The three prongs of evil:
1 - Deception. Lies. Misrepresentation. Bearing false witness. Projection / blame. False promises. False idols. False fears. Fiat currencies. False directions. Following the letter of the law. Competition for its own sake. False viruses.
2 - Control. Manipulation. Force. Coercion. Bribery. Peer pressure. Projection / blame. Intimidation. Setting up. Violence. Deprivation. Shadow-banning. Censorship. Purchase. Trespass. Covetting. Theft. Lockdowns. Tyranny. Rigged elections.
3 - Alliance with entropy. Or, with: chaos; deterioration; degradation; exhaustion; depletion; degeneration; impoverishment; inflation; crime; violence; war; addiction; revenge; punishmen; death; pathogens; pandemics; pandemonium; tribalism; imbalance; disharmony; dissonance; dissipation; dissolution; dystopia; disease; destruction; division; sadism; hate; fear; tyranny and/or collapse.
These three prongs seem to cover it all. Why do people deceive? To hide the fact that they are trying to control. Why do people control? Usually because a deep envy drives them to want to supplant the apparent power of others, ad infinitum. This insatiable desire paradoxically grows out of fear and inadequacy, though the controller may become king of the world.
From a background of skewed and obsession-based learning, the controller comes to love not true and productive reward, but all things associated with the opposite. Because he or she fears death, he or she becomes obsessed with, for example, wanting to depopulate the planet - killing everyone else.
In other words, the investments and attentions of these people all go into destructive entropy, not into constructive order. Normally, their agendae are cloaked in false promises, ideals, rhetoric, moralism, utopian ideologies, or other vain deceptions.
A society which greases the way up for such narcissists, psychopaths and paranoid obsessive-compulsives, while making opportunities less for honest players and workers, is a society investing in its own collapse. It becomes a society decided upon fundamentalism, pretending towards the good, but falling towards the evil.
... or do you say tongs?
Alliance with entropy.