Brave New Statement?

Jan 07, 2023 06:00

I've listened to both sides of the Republicans regarding the little uprising in the House.  Both sound like they have pretty good arguments.  And they are at it with each other.  This is  not a situation I have studied exhaustively.  But I have come to the feeling that it was manufactured, in order to divide the Republicans, and further distance the MAGA people in the public view.  The core five who rustled up the 20 Refusniks all had been fine with McCarthy in the past, had taken campaign money from McCarthy and had sought power or leverage positions in the House for themselves.  Most of the 20 were obscure, out-of-the blue Refusniks.  Making arguments that seemed a little suspect to me.*  And the prominent 5 saw their stance as looking good on future campaign ads.  I'm thinking.

Whenever something hyper absurd happens, these days, one has to think about whether it might be a contrived situation.  Something cooked up by the global cabalists, (with their endless supply of behavioural psychologists, AI, Intelligence, propaganda and manipulation tactics), to further divide and conquer the right.  Right on January 6th.  Chi-com and WEF associated McCarthy certainly was party to the scheme.  It is likely that Gaetz and a few others were, as well.  I would have to do some research on how likely that would have been.  Politicians are politicians, for the most part.  And some on the "freedom" right might simply have got there not so much because they believed their own campaign words but because they fashioned those words to get them into office.  Sadly.

Now, the GOP is cleanly upset and weakened.  No special agenda on the border, ethics, spending, etc., has been achieved.  McCarthy and RINOs and the Dems still have their corrupt power and money.  And MAGA looks like it has been defeated, once again.  The ways that corrupt global influencers decapitate nation states can be very subtle and clever.  Majorities need not be bought off or threatened into compliance.  All it takes is buying or installing a few bad apples, in strategic positions.  They already have Biden, Clintons, Schumer, Schift, Pelosi, McConnell and McCarthy.  They might have Gabbard and Sinema.  They might even have Trump and DeSantis, to some degree.  But all these chosen few then have to do is make rational power arguments that other politicians can appreciate, luring those more innocent people over to their sides.

And the American public is mainly similar to those other politicians who are naively but wilfully influenced over to the dark side.  They gobble up what looks (emotionally) rational to them, especially when it appears to support their already preformulated positions, ideologies, judgments, or wishes.

So, it is easy for most Americans to look on (possibly) contrived situations like this latest uprising, January 6, the Dem riots, some mass-shootings, the vaccines, power outages, inflation, etc., as just being accidents or normal emergencies, requiring mere logical or financial solutions.  Further, almost no Americans are capable of seeing just how corrupt or evil the bought-off politicians, or their controllers, actually are.  They're tendency to give seom degree of benefit of the doubt has been a time and intelligence-saving habit which has gotten them through the work-a-day world well enough.  So, they assume that other people are as innocuous as are they.  Which is why they still think of resistors to, e.g., the vaccines, or COVID, or the CCP, etc., as being nutso, conspiracy theorists, or the "domestic terrorists" that the propaganda machine tells them that they are.

So, one always has to keep an eye out for how we might actually be being played, again.  Also, it appears to me that we are being played more often than not, these days.  Evil billionaires, world dominatrices and revolutionary psychopaths all have perfected the art of divide-and-conquer, with more tools assisting them today than at any other time in history.

When I see things like a political House vote being taken 13 times, or uprisers, (including BLM, Antifa, Epps, etc.), looking a little off, my BS meter switches on.  A little study often shows that something artificial is going on.  And where there seems to be party versus party, in some event - or faction versus faction - there very well could be some kind of top-down management actually staging the event.  Some power that keeps itself hidden like The Wizard of Oz, needing to control those levers and those puppets, because it is actually of little real power unless it does so.

It is up to us to see through any veils or illusions.  The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

This looks like it might be just one more instance of the Republican Party shooting itself in the foot - something that has happened so often in the past which, with supporting evidence, has often appeared deliberate.

* Not that they were (all) bad arguments.  They just came out of nowhere, without full backing of the rest of the freedom caucus, with a demand for "purity" that sounded like spin.
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