Jan 25, 2023 12:41

A flip of the Material Dialectic:

Why do people steal things?  Things like property.  Jewelry on the dead.  Toys.

They do it because morality has held them back from being bad, but they still have the survival instinct to take and eat.  And so they squirm about in their seats, with resentment that someone owns something they do not.  They feel like they are in a prison.  And, sometimes, they sneak out, and steal something.

We all know how capitalism works, basically.  The more people want something, the more its price goes up, especially if there isn;t a lot to go around.  The monetary price goes up because it follows the general rise in evaluation, a form of observation.  It is the valuing by other people that makes it valuable, and so expensive.

People who feel trapped in a moral prison, to whatever degree, envy what other people have.  They are jealous of other people.  If they see someone minding their business on their own property, they will find a way to seethe about it, and then possibly trespass later, vandalizing or stealing ornaments, etc.  Not stopping at that, if they feel they are getting away with it, they will eventually try to command - take - that property, illegally but sometimes legally.  All because of the jealousy they held over how someone else was using it.

Ownership means having the ability to choose how to use some property.  The taker was not so much jealous of how the owner used the property, but moreso of his or her freedom.  Of his or her free evaluations, rather than of his or her use.

The more one feels trapped in a moral prison, the more that person tends to value not things as they are, for practical uses, but things as they are valued by other, less imprisoned people.  And this attitude can grow into an obsession or addiction, moving in a direction of violence and abuse, being less and less about kleptomania and more and more about abusing resented people.  The narcissist usually gets to the mind-frame where they ask themselves, "Why take things, when you can take credit?"

So, there is this whole world where narcissists tussle with each other, and innocent victims, trying to steal credit away from each other.  Gossipping, lying, manipulating, undermining, controlling, and so on.  Similar to moving away from a gold standard, which tends to match things for their their practical functionality, and moving into a fiat and credit standard, where money is made in order to make more money, this game becomes a vain end in itself.  A social addiction.

Inevitably, when capitalism moves from a sensibly managed credit system to one of unrestrained credit, or free money (at the top), capitalism becomes a Ponzi scheme.  Unless it begins to take physical land, this Ponzi scheme eventually results in it eating itself alive, which usually involves some genocidal activity.

Similarly, at some point, psychopaths ask themselves, "Why just take credit?  Why just take things - when you can actually take lives?"

So, you see, the pathology finally goes after the original Holy Grail, of life itself.  And, consistently, the urge to take lives, instead of things, is - by now - an irresistible obsession or addiction.  An addiction commonly found in such psychopaths as Bill Gates, and that whole gang.

Just as society afford some ease in employing destructive tactics in taking things - you know, dog-eat-dog market competition - money itself afford easier and easier choice in taking things, credit and lives, the more money is made.  Therefore, many psychopaths have a field day spending their money on destroying as many people as they can get away with.  What else do they have to excite them, when they can do whatever else they want?  They have all the cars and houses they need.  They have all the positions on Boards and so on.  They rarely meet anyone who doesn't kiss their ass.  And sex is cheaper than water.  What is left but to transfer their ever-intensifying moral prison onto entire groups of people, locking them all up in the final prison of Death?

Because the feeling of not having control is early associated with the fear of mortality.  That comes with the survival instinct.  But when people turn this into a pathology, breaking through social norms, and placing their ends before others means - their wants before others needs - then it becomes an obsession to control, and ultimately kill.  It is a manifestation of the same instinct that clicks in a dog who is playing with a rabbit.  As soon as the rabbit starts to run, the dog sees it as prey, captures it, and eats it.  But we all know that this is not the law of all dogs all the time.  So neither is the mean world view the rule of civilisation.  Instead, like inflation or corruption, it destroys civilisation.

And there are people amongst us who feel born to serve this destructive law, or "Satan."  They easily rise to positions of power or control, because we assume that they mean well, just as we assume that when we walk into our house, it will be warm or cool, as needed, against bad weather.  We do not imagine that that little twinge of jealousy we once knew as a child might be, in some people, developed into a complete art-form, using every higher neuron and technology and dollar at its disposal.  We can't imagine that anyone could get a thrill out of trying to depopulate the planet.  But, remember, for these crazies, their is already a prison planet.

They have grown up in the habit of blaming you and me for their personal issues.  And so they blame you and me for global warming, and everything else.  As they fly their countless private jets to all-important conferences, where all the psychopaths are in agreement about these things.  And they use platitudes to sell their evil attacks to us, telling us it will be better for everyone if the planet is cooled down, if the virus is extinguished, if Putin is defeated.  But, again, this is the way of psychopaths.  They are experts at lying and manipulation.

We are now in WORLD WAR THREE.  I hope you know.  Worse than anything that has ever happened to humanity at any other point in history.  And, just as in world wars - and ideological revolutions - in the past, it is involving mass genocide.  This is really happening.

In so much as there is true evil in this world, there is true good.

In so much as there is Satan, there is God.

More later.

sociology - mass psychosis, ++, s- 'satanism' (2023 series), sociology - mass sociopathy

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