
Feb 27, 2023 04:37

Thinking twice about giving dog a little turkey bone later this morning, as he is currently milling about with the smell.

It is thundering nicely outside.  One warmish day and we'll be headed back into the cold again.  Headed inna, headed inna, headed inna...

Narcissist next door finished installing porch light, following my fixing of the moonish "street lamp" here,and my allowing the front porch to be out for a while,  just as he followed my window work with installations of new windows.  I am sure he will think I am now reacting to him when I put a porch light back in.  Since the bulb will be arriving in the mail today or tomorrow.

Brain cramps.

I believe I should work on the, "recovering from COVID/Injections," compilation today - post that, and email it to some people I have left in Limbo, Limbo.  Walmart order arrives today.  And must attend to necessary tedium, now that it's a business day again.
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