Another hour out of my life... Who's counting?...

Dec 19, 2022 03:33

Today's decaf mocha has 50% more chocolate!  By accident.

I awoke early feeling like my heart was painfully glued to the 'mattress'.  I'm thinking I'll put the turkey soup in the freezer for a while.  And hold off on the traditional refried beans.

I haven't been eating my staple sunflower seeds for a few days.  I think this is part of the problem.  I simply ran out of them.

My brain is feeling a few sharp little piercing pains, which are healing pains.  The crushing relapse is in regression.  Two days ago, right before it hit, I had a nightmare which I would compare to what those spinning top people experience before they collapse and die, from vaccines, or the Devil, or both.  It was pretty ominous and terrifying.  I hope I am not getting the clots.

After that, I had a dream where a lion was chomping into the line tying him down, and he might have charged me after that.  And I think I had a bad bear dream last night, or some night.  Quite a cluster, there.  Planet must be wooshing through some kind of bad Karma dust.

"This morning" awoke with new song composed in my head.  This time, I recorded it.  Realised I usually never record my dream songs because?  Because I don't want to wake up my dog.  If I did, the morning could become hell.  He has essentially become my master.

Diversion/tangent follows:

I realised, a while ago, that most of my problems come from other people, specifically, from my dog.  He makes me forget things or make mistakes, by always following me around, or just standing there looking at me, or stepping right in my way.  Demanding food food food.  Expecting everything half an hour earlier than it's scheduled.  Contaminating me with things.  Leaving problems lying all over the place.  Costing me money.  Keeping me awake all night.  Turning me into a dog.  He is to blame for everything.

My definition of Evil: Anything which disturbs our regular circadian rhythm.  That means heart-beat, peristalsis, meal-times, sleep schedule, media habits, morning Jo, freedom of brain, etc.  Dogs were sent to us by aliens to be evil at us.

Some things, like caffeine, sex, love, exhilaration, exercise, magic mushrooms, etc. - these may disrupt our circadian rhythm, but in a good way, and so are not evil, although many fundamentalists would still say these are evil.  I am showing how progressive I am.

Post, proper, resumes:

I also wrote down my latest marketable "invention" idea.  I had another great one a few days ago, but that one must have taken a plane to Honolulu.  I need to start getting serious about these,  Every time I make a list, it seems, the computer I am using dies and I lose it.  No one has invented a way to stop computers from crashing and dying.  However, I think I once had an idea for a tie-dyed computer.

I noticed, l'autre noire, seeing the yard-sign light in narcissist's yard disappear.  He has a FOR SALE sign with a solar-powered light on it, (because he has to show off with every kind of gadget and machine he can find).  And I verified, the next day: He had taken down the sign!  My mind went here: "Oh, he has given up trying to sell his house, damn it."

Because it has been many months since I have seen tiny crowds of people over there, looking to buy.  And the market has gone south, as predicted.  And he has stepped up his weird territoriality annoyances.  So, I figured he decided that, since I have not yet left, as I told him I hoped to, then he would stop symbolically competing with me, and also stay.  Or maybe he decided I am not the axe murdered that his gf feared I was.  I assure you, I have never murdered an axe in my life.

Or, maybe it had nothing to do with me, even though he is pathologically fixated on competing with me.  Maybe...  maybe...  MAYBE HE ACTUALLY SOLD THE HOUSE!

That would be sooooooo good.  Just like extra-chocolate decaf mocha.

He was over there, building something in his basement, last night.  Was he imitating my work to avoid being killed by nuclear war?  Or was he doing more work, in prep for handing his house over to some other local passive aggressive jackass?  Maybe the latter!

I'll have to check online to see if that house has been sold.  If it has, then maybe I'll just skip passing along my letter, et al, to the local cop in the hood.  Because I am not here on earth, or in this city, to get drawn into other people's you know what.

And it looks like the old man across the alley might no longer be using this drive as his own personal off-ramp.  It takes most old people a long time to change.  So, I gave him a long time, without reporting him to the police or burning down his house,

However long it took - however recently he changed - I think he wouldn't dare do it now, since there is snow, and I can see the tracks of his truck.  And I think he is afraid of me.  Which is a shame because he is actually a large goof kind of man.  When I talked to him, he impressed me as being  years old, psychologically.

