Global Forces Aren't What They SayThey Are

Dec 06, 2022 06:38

Dog is up with his reaction to the two dinners yesterday.  Pacing around, but more clanking than thumping, which is easier to tolerate on accounta whizbang spaceage headphones.  Hopefully, this bout won't be terrible.  Must reduce food again.

It's amusing to see the Dem party suddenly become the party of antisemitism again, all for photo-ops, as per usual.  And all because KanYE has been identified to be an enemy of the WEF MOVEMENT, and so whatever he says, the Dems must say the opposite.

As far as KanYE goes...  Melding two ancient symbols together, neither originally having anything to do with the NAZI superman cult, it an OK thing to do.  Some of the things he has said are well within the permissions of free speech.  But, some other things he said were apparently antisemitic.  And these redefine his symbol as probably being of antisemitic intention.  So, it looks like he is antisemitic, even though this may be another sensationalist, adolescent phase, and even though he doesn't seem to know what he is talking about.

But he is right about global forces controlling economies, etc., some of which contain Jews.  Jews are indeed over-represented in Hollywood production, etc.  Jews are more prominent in finance than in basketball.  Maybe even the majority of high-power lawyers are Jewish?  Jews have been big in the comedy industry, alongside the Irish, serving to put an edge on sometimes less thrilling work of the latter.

There haven't been a lot of Jewish popes.  And as far as I know, Jews did not pull all the gold out of South America.  And Jews didn't put 6 million Jews to death.  On the other hand, Karl Marx originated from a Jewish family, and lots of communists were Jewish, which is one reason why Jews have been persecuted in societies.  In Ukraine, they are associated with NAZIism, so, go figure.

Hitler was slightly Jewish.  Despite Germany's purge, some Jews were held on during the whole NAZI era.  Such as Fritz Haber,  who gave us nitrogen fertilizer, chemical weapons and the death-camp shower-room gas responsible for killing all those Jews.  But also some Poles, Gypsies, Communists, and so on.

A lot of destructive billionaire capitalists originated from Jewish families, including Larry Fink, Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros.  George Soros is an atheist who hates Israel and helped German NAZIs track down and kill Jews.  Klaus Schwab may have had a Jewish mother, but was raised Catholic.  His family was monitored by the Gestapo.  Elon Musk had a Jewish grandmother, but I would say he is mostly some kind of Mongolian Musk-Ox distantly related to William Shatner.

But, there are many billionaires who are not Jewish, like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the guy in Mexico, and so on.  Other than Adam Schiff and Bernie Sanders, most of the leadership in the current political regime are not Jewish, with names like Biden (Irish), Pelosi (Italian), Harris (Scots-Irish, what?!), Jeffreys (sounds English), Cortez (Spanish), Clintons, Obamas and so on - none Jewish.  Their RINO co-conspirators are not Jewish - McConnel, McCarthy, Cheney, Romney, Murkowski, Collins, etc.  Most of their plants and co-conspirators in the media are not Jewish.

Many Dems are black, though.  If you were to judge merely from watching USA TV, you might conclude that blacks controlled at least the media, since almost every commercial includes a black or two, half the daytime TV shows feature blacks, and so on.  The predominant popular music is rap.  And the predominant political movement recently has cohered around BLM.  The popular fad has been to call anyone disagreeable, "racist, white nationalist, NAZI," and such.  MAGA is a substitute word for the same thing.  Just stating facts, here.  Much of this is PC propaganda or related.

On the other hand, less and less Jews can be found holding reigns of power via the Dem party or their related institutions.  Meanwhile, more and more blacks seem to have been pushing antisemitism, especially in BLM, Islam-related, etc., and this is why it is not out of the realm of possibility that KanYE would also have antisemitic inclinations.  I don't know why these stupid mega-trends occur, but they are there.

According to Whoopy Goldberg, who uses a fake (Jewish) name, the Jews were responsible for the holocaust, or it ddin't happen, I don't even remember what she said.  It was stupidity pretending certainly, and that's often how racism happens.

Antifa has also historically been associated with antisemitism, except for one wing in Germany's past.

