Feb 04, 2023 23:30

I am thinking Biden might have known about the balloon event at least a week before it happened.  Why?  No military response.  Which means they were told to step down.  And Biden would not have done that unless it had been planned out ahead of time.

Earlier, I conjectured that someone had deliberately set Biden up with the documents scandal, because he was failing to do something they wanted him to do.  Like send those tanks to Ukraine, thus escalating the war - a war with past links to the whole, corrupt vaccine conspiracy and its politicians.  Now, Biden is doomed not to have a second term in office.

Both of these incidents harmed Biden.  And whom did they help?  Donald Trump.  Trump was ready with a polished little speech, declaring how hard he would be on China, again, if he got into office, again.  Has he been aided by the depopulation conspiracy?  Because he has yet to come out screaming about how lethal are the vaccines.  And that's just not like him.  Seeing his reticence as a pride thing no longer holds water, imo, because too much time has gone by.  There are a few other little reasons why Trump raises suspicions.

Was he promised the presidency if he agreed to keep the vaccines going, or at least not work against them?  And what's so important about the date, May 11, (or was it 12)?  What other issue or emergency do they expect to arise before then, to draw away attention, or even keep the vaccines going, maybe into higher gear?  Will we be at war with either Russia and/or China?

Whoever thought sending a balloon over the USA, including Xi, was a good idea was certainly part of the vaccine conspiracy, i.e., the whole, woke "great reset" conspiracy.  Trying to prod us towards war, which they badly want.  It is possible that Biden didn't shoot it down, until it was almost out of the country, acted so precisely in defiance of their insistence on war.  Getting him in trouble with them again.

All the mainstream media has been chirping about the, "Chinese Spy Balloon," in unison, as this seems to be the talking meme.  As if they were happy and excited about it.  They are schills.  But this balloon was not spying.  It was a weapon, portending an EMP destruction of the electrical grid.  Not that Xi had any intention of detonating it.  He both wanted to show force and probably prod Biden towards war.  Biden knew what it was, which was a good reason to have it sunk in water, where no one can find out that it actually is a weapon.

I have been saying, forever, that China plans to invade.  If it has the chance, it will bring in shipping containers full of weapons and troops, park them in their plots of land here, and in Mexico, etc., and unleash an attack that will move up the NAFTA highway, as well as come down from Canada, especially near Seattle.  So, this was also a dry run for knocking out the power grid, to facilitate that movement.  Bill Gates and friends have a piece of land near Winnipeg which looks like it is full of detention camps.  If that's what they are, they might be used for war, or for the next planned pandemic.

Being at 80,000 feet places such weapons out of the range of jets, but under the magnetic field which would otherwise block any EMP. The USA has not managed to produce such weapons. And Xi goes, "neener neener." But the balloon did stoop down to 60,000 feet, near the end of its journey, thus inviting jets to shoot it down, perhaps to save Biden a little of his two faces.

I wonder how Americans feel, when someone invades their property?  I wonder if the narcissist next door sat at his TV and saw the similarity to what he has been doing here for the past year+.

US military shoots down Chinese spy balloon over Atlantic Ocean

Oh, I forgot to mention: This incident was fortunate for Biden, in that it diverted attention away from his documents scandal for a day.

countries - china, weapons of mass destruction(idk)/wmd, war * / wars / war and peace, biden - joe biden

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