I don;t want anyone to be afraid of me, but apparently that's how the child-animal works.  By being afraid of me, lol.

I told someone I would post that letter, as it conveys how passive-aggression reigns around here.  As exemplified by none other than the two 19th century blokes mentioned above...

Now I have to find that letter...  OK...  Note: This letter supplants the earlier letter, which included a lot of psychobabble about narcissists which your average cop doesn't have time to be bothered with, much like an Akita...

To Whom Is Unconcerned,

I have been having trouble with a neighbour or neighbours since I moved in here in the autumn of 2021.  There has been petty vandalism and passive aggressive attempts to intimidate.  I will describe a few of these incidents below.  The major problem, for the past months, has been that this person has been throwing chicken into my yard/s, for my dog to consume.  In itself, this a violation, from someone who should be minding his or her own business - someone who owns no part of my dog, or this property, and is not legally or ethically permitted a say in the maintenance of either.

The greater problem with chicken scraps turning up in the yard is that they are inducing my dog's life-threatening allergy to chicken.  The allergy arises after ingestion, causing gas and distress - and then the possibility of death via bloat.  His ill health and associated problems have caused me serious health problems, as I already have a chronic illness, which is reactive to stress, sleep disturbances, and so on.  In effect, someone is poisoning my dog, and physically injuring both of us.

It is quite obvious to me that the person doing this is someone who is able to observe me and my dog, and has been doing so consistently - and that he or she is the same person responsible for the many incursions mentioned below.  For example, after I have been going out every day to first check if any food has been left outside, #1 - a small food dish was left as if to mock, and #2 - a chicken bone was left this morning deliberately beyond the range where I normally check, but within the reach of my dog.

Because of these essentially assaults upon my dog, I have had to reduce his other food intake, to partly mitigate the reactive allergy, and to prevent any further build-up of food and gas, which could result in bloat.  And, even if not, always in great pain for my dog.  This is an outrage that some idiot feels the right to mess with our lives in this way.

Another issue of concerns involve a neighbour who is probably unrelated to this problem.  That is the issue of the older male who lives in the property on the other side of the alley, in the back.  He has continued to use this driveway as a means of backing his pickup int his own driveway, despite my putting up NO TRESPASSING signs.  When I admonished him that he needed to stop this, he produced a very childish, "victimised" response, said, "I don't see what the problem is," and gave no indication that he intended to comply.

This attitude is basically the same as that of the person throwing chicken into my yard/s, being one of entitlement to other people's property, and so, lives.  No respect for the concept of ownership.  Or boundaries.  So, I really don't know what the heck is wrong with the people around here.  But the attitude invites others to move in, even more daringly - and so crime increases.  There have instances of gunfire here, and people running through this property setting of fireworks, dogs and trash coming through, and so on.  I am honestly baffled as to how some neighbours cannot see the connection, and basically continue to blithely, basically, shit in the same area where they eat.  So to speak.

Regarding this old fool, who insists he has a right to my drive since he's been doing it for 40 years - I am into sure if he has been continuing this disrespectful and completely unnecessary habit, but if we find out he has, he's the type who needs a firm correction from an accepted social authority.

As to why he needs to stay off the property: That's not relevant.  Not his business.  But I will tell you that there is a chance that I and/or my dog are walking around the corner of my garage at the same time he is pulling in here, which would result in an injury.  That's just one reason.  I am under no obligation to give any reason.

On to the vandalism and intimidations, which appear to have been coming from the younger man in the house directly to the west of this property, by the name of Michael.  This include the chicken in the yard/s, itself not having been proved to have been coming from him, at this point.  Circumstantial evidence suggest a wider pattern.

First, regarding the chicken/bones in the yard: In all cases, it was possible that they were thtrown or placed from west to east.  In one case, after I saw my dog eat a bone apprently thrown to the east while he was out, my dog then ran to the west, as if someone was standing there.  I didn't look enough to be able to see who this person was.  But, the person was either in my lot or in the next lot.  In other cases, food was left in the back, behind the deck, where I normally did not have visual range.  This has been an ongoing little saga of someone messing with us, for the sake of messing with me.

