
Dec 01, 2022 12:06

Big Walmart order arriving soon.

After feeding dog very little yesterday, but upping the meds, he slept generally well, and a long time.  So yay, there, hey?  I hope it lasts a day ro two so I can put some fat back on those bones.  It is after all sub-freezing out there, and cold inside.  Now he is showing discomfort, so, it will get worse and worse, damnitol.  I did try out part of a naked turkey wing on him, this morning, fingers crossed, just like this post.

When I awoke from a nice morning nap, I was unexpectedly deeply fatigued, and this may have to do with gluten in the stuffing.  If up to, I might work on sealing some windows.  Might put a camera in one or two.  Oh - they installed a 5G WiFi antenna right in front of my house.  As soon as they turned it on, I could feel it in my brain, and this is also a problem.  Putting up tin foil and placing a mirror between me and window, although that won't help.  Maybe with bullets.

I have noticed problems with helicopters lately, which is something I'l discuss later.  Are they related to this?  Why did I get a hang-up call from the company's local number the day before they installed this thing?  Not only don't neighbours MYOB, but neither does Big Brother.  It's all the same contagion.  The more wifi people are exposed to, the greater the chance of dying from blood clots.  Sounds like conspiracy theory?  Are you going to wait to find out?

Say, wha'dya know?  Whatever happened to all those nuclear war scares we were getting prior to the election?  Gone the way of the Cold War?  Helped get the Dems reelected.  I am all the more convinced that Putin and Biden are both cooperative players in this war, which is meant to be a distraction, and another way to weaken and dismantle the West, so that China can make its moves.  I am damn sure of it by now.  Except that Putin still wants to play the independent Russia option as well.

And talk of losing Biden has also gone the way of the Dodo, now that the Dems saw that they didn't lose all that badly, running wiht him chained around their necks.

Sailers once went into Australia, walked up to these giant friendly birds, whacked them with their oars, and ate them!  They called these, "Dodo's," meaning, "Stupid suckers," like a lot of people today.  And so the great holy tradition of Thanksgiving began.

A lot of people in China were acting like Dodo's.  But after their unrepresentative government retracted their 100% COVID lockdowns, they reinstituted their 100% COVID lockdowns, knowing that this would finally get the people's Irish up, which it did.  Any psychologist worth his/her salt would tell you that this was a deliberately provocative stragedy.  Why would Fearless Leaders do such a thing?  Because it part of the whole global plan, to which Biden, and Apple, and Google obediently consent.  Dodo's that they are.

China has a whole infrastructure of cracking gown on specifically-COVID dissent, including countless detention camps, something for which we once despised the NAZIs, and because NAZIs were considered right-wing.  Look again.

Eventually, this will develop into China taking Taiwan, and the USA shutting down its own elections, and there will be at least one nuke involved.  And people won't even accept that wifi microwave radiation is a threat.


So...  Both Apple and Google are threatening to remove the twitter apps from their monopolistic app stores, because Musk is the new Trump.  Trying to open up the dreaded free speech.  Apparently, the reason why Musk never allowed Alex Jones back in was because, if he did, twitter would be banned in Europe, or such, since Jones is banned in Europe.  He did, after all, bring on a billion dollar penalty for moving his lips.  So that proves that he, and not the stone-throwers, is a terrible problem.

The war on twitter, for its failure to censor Republicans, is all political feigning. Lots of noise, just like the nuke scare prior to the election. This is what people are supposed to focus on. Not the other, "private company", Apple, which is involved in suppressing Chinese, yearning to be free.

Double standard.

Answer the question?

I heard someone call the Alex Jones show, saying he had a link to the patent to use graphene oxide in vaccines, in googlepatents, but hat google took that page down - for why?  Hmmmm?  Interestingly, this happened not long after I had posted the link myself.  I wonder.  Did I have a modicum of import?  Alex Jones responded in a fury of anger, because Alex Jones was all conflating graphene oxide with the spike prion in his head.  This is a problem Alex Jones does have.  Ongoing and insistent rage, along with the unflagging determination to rationale whatever he has decided to say.  But, he has ended being right about 95% of the time.

Google has also put up warnings on pages searched, like, "This site could contain false information," and all that.  So, it has joined the whole game of gatekeeping information, choosing the most comfortable reality to serve to your delicate, childlike mind.

Google was initiated by major assistance from the CIA.  Twitter as well.  Twitter was used by the FBI to help provoke contagion in the Arab Spring, and other uprisings and social chaos.  Elon Musk, like Bill Gates, etc., has genealogy which derives from nefarious techno-facist ancestors.  Apple is in collusion with China, silencing protestors and depriving them of interactive communication on their phones.  And so on.

Apple and Google are not owned by us, they mean to own us.  They are owned by the globalist cabal trying to destroy us, which includes the WEF, Soros, China, Blackstone, Blackrock, FBI, DOJ, DNC, and so on.  These things are not occurring by accident.  They are all the result of interactive CEOs, meeting, planning, throwing their money around, paying scientists to construct new death toys.  And they - the ones at the top - want to depopulate the planet.  It's not just a quirk from cancel culture, here and there.  It is a full cancelling of human beings.

It is a planned extermination.

Why things got like this - how - what are the economics and the psychology - is something I might get into later.

xposted to wiki_truth.

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bb - big brother / legislation, ++, my day, animals - birds - albatross and dodo, apple computers inc., google sucks, end of world

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