Over at DreamWidth, I posted to an add-me community.  I included a call-out to people who knew what was going on in the country, in the world - all about the powerful forces in the economy, like the WEF (not run by Jews), or in the Dem party (not run  by Jews), or in the corporate billionaire world (pretty much not run by Jews), and so on.  One of the mods rudely commented for me to clarify what I mean, "because 'powerful global forces' usually is a reference to Jews"

I knew what he was doing.  It's what insane leftists always do.  They start with the assumption that you are wrong or bad, and if you don't explain yourself, or play along, they ban you.  For example, they imply that you are a racist, and anything you say is then taken as proof that you are indeed a racist, and so they attack you.  Sometimes violently.  But I am pretty tired of feeding into other people's mental illnesses, just I just told this guy he was full of shit and he deleted my post. No concern for the people commenting there.

He holds on to assumptions that completely blind him to what is really happening in the world.  And his projections of antisemitism or racism onto others is just part of a stragedy of creating those ills in society, and dividing one group against another, so as to again more power or just boost the self-righteous ego.  (Thanks, Freud, btw.  Thanks, Jung).  It's as if some people went around telling other people they are ducks, and then they feed off of those people who are stupid enough to believe them.

And, this guy was deeply prolific in the arts of paganism, witchcraft and possibly satanism.  Which reminds me of the cult mythology which started off the fascist NAZI superman cult in 1920s/1930s Germany.  Which is where the evil swastika came from!

His profile shows him as pro-antifa, and one of his interests is, "punching nazis in the face."  Where he lives, there have been the worst Antifa riots, which began with belligerents pulling over innocent drivers, reaching in and punching them in their faces - and/or pulling them out of their cars and beating them severely.  These were innocent people whom the antifa agents were labelling as racists, or what have you.

For a few years, I watched this sad mayhem unfolding, but it was rarely reported in the mainstream media.  Then it turned into 300+ full-scale riots, where police stations and city blocks were consumed, many people were killed or injured, and 3 billion dollars of property damage occurred, mostly in predominantly black neighbourhoods.

So, these people are just addicted to hate an violence.  They get there by putting labels before facts, ideas before people, and ends before means.  In other words, they rationalise their messed up reptilian fears and desires.  They project their own biases onto other people, and proceed to attack those people.

It's not about consistency or rationality.  It's about power for the urges of the id.  Therefore, their labels and words and acts are situational and relative - according to what serves their selfish interests.  Comparatively, they really lack any real, solid morality.  So, this is why, even as the radicalised, woke Dem party has been moving evermore in quiet support of antisemitism, (see also Ilhan Omar), they now exploit the KanYE news and do a little presentation on how terrible antisemitism is.

The moral relativism can also be illustrated by the contrast between the rhtoric that black lives matter, when they do very little about black-on-black crime in the big cities under their own jurisdiction.  Like abortion, they use the issue to convince people to keep voting them back into office.

Communists, btw, have been one of the most antisemitic forces in history, despite their original Jewish affiliations.  You see this very much in Russia, who's people use their antisemitism as part of their rational of invading Ukraine.  It's also been true in France, Germany, the Middle East, etc.

And, believe it or not, the (left-wing) once pro-semitic Anti-Defamation League (with the SPLC) has developed into a means of implementing censorship and antisemitism.  And the great COVID vaccine movement, pushed by the left, has resulted in more deaths in Israel than any other country, to my knowledge, percentage-wise.  But, if you say, "global powers," then this means you must be talking about George Soros, (funder of the Dem party), which means you are an antisemite.

The primary definer of what "Jewish" means is not nationality or genetics - it is the Jewish religion.  George Soros is not a practicing Jew, he is an atheist.  Again, he hates Israel, and he helped put many Jews to death.  He has helped instigate the NAZI pusche in Ukraine, just as he has deliberately funded the rise of crime in the USA.  But, if you say you oppose any of this, they call you antisemitic.  Fuck that.

The man destroyed the British Pound.

As far as Jews go...  They have an interesting catch in their religion, which advises adherents to spread out into other countries and help improve those countries.  By doing so, many Jews have also benefitted themselves - consistent with human nature.  Even while great Jews have pt forth great, consistent philosophical ideas (Spinoza), or great crusades (Jewish lawyers in the 1960s civil rights movement), and so on, it can be said that Jews can also tend to be relativistic and situational.  But, they are tied together, across borders, by the religious morality of Judaism.

Every religion or culture has its own approach towards benefitting its members, usually at the expense of non-members.  Catholics have been a major pain in history's ass.  So has Protestantism.  Some members of Islam can be violently imperialistic.  The religion of communism - because that's what it is - ordains its members right and entitled no matter what.  And if you believe in money then your religious ideology of capitalism has been another kind of scourge upon the earth,

China is a major problem today.  Russia has been bad.  The USA had made consistent mistakes.  The British empire.  Two world wars from the Germans.  Mass slaughter in Cambodia, Myanmar, etc.  Savage Aztecs and other Native Americans.  Mass genocide in Uganda and Rhodesia.  Cruel black racism in South Africa.  Millions killed by COVID capitalists.  My deranged narcissist neighbour votes Republican.  And don't get me started on the manifest destiny of the Papacy.

