All the world's a stooge.

Jan 21, 2023 05:21

Suddenly, the meaningful people on the left are wigging out.  All at once.  There is Al Gore going crazy in a rant in front of the WEF in Davos, the USA-president-selection conference.  Making him sound just like Gary McNamara, right-wing talk show host on Red-Eye Radio.  Because he has to prove that he is not an old Hostess Ho-Ho moping around and getting old.  Rather, he is just the right thing to rouse the people into voting for more criminal intoxications by Schwab, Soros and Gates.  Can someone tell me, now that this is actually WW3, why it is Germans, every time?  From Hitler to mad-hatter Bond villains, stroking their GMO puppies?  It's always Germans.

("Vwee vwill own your lant unt you wvill eat zee bugs and you vwill sank us for exterrminating you...")

And having his Howard Dean, career-killing moment,

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I was once a big Al Gore supporter, meeting him in person, and advocating he run for president.  As much as I still have deep environmental concerns, I don't support him now.  He is just another corrupt, pandering politician, flying his private jet around, preaching like Bill Gates, making $2 million a month from his crusade, and now putting on a phony show for selfish, political purposes.  When I hear him shout about climate refugees, who have in fact been deliberate illegal imports by Soros, UN NGOs and the Biden administration, meant to destabilise the country and gain votes for Dems, I am soured and chagrined.  By the artifice.  At this moment in history, appealing to the very group who has deliberately supported a devastating depopulation agenda?  And deliberately favours the expansion and empowerment of China over everyone else?  No thank you!

And, yes, get people riled up so we can see yet more VIOLENCE, PROPERTY DAMAGE and DEATH.

He even gives a little Bill Gates chuckle.  Incorrectly, though, because Bill Gates normally does that when he is saying how amazing it will be when people are dying.

The oceans are not, "boiling".

Europe has set itself up for emasculation by Russia.

Pipelines and power plants are being blown up.

Electric cars are for the remaining rich, and would only further damage the environment if mass produced.

600,000 Hiroshima bombs?!

And so on.  Stop shouting!  It's just more of the same BSing.  Davos is a scam.  Here is Tucker Carlson remarking on how the whole thing reminds him of CNN fake newsers.

Greta Thunberg was once scripted to exclaim, "How dare you!  Taking away our opportunities!" Now she is one of them.  Here is Thunberg staging herself being arrested - a fake news publicity stunt.  Posing with police for a photo-op.

Greta Thunberg avoids questions from reporters.

Klaus Schwab avoids questions from reporters.

Pfizer CEO avoids questions from reporters.

I am pleased, though, at how this WEF summit is actaully being given mention in the media, especially by main-stream right-wing talkers.  Also being mentioned is the fact that the vaccines are killing people!

Here is the aforementioned Gary McNamara and Eric Hurley (1hr 48m). (see all recent)

Here is the guest host of the Chris Plante Show (only 27m). (see all recent)  (Apple podcasts have been truncating and ripping up various un-PC podcasts).

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is losing control of his administration, becoming mired in the hidden documents scandal.  Why now?  Because the election is over, and they are choosing candidates for the 2024 elections.  You might have noticed that people, like CNN and JMP, having been 'accidentally' calling Kamela, "President Harris."  And you've got Gore, and Kerry and Kent and Newsom and others, all pitching their viability at Davos.

Kerry recently glowed about the amazingness of, "we select people," all magically saving the world, "almost like we are aliens!"  In their expensive, polluting UFOs...  And pointy heads...  And rich wives...

Wigging out!  And, let me tell you, he snagged the whole "touched" and "ET" from stuff that was on Alex Jones only 3-5 days earlier.  This is what they do.  I have firmly concluded that they monitor right-wing talk radio, etc., and then steal the ideas, the memes, & the thunder for their own purposes.  I am somewhat surprised at how the right seldom catches this.

Anyway - I might add to this post, later.  Right now, I have to focus on my dog...

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hypocrisy - left-wing hypocrisy, schwab - klaus, hypocrisy / hypocrites, gore - al, bs - stupid fucking bullshit, elitist nonsense, stupidity / stupid people, nwo / wef / great reset, kerry - john, politics - democrats in denial, dean - howard, thunberg - greta

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