Laughing! (Part One).

Feb 20, 2023 04:09

Oy.  My brain is a cheese press. Wheying heavy on me.  Dog insisted on getting up early, so I had to comply, instead of working through this.  All day, that dog gives me almost no time to rest.  Can't imagine what it will be like when I also have radiation sickness.

Barack O'Bama once said of his friend and incompidante, "Never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up."  And so we elected the guy president, of course.  And, I have found that truism to be very true.  Either his handlers fuck things up, or they don't and he steps in to fuck things up for them.  Or he manages not to fuck up and his handlers step in and switch that back to fucking things up.  They put out contradictory statements, they walk back, they make things more entangled every time they open their mouths.  It's a complete mess.  And no one, by now, can deny that the country has been in a tail-spin, both intentionally and not.  How can Joe fail when he's backed by admitted destructionists like Soros, Antifa, BLM, revolutionaries, WEF, China, Obama..  I mean, what does anyone expect?  The success of his office will have been that we never nuked ourselves back to the Stone Age, if we even succeed at that.

I love you Joe, but you gotta go!  Come on, man!  Jack!   Shlebeheghheh...  Soft hair...

I need to rest.  The plan was to give the dog a walk this morning...

biden - joe biden

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