Even aliens show up, sticking us with probes and mutilating our cattle, lol.

Much of it is mapped out in nursery rhymes.

So, really, if we want civilisation to keep working, the way to do it is not to project blame and hate but to forgive and, at the vevy least, get out before the violence.

It's a fair cop, but society is to blame.

1 - Let's take an inventory of some of the unforgiving buggers in my life.  My older brother, manically trying to hold on to his throan as the most-favourtie child.  He was Irish.  Lots of bad Irish people.

2 - The CGGOTC, a psychopath.  He was of Italian in derivation, and gay, and also a bit put-out by mercury poisoning.

3 - Nether Guy and Nether Girl, who lived downstairs to me.  Both black.

4 - A-hole Guy.  Black.

5 - Crazy Old Bald man who also was a downstairser.  Generic but of Jewish derivation.

6 - Narcissist next-door.

There have been various others of insignificant relationship duration, like an annoying and misguided Jewish boss.  His problems were that he was too NYC and his mother was rich.

I've had various Jewish friends and am a Mensch. My biggest crush was on a Jewish girl. I identify with Job. I am uncircumcised. I virtually never eat ham. I had a gf who first thought I was Jewish because I was imitating Hebrew over-the-top.

Of the six enumerated above, at least two were physically ill.  (All could be said to have been mentally ill).  Number 2 had mercury poisoning, which affects thought, sleep and the nerves.  Number 3 (Nether Girl) had sickle cell anemia, which affects energy, thought and emotions.  The female who could be blamed for destroying my life had been abused as a child and had JRA.

I, who surprisingly aggravate some people, have CFS, which affects sleep, energy, nerves, thought and emotion.

The antifa supremacist who banned me had had a brain tumour and something like autism, I believe.

My closet psychopath sister had asthma with all its corticosteroid meds.

So, a lot of ideology, or religion, or party, or culture, or whatever, is really resorted to as an instrument to seemingly empower people who are actually ill.  The fears of COVID - deliberately sewn as they may have been - certainly had something to do, at least partly, with the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020, etc.  If you do a search, "Did the COVID pandemic change our behaviour?" you can look into this.  Certainly, the COVID virus and subsequent vaccines all influence health, and so thought and emotions.

In summary: No one group controls the world.  Not Jews, not blacks, not whites, not communists, not anarchists, not capitalists, (although the last one does have extensive influence).  It is the people who call themselves different, oppositional things who are the fundamental problem.  Some of these people are ill, (and evenmoreso mentally ill), in which case the urges of their ids may be abnormally high and demanding.  The influence of blights like toxins, viri, radiation, climate change, fear and war can manifest as ideological movements.

However, as times change, some ideologies can become more of a problem than others, as they attract more unstable people, and exert more unfair power, en masse.  Only a few decades ago, in the USA, the main political problem was people calling themselves Republicans.  Now it is people calling themselves Democrats.  More precisely, today's most pressing problem group (USA) is leftists in association with a statist power cabal which uses Marxist concepts to rationalise capitalist expansion, similar to the China model.

The more rank-and-file leftists are using wokism, CRT, PC, BLM, antifa, anarchist, anti-capitalist, environmental radicalism, ant-racism, etc., as means of advancing their power en masse.  But most of these ideologies may be categorized under an overriding ideology of Marxist communism, wherein classes or races or groups oppose each other and cause the upper classes to go into chaos so that a more fair utopia can then take hold.  To get there, ends-before-means tactics and thinking are employed, resulting in violence and self-defeating results.

I wanted to do a whole post on why communism never works,  but that got pushed to the side as I went into this whole discussion on antisemitism and related.  So, maybe I can do that preferred post soon.  Goodmorning.

democrats in denial
jews / jewish
nazism - history

nazi's / nazi's "idk", hypocrisy - left-wing hypocrisy, sociology - mass psychosis, religion - jews / jewish / influence, soros - george, political - communism, religion - jews - anti-semitism, protests / protesters - blm/antifa riots, ends before means, political - destabilisation, politics - democrats in denial, psychology - groupism, psychology - identity / perception, antifa

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