And I can pretty much guess that whomever has been pulling these stunts - has been a big part of the reason why the last residents of this property decided to move out.  Because this has been crazy and never-ending.  The doing this has some little war going on inside his or her head.  You can read more about how this person fits the profile of having narcissistic personality disorder, if not being an actual in-the-shadows psychopath.

One person who lived here died in a motorcycle accident, and I wonder if her brakes might have been tampered with.

Issues with the property line: Landcaping extends from that property well-into this property, illegally.  (If  can't text you a sattelite map, I can show it to you in person).  I have studied property dimensions, etc., and conclused that a math mistake was made by a previous owner, who then went ahead and demarcated his property on incorrect conclusions.  He conclsued that his lot was larger than this one, when in reality both are virtually identical in dimensions.  So, these false demarcations don't help.

But, there has been more to the resident, M****, acting like his ownership extended even deeper into my property.  After I had shovelled to the mid-point between the two houses, he retaliated by shovelling all the way up to where this house ends.  In reality, the property line lies right where his house ends.  This suggests that he actually knew where the property line lay.

Further suggestions: After asking him to stop mowing so deep into this property, he pretended that he never knew where the property line lay, but his body language, behaviour, etc., completely suggested that he was being dishonest.  Another indication: I found the freaking property line post, in the back, removed, and thrown into this property.

He was also in the habit of lining up his trash and yard refuse along the back of this property.  As if to assert dominance over a big chunk of this property.  He and his girlfriend were in the habit of walking their dogs through, even when I was looking, and so on.  Thus: the entitlement to throw chicken into this yard/s.  The two of them seem to assume some kind of emotional ownership of this place, and feel angry, and feel a right to retaliate in this or that petty way.  That's my assessment.

OK - there have been stones and other things thrown at this house, from west to east.  There is some reason to suspect that this guy was responsible for semiautomatic gunfire outside the front of this house.  I don't know if he was the person who came through, night after night, setting off firecrackers - this may have been by neighbours in the back, kiddie-corner.

I do know that he or his girlfriend saw me go out, inspect a downed, hanging branch in my yard, of my tree, which I intended to remove myself.  I was too ill to attend to it that day.  Only an hour or two later, he cut it down himself, and cit up the wood for his own fire pit - when I actually wanted that wood.  This limb had been hanging entirely in my yard, with a few leaves touching his garage.  It was not a limb overhanging his property.  But he cut it down illegally, and retrieved it from this property, where it then fell.

In addition, branches have been thrown onto this property.  And large limbs have ended up here, next to the pile of branches I was working on - one or two coming from trees not existing on this property.  I supposed he expects that I am his slave, here to do his work, when convenient.

There has been damage to my gutter downspouts, piles of dirty junk thrown onto my deck, plants sprayed with bleach, and a hole kicked into my deck - all in close proximity to his back door, in the shadows.  Someone lurks into the back yard, often after I go out front.  And so on.

This guy has played games of coughing at me, slamming doors, flashing lights, etc.  I don't know this person, he does not know me, and I am just sitting here waiting for the day he moves, but he's asking too much for his house, and didn't quite get the market right  Hopefully he will move anyway.

Until then, I have to put up with his constant reactivity to me, with his loud machines, and so forth.  A real piece of work. Mowing at 9:and 9:pm, and in December!

You can read an alternate letter I was preparing for you, which focuses more on the problem of narcissism, later in this post or journal.

I am hoping you will take a look at these situations.  And that we talk.  Here's three quick points to consider:

1 - Check neighbourhood regarding anyone throwing food into this yard, or any trespassing / vandalism in general. If the person responsible for this is made aware that it is equivalent to physical assault on my dog and me, then they will be aware that it is quite a crime which result in legal action.

2 - Firmly let old man behind this lot know he has no right to trespass here with his truck.

3 - If guy next-door admits to taking my branch, ask him to return the wood which he still has stashed in his fire pit.  If this winter doesn't turn out to be a fuel emergency, next winter may.

There may also have been instances of stalking, by car and/or a pied.

Thank you for your time.  I am looking forward to meeting you.

Note: I should check on that soon, and decide if I should send off this letter, as it is best to get your holiday gifts taken care of early.

Frontal lobe beginning to mutate again...

my day, my morning starts, narcissist next-door

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