biden, declared that her father had actually died, "four years ago."  Since she said this in Sept., 2022, that would place his mysterious death at around 2018, before the election.  Of course, lots of marginal celebs like to try to tease the public's mind, and see what outlandish rumours they can sail, out amongst the unwashed throng.

And, being the daughter of Hunter Biden, and also a lawyer, there is a little question regarding her credibility.

But, according to her, her family was so invested in Joe's great rise to power, that they didn't want to lose the presidency, so they propped up Joe's almost-identical twin, Beau, to supplant him.  Naomi Biden said that her family was very happy with how this all turned out, and she likes her posh WDC apartment very much.

*click pic*

Now, most of you are saying to yourselves, "There is no way that this can be true."  But I don't always think like that.  I am hypothesizing, (which apparently gets a lot of people thrown in jail, these days).  I am not saying the claim is true, I am not saying that it is false.  There are countless people who will present arguments as to why it cannot be true.  What I am saying, is, "Pretend that it actually is true, and let's see where that might take us!"  In fact, if Biden were dead, it would explain a lot of things.

Here's one guy who took Naomi's declaration at face value...

If Joe Biden were actually dead since 2018, it would explain why he keeps telling stories that are complete fabrications - or maybe they are true stories, from evil twin, Beau Biden's own life!

Joe Biden being dead would also explain why the guy taking his place apparently knows nothing about government.  He signs whatever executive orders he is handed.  He talks about how his handlers won't let him do this or that.  He keeps changing his mind, walking things back, contradicting himself.  And, he still goes around smelling children's hair, despite the damage that could do him politically...  eh...

And what kind of fool would leave the border open for years and insist that it was closed?

And why does he keep leaving on vacations?  More drugs?  Baby blood?  Or mere tutelage?  Has he even read the Constitution?

Is this why he stayed in his basement through most of the 2018 campaign?  Was he actually dead?  And, instead, they were training Beau to be his stand-in?

And he has no fear of being convicted of the pre-2018 crimes of the real Joe Biden, because he could say, "Yeah, but that wasn't me!"  He could escape responsibility for his own crimes, by saying, "Yeah, but I'm not the president anyway!"  Just like the House of Representatives, which oversaw the tally of electoral results, illegally, because they didn't have a quorum.  When it is ever discovered that there had been widespread corruption, including in that count, they can just say, "What count?  It didn't really happen, because there wasn't a quorum anyway!"

Remember, "This has all the earmarks of Russian collusion"?  Now, interpreted to mean, "we would never have suggested Russian collusion in any way!"

Can't convict someone of a crime if they did not commit the crime technically...

Is this why the fake Joe Biden keeps referring to his son, Beau, who apparently never really died, in his own mind?

And which one of them actually raped the daughter in the shower?

And to what name are the checks made out?

Was he actually born in Kenya?

Did he actually say, "I want Fweedom!" at a civil rights march?  With Nelson Mandela?  And WMDs?

Is this why the number of grandchildren he gives, and the number his wife gives, are both different - and both wrong?

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Woe, that was like magic!  Maybe because he's already dead!  Maybe - maybe - maybe the whitehouse background is just a TV set, even!

Now, in all seriousness, I don't think this claim is true, but - you know what?  Crazier things have happened.  And by that I mean global mass genocide by consent.  Or people sending in tax money to have their food and energy supplies destroyed.  Or to support a war threatening the planet with multiple waves of nuclear devastation.  And then take their eyes of NordStream to stare at large Chinese lanterns being shot down at half a million a crack.

We all know that the WEF and its affiliates will spare no expense in reaching their ends, as they not only have no shame, but are fueled by shamelessness.  So, if Joe Biden ever actually did die, I have no doubt that the WEF, Inc., would not be at all shy in installing a Manchurian Joe Biden with which to replace the corpse Joe Biden, because that is the sort of stuff they do.  They capture and own politicians.  They make promises but dole out destruction.  They invoke coups whenever and wherever they can.  And they like creating transhumanist monsters.

Mars Attacks!

So, if he did die, then the scenario of him being replaced by a twin - all evidence now having been erased on the web - is actually plausible, theoretically.  replacing him with Jim Carey, not so much?  Mariah Carey, even less so.  The actual winner of the 2020 election, virtually zero.

There's also the whole lampshade theory, but we'll save that one for later.

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dead politicians, bb - conspiracy theories, funny - politics, lies / lying / liar liars, biden - joe biden

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