Aluminium: It's more than an intravenous agitator now!

Dec 04, 2022 17:37

I put up heavy aluminyum in the front window/s, which is a double-window.  The job is not yet finished.  It takes a long time, trying to get all the cracks and punctures sealed away.  My fingernails should be shorter.  Inevitably, I would try to seal a puncture with more foil or electrical tape, and a fingernail would start a new puncture, lol.

I am leaving most of the bottom of the windows unsealed by foil, so I can still peak outside.  BUT, I am going to place moveable foil in front of that part/s.

I set up the camera, and there is a problem.  The foil on the inside side of it reflects all this sun glare back out, so it is impossible to see, when the sun is in the evening.  I decided that I should find some kind of large, thin, black poster/board, and slip that up between the foil and the camera.  Since I have unlimited class, this would have to be some kind of cool, interesting poster.  Which I'll need to look for via Walmart.  In the mean time, I suppose I can now seal up the first of the two windows, and also start on other windows.

But not tonight.  A bottle of witch hazel arrived by FedEx, and at what better time?  I am ready to take a three-hour brain cruise now.  Especially since the narcissist next-door has been at it again..

Yesterday, after I did something outside - let in dog or something, there was the sound of some large machine.  I didn't know it at the time, but said idiot had reacted to seeing me  by coming outside and blowing or sucking leaves around, a Freudian thing to do, if you ask me.  Did I ever mention that someone, apparently his father, had once been thrown in prison for possession of child porn?  If this was, in fact his father, then sexual abuse would explain a lot.

Today, after taking in the dog, more machine noise.  He went to this side of his house, blowing or sucking leaves, taking the opportunity to step and pornify deep into this yard.  Fine, I don;t care.  But, another example of him reacting to seeing me - immediately.  Not too long after this, came the distant sound of a lawn mower.  He had started mowing on the other side of his house, and was making his way in this direction.  Need I mention that this is on A Sunday morning?  In December?!

When he got near here, he also mowed into this yard.  I had once told him that I had fought back a guy who would presume to use other people's property, or take other people's things.  Nevertheless, this guy would later go ahead and take a limb which was hanging from a tree in this property - a limb which was in no way overhanging his own property.  And, I have been going out to check that no chicken has been thrown anywhere for the dog, as it kills him.  And this guy apparently left a food container where I always check.  I can't say that it was the wind, because this fuck-withery has been going on for a year, now.

As I was working on the windows, putting up foil, bwahaa, he walks by walking his dog on the walk where walkers walk.  Then when the known time came for me to let my dog out back, he shows up back there, too, in the alley, with his dog.  I'm standing out in the back yard, watching that my dog doesn't find any poisonous offerings, and I just give a stiff, raised-eyebrow, alert look, as if to say, "Oh, well, big fucking deal, there you are."  Cuz its all crap in his own head, anyway.  But, he never stops, so I keep getting prompted back to writing the community cop about him.  Maybe.

Earlier, I had been thinking of offering him a little extra space, when a fence goes up here.  This would allow him to walk through, from gate to gate, and it would allow me to put up a cheaper fence along that length.  But now I feel more like remove the landscaped stones that are reaching into this yard, and just going over there and mowing over what he pretends is his.  I'll mow him who's right!  Crazy fuckah.

Remeber when people who avoided the vaccines were widely regarded as the crazy ones?  People do that so they can bolster up the lies they tell themselves.  Or to galvanise self-confidence where there is mainly confusion.  People like this neighbour only prove how insecure they are, at home, no matter how long they keep up the BS - Babylon always falls one day.  Now, look at me, putting up foil in the windows.  Doesn't that spell CRAZT to most everyone who sees it - just like the antivaxxers were said to be crazy?!  Clearly I am the insecure one!  Or - maybe I know more than most everyone else - a position I am very accustomed to being in, as an outsider in your country.

Crazy like a fox.  Or, more secure than a body has a right to be.  Sometimes, it is the smart person, playing dead when the bear attacks, who lives to tell the truth.  And, let me tell you, pretending to sleep, when your life is out the window?  That takes a lot of confidence.

Why am I putting foil up in several of my windows?  Many reasons.  It means I'm smart.  Multifactoral Man!

1 - There are no awnings here, and the front room and kitchen heat up like broilers during the summer.  If I am going to winterise the windows, I need to put in the heat-reflecting barrier now! Gas and electric are e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e.

2 - I have CFS and am usually overly sensitive to light, a hoo hoo.

3 - Nuclear war.  Although foil offers virtually no protection against radioactive fallout, it definitely does protect flammable curtains from the sudden intense burst of super-hot light which nuclear explosions create.  There are real dangers of a nuclear war.  I didn't ask to come to this target city.  An overhead explosion would probably gassify this house anyway.  But, you do what you can.  And, maybe radiation will be reduced by 1%, well, that's my very own 1%, isn't it?

4 - WIFi, Mobile, Cellphone and Bluetooth radiation - all in ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum most appropriate for making people ill, get cancer and die, or at least going on shooting rampages: 900mHz, 2.4gHz and 5gHz.  Do you notice something they all have in common?  Hurts, hurts, hurts!  I have 100% reason to believe that the new 5G antenna outside my front window is making me and my dog even more ill than the Devil originally intended.

5 - Oh, I forgot this one!  And am including it via EDIT...  Put foil in your windows, and then put Xmas lights over that?!!!  Way to rule!

6 - Anything else?  Well, it will help slightly with winterising.  It will help slightly against outside noise.  It will help a little if there is ever a solar EMP.  Foil actually DOES work against electromagnetic radiation!  The foil has already reduced the signal of the 5G antenna outside by perhaps 20%, from where I am sitting.  Building a Faraday box for my modem/router did the same as far as radiation coming from that.  So, all-in-all, it's worth the time and expense, to foil all the evil that lurks out there, and in the hearts of men, especially if they are narcissists, because that's what their WiFi is turning them into.  It damages the sacred pineal gland!

It puts free will on a world-line other than the one that had been evolved for it by nature.

That's why you now see the animal kingdom, going around in circles, chasing its own tail.

Thank goodness it doesn't vote.

Or does it?

Aluminium is also good for cooking turkeys, or squirrels, or starting little fire-pits, which is what I think the crazy man next door is probably doing now, sitting out on his insolent buttocks and chanting lowly into his vain bonfire, now burning the wood that it took my tree 10 years to grow.

All it takes for evil to triumph over good is for good men not to sneak over and quietly take their psycho neighbours out with crossbows and bad jokes.  Just kidding, a ha.

Going to be a cold winter, my friends in Europe.  And then a worse one for us the year after that.  I thought all my problems were solved when I stopped using anti-perspirants.

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i am crazy, narcissist next-door, crazy people - in general

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