Jan 15, 2023 09:09

We know that when we peer towards the centre of the universe, we are looking into the distant past.  The  beginning of things.  Somehow, our very genesis exists back there, where we can see it right now.

What most of us miss is that when we look at anything, we also look (slightly) into the past.  It takes a little time for the light waves, i.e., photons, to reach us, (and vice versa).  Almost like there is a little Doppler effect to everything we see - a tiny wrinkle in time.

However, it isn't just appearances that have a millisecond delay - it's everything.  Everything with which we interact - is actually in the past.  Even most of our own bodies are in the past.  Only when you get to the centre of the pineal gland is there the Now.  Only there is there perfect modulation of all other times.  Or, at least, that's how it is supposed to be.

How do we see things now, which were actually then?  Obviously, those things were or are living in their own nows.  To us, if they are actually in the past, then how are they made now to us?  There seems to be some kind of bending going on.  Some kind of stretching of the truth.  Some kind of relativity theorising.  As we forever convert the rest of everything around us into our one time and place - our innertial frame of reference - which feels very now, and very here, and very absolute.

Our observation is converting things in the past into our unique perspective of a fully coherent, stable and lawful-throughout universe.  Seeing everything as stable and stationary, as we actually accelerate in space, approaching the speed of light.

By projecting our imagination of what is, onto everything else, we fold it all into our Now.  Meanwhile, things we are not-as-much paying attention to are pulling away from us, like entropy, back into their pasts, or into their own futures.  And this is how every entity in the universe conspires to perpetually create time.

When we look out upon the world, we project how we imagine that things shall unfold - our expectations, or laws, which are generally based on memory.  Up close, most things comply quite accordingly, and things work out swimmingly.  Sometimes there are glitches.  And then there is death, one day.

We not only observe all that was once in the past, relative to us, we impart to these things our version of their futures, since we actually impart to them our Now.  So, what is going on is a perpetual search for resonance between all actors or observers involved.

So, in us, the pineal gland has evolved as the main reflexion of this pervasive dynamic.  It not only peers into the past, it projects outwards the future.  In fact, the whole brain is mainly concerned with understanding and predicting how the future might or should unfold.  And all of this, the observations of both the past and the future, are balanced or mediated within the pineal, with its little light show going on.  We are like capacitators, except not with electrons, but with photons, the currency of electrons.

When we live a healthy, relaxed, creative and attentive life - including the arts of self-reflexion or self-examination - we are said to, "expand our consciousness."  I never liked that term, because it has no grounding in physics or even math.  You can say that anything is expanding, without also providing any context or measurement, and people with recognise that you are thinking magically.  "My feet are expanding!"

"Um, if that's what you want to believe...  But no, they're not..."

(The far left has gotten us into a plethora of quagmires with this sort of ungrounded magical thinking, followed by all the laws rolled out to enforce it, eck.  Just a rationalisation for narcissistic entitlement to more political and monetary power).

Instead of the term, "expanding consciousness," I use the term, "capacitation."  Capacitation means the increasing of the number of possible outcomes or alternatives, to a degree relative to the state - or energy-intake - of the system.  Capacitation is potentiation which is different to increasing power.  Increasing power flow-through in a system - as by increasing Adrenalin in the human body - may force alternatives to manifest, but it is effective mainly in the shorter-term than is system capacitation.

The USA decidedly helped win WW2 not so much because of its power.  Just before it entered the war, the USA had little interest in fighting, and had a small military infrastructure and arsenal, or investment.  However, it had vast economic potential, and social moralisation, which is what was then quickly converted into military power.  In other words, the USA was well-capacitated from the start.

In human health, better capicitation can involve mediation, yoga, contemplation, sleep, dreams, good diet, regular exercise, living in the flow, music, art, stress-management, and so on.  In humans, better capacitation involves minding and maximising the efficiency or attenuation of one's pineal gland, which involves the brain overall, and the body overall, and the environment overall, and the civilisation overall.  Finer attenuation of the pineal gland does not happen when one gets addicted to stress, or substitutes the glands own melatonin, or drinks all the time, and so on.

Disease also impairs capacitation.

To better capacitate the pineal gland - and consciousness in general - is to better modulate observation of all things (in the past) and the projection of potentiality to all things, which is ultimately the imparting of future/s.  This modulation is not only the ongoing string of consciousness and being of the Observer, it is also the process by which all beings, and their consciousnesses, are created.  Observation is, at the very least, a two-way street.

Projecting expectations, (which is actually a lame way of describing a more metaphysically dynamic process), is as much an integral part of observation as is the registering of things as they appear to be.  If not more-so.

Narcissists and psychopaths, (and some others), project their expectations on other people unfairly and unrealistically, requiring them to assert Control in order to validate the projections.  Insisting that their innertial frame of reference - their womb-state - is the only valid reality, these people become obsessed with extending their control, in order that others should agree, comply or die unto it.  In other words, their will is to Power, not to Capacitation.

