Tinfoil brain. Part One.

Dec 26, 2022 05:39

I remember watching the beginning of, "The Circle," before and not getting through it.  And I might even have seen the whole film at a theatre in 2017, but mainly forgotten it.  I heard someone talking about it the other day, so I tried to watch it, again.  Same deal.  Too forced or contrived.  Fakish.  Narcissistic.  As a review said (via Wiki), "This is the reason why people hate Hollywood."

It's a conglomeration of everything internet: Ted Talks, Silicon Valley, Apple, Facebook, obsession, all wrapped into a warning about looming techno-monopolies threatening privacy.  So, it feels clunky.  It is a critique of those threats as imagined around 2012 - ten years ago - and put into a movie already 5 years old - so it all just feels so naive, especially in light of all that has happened, and been exposed, in recent years, regarding twitter, the FBI, COVID/vaccine lies, and so on.  Really, all that excess paraphernalia, as presented in the film, is not necessary to destroy privacy universally, when you've got state techno-fascism and AI.

I was hoping to recommend the movie to you, as some prescient thing on Big Brother - since I have two other such movies in the hopper for you - but it sucks as a movie.  You can look it up on your own if you want.  You can find it free, if you know how to cope with nefarious ad sites.

The one semi-interesting thing in the film was the Scottish actress, Karen Gillan, with her reddish hair and fair skin, reminding me of Sersciarshesarr Ronan.  But even she was not worth the time.  And, now, here's Dave O'Doherty on how he adopted the internet...

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I came upon this because I was reading Claudia O'Doherty's WIki page, which said she worked with him, once, and I wanted to find out of they were siblings or something.  And I don't know how I first got to Claudia O'Doherty, in the first place.  Let's see...  Oh, because she was in, The Circle.  So, I found her here, making Conan, who also has reddish hair, laugh hysterically...

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She isn't just a commedian.  She also tackles very heady issues, like, What Is Time?!

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I've always thought that the O/Doherty clan was a little off.  We all remember the Shannen antics.  Shannen Doherty, a smoker, is now dying of breast cancer.  (Sadly).  And then one of the Mammas and the Papas was a Doherty...  Denny.  And then there is Pete Doherty - a lot of musicians and comedic actors...  I once thought of writing to Pete Doherty because he was more than just a tormented druggie, but he also seemed to be some kind of philosopher, or something.  I forget.  And now, here's some more Dave Doherty...

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Notice how they all put on weight.  Not unlike the Flaherty's.

Well, after skipping through, The Circle, I watched some more flying triangles, as my CFS slowly improved, and allowed me to become slightly more realistic and analytical about the world.  The UFO TV episode I watched, last night, confirmed my own strong hypotheses, which is this: The triangular UFOs, whatever their origin, are probably mapping the terrain, or else surveilling our communications and other technologies, especially near very large cities, like Phoenix, Saint Louise, Chicago and NYC.  Or, they may be studying water supplies to these cities.

If they are mapping geography, maybe it is because they want to help prevent some impending Earth cataclysm.  After all, one report said that they are coming from the year 9000ad, or thereabouts, in order to prevent something bad from happening.  What is time, after all?

But, it could be something very different - and I just realised this, last night.  They could be looking for soft spots in the terraine, on which they could one day focus high-energy weapons, in order to cause major geological upheavals, especially near big cities.  This would explain their elusivenesses, covert operations.  They are planning to attack us, and take over our planet.  And the people at the WEF are in on it.  People like Biden just figure, well, if it's going to happen, then I, for one, welcome out ant-like overlords.

There are enough predictions and prophesies of some very disruptive geological events, thought to be coming soon, in the next decades, or maybe tomorrow, that they have to be considered in any hypohtheses-generating exercises.  North America gets flooded up the middle, large chunks of the coast get knocked away.  Stuff that really does not look to be possible.  But, we do underestimate the power of power.  Look at the energy of changes to stars.  There's no reason to completely write off anything super-massive ever happening to this planet, when even bigger things have happened to it in the past.  So.

Either the aliens are going to cause it, or they are here to try to prevent it.  I am now thinking the former.  If any of these hypotheses might be true.  Which, they probably aren't.  And I will eventually die of complete boredom, as it is written.

Aliens are thought (by crazy people) to be associated with supposedly strategically placed pyramids, once meant to stabilise the energy of the planet.

That's all I am writing for now.  Who would ever have thought that such a stupid post would be getting a "Part Two."  More later,,,

Shannen Human Race - More Silly Human Race

o'doherty - claudia o'doherty, ronan - saoirse, celtic / irish / gaellic, comedy, predictions and prophesies, movies * all movies, doherty - shannen doherty, music - doherty pete doherty, o'doherty - dave o'doherty, movies - 'the circle' (2017), ufo's (and see aliens)

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