Dec 28, 2022 07:20

George Santos is disgusting.  He ran and won a House seat, via Long Island, based on a holy host of lies.  You can be sure that the left is calling him out, demanding his removal, etc., since he ran as a Republican.  But the guy actually resembles them more than he does the current right.  It's really the pot calling the kettle black, after the endless lies we have seen from Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Fetterman, Hobbs, and so on down the line.

It is confusing, that Santos aligns himself with Trump, when his lying and his demographic profile all suggest that he is actually a Democrat.  He has claimed to be gay, Hispanic, Jewish, a secondary victim of the Holocaust, etc.  His crimes in the past - like writing bad checks, etc., etc., are all over the place - and it just makes one wonder how such people are allowed to get into office.  These days, it almost seems to be prerequisite that they be corrupt scum in order to hold office.

This little blip on the political radar screen has made me wonder if he might not be a plant, designed to disgrace Republicans.  Maybe, maybe not.  Maybe a subconscious plant, along the course of our political system now being habituated to shooting itself in the foot day in and day out.  But, I think this is more of a betrayal and indictment of Kevin McCarthy, and the whole neoliberal, RINO wing of the Republican Party, which also includes Mitch McConnell - both men being heavilly influenced by China, the WEF, Soros, etc. - the same agents who destroyed the Democrat party.

These RINOs - including George Bush, not only separated themselves from the Trump movement, but they actively fought against it - as by paying to get Murkowsky reelected in Alaska - while simultaneously claiming to support Trump, as a way of raising money for themselves and their designs.

McCarthy will not speak out against Santos, and his lies, because Santos is supporting McCarthy to return as the GOP (majority) Speaker of the House.  So, it is more about power, and money, to McCarthy, than it is about actual political stances.

One thing I have learnt about McCarthy is that he regularly fakes to the base of the party - patronising - but regularly sells out to the billionaire corrupters of the left, and their agendae.  You can identify his dissociative mentality simply by listening to him pretending to speak.  He can't get a single sentence straight.  This is because he has contsting demands pressing upon his mind.

So, he is constantly running back and forth in his skull, checking all the locks, making sure the illegals get in unseen, checking that he doesn't alienate his secret friends, making sure he comes off looking pro-Trump, when he needs to.  So, he's just a rhetorical mess.  He has not perfected the art of continuously lying, without a hitch, in the manner of Joe Biden, or Bill Gates.  Instead, his niceness still keeps him worrying about getting caught, so he is forever stumbling over himself.

And so, of course, this bag of verbal air gets to be Speaker, ironically.  Just as traitor Swalwell, who slept with a Chinese spy, goes on to become a member of the house intelligence and homeland security committees.  I'm sure Steny Hoyer (and Adam Schiff) had something to do with that.  (He is a Calofornian who went to schoolt at the Univ of MD, btw).

Other turncaots who have done the bidding of the billionaire corruptors of the left include deep-stater, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Mike Pense, etc.  Sometimes, it doesn't matter if they lose their seats in the process, since they know there continue to be millions of dollars waiting for them down the road.

Here is George Santos being interviewed by Tulsi Gabbord -

image Click to view


(Red-Eye Radio guest host discusses the issue - this is 1 hour 12 mins).

See how he sticks to "the letter of the law" as opposed to the spirit, by saying things like, "I only claimed to be Jew-ISH." (I did not have "sexual relations"...  "We only said 'It has all the earmarks of being Russian disinformation."  "Yes, I stand by my statement that we did not do research TO achieve gain-of-function...")

I see this trick being perpetrated regularly by pathological liars.  It is also being used, more and more, to win legal battles meant only to bankrupt or destroy lives.

The USA and Turkey are getting around the letter of a treaty banning most warships from entering the Black Sea - by building an extra canal. What does it matter that this violates Russian security. They are keeping to the letter of the law.

As if letters were reality. Foolish bastards.

Another trick I see them use is putting everything in past-tense: "I have already addressed this in the past..."  As if talking about something makes it go away.

You will see in the next post of this miniseries how Bill Gates employes these same tricks.

I have wondered how - and why - liars and crooks keep getting elected to Congress, and to other positions of power.  I think that either starting off with little shame, or learning to have little shame over time, has a lot to do with it.  Because lack of shame means that one gives oneself away less often, by making flubs and mistakes.  A shameless person just keeps plowing ahead.  Meanwhile, people who appreciate shame may just look on this ease of discourse and think, "Well, he can;t be doing anything wrong, if he acts so sure of things.  Geee, I wish I was that confident!  I'll vote for this guy, because he expresses my issues with such ceratinly and force!"

And when a shameless person campaigns that he intends to reduce world suffering, when what he really means to do is reduce world population, then many caring people just assume that, since it would be impossible for anyone to have so little same, and lie so immensely, then this guy must mean what he says, and must be very altruistic and caring.

But there really are such things as psychopaths and narcissists in the world.  Or, another way of saying it, there really is evil in the world.  Your average work-a-day bloke, who sees an overriding dynamic of tit-for-tat in his life, requiring endless moral and behavioural responsibility and consistency, often simply cannot fathom how corrupt people can become, especially when given access to almost unlimitted power and cash, thus requiring virtually no responsibility whatsoever.

But, once bad apples get into such power, this is what they do.  They obsess over violating all the rules that they once felt held them down unfairly, demanding they be regular people, when, in fact, they are better than everyone else.  And they will prove it.  By hook or by crook.

We have seen that these sorts of people, in various degrees of mental illness, have taken over the reins of our government, and also those of western governments across the globe.  These are dangerous time.

But they have also been supported by secondary and tertiary lunatics, as well as the suckers who have bought their products, or voted them into office.  All decisions along the ladder of destruction have been isolated, compartmentalised and seemingly inconsequential in their violations of ethics.  But, that's what put Hitler into power: A great conspiracy of mindlessness.

And the fear produced by the COVID pandemic - and soon the vaccines - has been used to motivate people to support the rolling out of the Infamous Reset, and the selling away of their own personal freedoms and future security.  Frightened people have conspired to build a wall of tyranny around everyone, including themselves.  And these decisions too, have been, essentially, a conspiracy of lies.

Another trick that these popular psychos use is to, even after sending out endless specific lies, take comfort in the abstract wonderfulness of themselves.  They say, "Well, I may have lied about this, and that, and this-that - but I am not a liar!"  They always mean well.  No matter how mean they get, they always seem to mean well.

It's a damn shame.

Oh, anyway, enough of this post.  I am very tired, and must deal with life as we know it...

Have You No Shame? - Biden, 'ironically'.

Sociopaths and Psychopaths: Have you no shame?


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