These people are forever putting their own ends before other people's means, to the point where it almost seems that power is the only way of the world.  But, even in Evolution, the more foundational way of the world is through Capacitation.  This is why the Meek eventually win out, as the powerful always fall.  Power is always a short-term fix, because, opposite to capacitation, putting ends or expectations before means or potential is energy-expensive, and disruptive to the ongoing dynamic of sharing and creating time.

As there are basically two kinds of psychic energy, Capacitation and Power, or Yin and Yang, or matter and energy, etc., there are two kinds of Will: The will to see, versus the will to control.  The first is a spiritual or moralising will.  The second is an excitive and destructive will.  These are both separate and distinct forces, but also on criss-crossing continua, and both a little partly within the other, like the eyes in the Yin/Yang symbol.  And the eyes in his head...

In the Third Eye, the pineal gland, it is the first will that means to predominate, prevail or eminate.  The other will - the will not to capacity but to power - eminates from peripheral parts of the brain, body and environment, all of which are slightly in the past, and too far into difficult futures.  The will to power arises from things like habituated adrenal glands, to habituated sibling rivalries, to foreign addictive substances, toxins or pathogens.  But, as I said, as seperate as they are from each other, Yin and Yang are also paradoxically related.

Disruptive narcissists, who assume that the world is mean, and so that they must be mean to others, by imposing their own ends unfairly, habitually interfere with the ability of others to maximise their own personal capacitations.  If they hear you singing quietly in your apartment, they will shoot off guns, or bang on the walls, or whatever.  It doesn;t matter that they are forever waging loud leaf blowers, and mowers, and saws, and hammers, and car engines, and so on.  If they see you whistle, from a mile away, then their focus immediately turns towards getting that tune out of your head.  Am I right?  Yes, unfortunaely, I am.

To various degrees, narcissists and psychopaths, with their reactionary will to control, feel compelled to snuff out the liberty of other people - esp. people who do not profit them in obvious ways.  They are, after all, so distractable - by things they feel are controlling them, like caffeine, proxy sibling rivals, their own jealousy, hate, and so on.  They esteem themselves so highly that they must own the entire planet, but if they see someone they do not control, owning a breath of fresh air, then they feel affronted, and justified in attacking that person.  More the more free and independent - of their mean world view - then the more the person becomes a threat to them.

So, this crop of bastards basically exist in order to turn society, in general, backwards.  Into their past.  And they profit from that destruction. They use their power to try to STOP the free agent at any turn, since, in their zero-sum world, anything that person thinks or does will take something away from them. Like predatory corporations, they seek to destroy the potential, or capital, of smaller companies, so they may profit the more. This isn't too different to raping an entire landscape in order to grow and sell one crop, at the expense of all other plants and animals and, ultimately, the planet in general.

You can see how much of what I have been discussing resembles what the cabal of WEF players has been planning and doing, and how all the blame for the destruction of the planet goes to poorer people, who don't fly in private jets, and so on. But those poor, happy people, they must be stopped! And they may end up employing a nuclear war in their supposed end to save their planet.

Interesting that these know-it-alls are basically exploiting all the capacitation of intelligence and technology of creative minds in the past, or in their compartmentalised labs, acting as if it is they who are the great Creators. When they are actually just more narcissistic, controlling idiots. The will to power.

When disruptive narcissists rush in to knock other people off their games, and succeed, it is like someone opening Schrödinger's box. They collapse the world-line, and expose, usually, a dead cat. They are pathetically addicted to judging and blaming other people, (and undermining them), so to demoralise them enough that they look like nothing more than dead cats.

Their whole point is to destroy the very act of capacitation of others. They do this by copying those other people; stealing away credit; distracting; accusing; implying culpability; gossipping; "disproving" with fake science; buying out; isolating; poisoning; annoying; making ill - and even killing. Whatever they can get away with. The more they can get away with, the more of a thrill it becomes for them. Because they are still children tilting at monolithic parents, or what have you.

But, the more one is able to capacitate one's consciousness, then the more potential one can harbour, and so summon in emergencies. (Like WW2). Just like in Schrödinger's box - the cat wears a hat, the cat wears boots, the cat is a dog, the cat is president, the cat flies a spaceship - the cat remains an infinite number of possibilities, until the capacitator willfully decides the true, relevant state of the cat.

Freedom of thought. Freedom of speech. Freedom of action.

As opposed to being told one is nothing but a dead cat, since one has an open mind.

Having a whole society of such creative attenuators is like having a very robust, progressive quantum computer. Contrast that with the AI into which the Great Resetters are putting their power - where AI is basically just a collection of many overlaid pasts, which they then seek to impose upon everyone else.

When we attenuate, or fine-tune, our consciousness, as represented in the light show going on inside the pineal gland, we not only modulate the different times of our environment into the Now, without significant force, and we not only weigh cognitions more discretely, we also resonate more with the rest of the universe - which makes sense, right? With higher resolution of reality, we resonate at more relaxed, lower waves of frequency in time. The common denominator frequencies become stronger, more resiliant. The more we tune into discrete photons of light, the more we tune into deep gravity waves and cross-time entanglement.

I'll do a part two soon!...

ends before means, psychology - consciousness, physics - consciousness, all * consciousness, +++

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