
Jan 14, 2023 14:29

Well, forget about that latest hope I had about the CFS ending.  I was hit by a central brain attack not long after, and have been waylaid by fatigue, etc., since then.  I usually start my end-of-day decaf cocoa at about 5:pm (my time), but it is now only 3 and here I am, sitting with it now, basically saying the day is over.  Except for possible LJ posts and some videos.

Dog has been regular, until this afternoon.  I could just see it beginning.  So, I fed him a lesser dinner.  And we should go out for a walk, tomorrow morning, which might get him to poop, and put an end to this latest run, so to speak.  I can't keep to a 3 day schedule for him and his walks, when my CFS sometimes requires a full week of no activity for me.  Not easy, in many ways.

At least it is cold, and there is no mowing, competing neighbour, and even SNOW.  We are in the middle of January and there is no snow on the ground.  Possibly this is due to weather modification, and the plan is for massive food shortages in 2023.

An alternate-state sister said someone in this city wanted to get rid of a large dog kennel.  So I said yes.  I had been imagining installing something like that anyway, for a few reasons.  And, if I ever move, I can take it with me, and convert it into a tarped shack.  Where I will stay as I build my ark.  In your backyard.

Former LL sent me a card, to which I have yet to respond.  I referred her to this journal, since she is a voracious reader, and liked my letters, and I am no longer posting about how she pisses me off, not evicting crazy baldheaded guy, et al.  She said she misses me.  I can never figure out how such a phenomenon can even be possible.

Also, I sent a book to a friend in Denver, via Walmart.  It has been held up for a week at a Denver post office, "by request of the customer."  Who is the customer?  I don't think my personal info is even on the package.  I think she is the customer.  But I don't how she would have ended up asking the PO to hold on to it.  It makes no sense.  All I can think of is that the PO has policies against anti-vaccine messages on any packages, and so they brought in the FBI to investigate my friend.

(On the address line, and in the delivery info, I have printed, "c vax r lethal").

Or else there was just a snow storm or something and this is just one of those bullshit things.

The book was all about COVID bullshit kind of stuff.

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

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my dogs - king, my day, movies - 'forgetting sarah marshall', my cfs diary (2023)

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