Nov 23, 2022 05:14

Started a post: My dog is driving me crazy.  He has gone senile, etc., after someone threw him more chicken the other day.  Might post that later.  Difficult to concentrate with him pacing back and forth nonstop.

Thinking about dogs, and all animals...  My dog will produce stupid behaviour, out of the norm.  Even if its not this pacing, or getting needy and trying to push his way up on my bed, or other illness-associated behaviour - he can still do things that are stupid, unwarranted, defiant, etc.  Often, he may be following instinct.  For example, he may just want to eat that chicken outside, despite everything I try to do to stop this.  Because he is wired to do this.  But it is also stupid behaviour.  Letting the mind be overwritten  by desires or emotions.

The thing is, when I reprimand him for this stuff, he starts thinking that it is I who is being irrational and unfair - even unpredictable, when he has no clue he has been doing anything wrong, no matter how well he has been schooled.  He just refuses to see, once the emotion or instinct moves him to do something stupid.  So, in his eyes, I become a dangerous animal.  Someone intent on attacking him.  A problem to his survival.  Someone he should consider running away from.

It is not 100% possible to communicate intelligently with a stubbourn and aging Akita.

It's interesting how his life - as a result of his stupidity - consequently reduces his environment, sometimes, to one of the wild - the jungle.  Back to square one.  Never even evolved a neocortex to begin with, to speak of.  It is almost as if he has arranged things so that he could be returned to the dangers of the wild.  On purpose.  On a mission.  And, no matter what I do, I find myself drawn into his projection upon me.  That of a wild animal.  That of himself.

This is the same thing that psychopaths and narcissists do.  For example, the guy next door.  See how he reacted to simply hearing me, inside my house, playing with my dog, or singing, or whatever.  He has done it soooo many times before.  Competition for its own sake.  He went out in the night, effectively, mowing a dormant lawn loudly, in the cold, as his tit-for-tat retaliation against me.  A very superstitious thing to do.  But, people like this are convinced that this is the way to act in the world.  By the law of the jungle.  They have decided to be essentially mean.

So, this guy leaves no room for his own interpretation.  Then next thing I do, such as the next time I go outside to work, even though I planned to do as much, he will interpret as me now retaliating against his own latest action.  In this way, he virtually purposefully constructs a world of meanness - human wildness - around him.  He projects onto others his own motives, designs, untrustworthiness, hatred, and - mean world view.

Beginning with the premise that I am wrong, a priori, before all else, before even meeting me, his dance means to involve me in a perspective of the world which is Machievellian and violent, basically.  It doesn;t mean that this is how the world always is, or has to be.  It means that people like this force others to accept that this is how the world is, or has to be.

Religions and cults are partly built up around this sort of mean manifest destiny, hinging themselves on the premise that particular people are evil, from the git go.  Many religious people do not understand that much of their religion is a grandiose or sanctimonious retionalisation and legitimisation of more primal human drives and emotions, rather than being a means of transcendence towards a real, higher plain.  And, most people do not realise that most animals are inherently religious.  Not to discount the good that religion can do.  For example, the assumption of there being divine souls underwrites the concept that human beings have inalienable rights, and this helps prevent fallible people in fallible government from eating us.

But religious fundamentalism, en masse, is often a very dangerous thing.  Surprise: I include wokism as being a form of religious fundamentalism.  You can see, quite easilly, how it premises itself on the assumption that, if not all republicans (presently), at least all MAGA republicans are indisputably evil, although adherents don't use the word, "evil."  They use various other words.

And, woke fundamentalists - just like Purityrannical Calvanists of yore - project their own derangements onto their own, select, unfortunate victims and enemies.  Rather than creating their own kind of progressive heaven-on-earth, they make life hell, even for the people they claim to be helping, like blacks, shooting each other in the inner city.  And so on.

Like all psychos, they are never wrong.  They are always right and justified.  And they prove this thorough their addiction to violence or destructiveness.  When their dreams and schemes do not turn out as originally mapped, they just say that their putsch was simply not hard enough.  The answer is to try even harder, more violently next time.  Then, a socialist Utopia will finally be reached.  By being mean and disruptive all along the way there.

Just try harder, more violently, and then communism which actually succeed in the world. Because.  Have you never heard the logic?  The end justifies the means. (If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you).

This is the logic which keeps human beings from advancing in a scientific, rational manner.  It takes what could have been hypotheses and converts them into superstitions, fears, hates - and justifications for attacks.  It sees devils in select people, which are not there, and angels in other select people, which also are not there.  So, of course, religious wokism, which claims to hate racism, inevitably encourages and even promotes racism.  Because that's how things go when you start with, and stick to, and reinforce deeper and deeper, a mentality of black versus white.  Fundamentals.  Fundamentalism.  Where, instead of creative discovery, cooperation, relaxation, and such, there is fear, close-mindedness, and ruthless supremacy of all-powerful Ends, which really aren't there, either.

And when there is push back, there is a blind assertion that it is those who push back who are instigating all problems.

You see Biden constantly catering to the far-left non-liberal broken wing of the party, trying to install bullshit such as censorship, or teaching young kids to be super-sexual, or throwing money at ever-unsolved problems, and his actions only make things worse for everyone.  To wit: Inflation.  And all related.  He does these things not simply because he, and others, are convinced that woke fundamentalism is the answer to social, economic and environmental problems.  Most importantly, he does these things because many people in positions of great wealth and power are using woke fundamentalism precisely to make things worse for everyone, except themselves.  They are using its destructiveness to make themselves more powerful.  That's why the ideology has been so tenacious.

It is really sad to finally accept that this is how the world works, now.  Well, to accept the idea - and hopefully to confront and challenge it somehow(!)  It is sad to see that, yes, the tearing down of iconic statues, the throwing of paint on great paintings, the sexualisation of classrooms, the alteration of words in the English language, and so on, have not just been an extension of ambitious so-called progressivism.  In addition to being a manifestation of woke fundamentalism, these trends have been deliberate moves to destroy the culture, and so moralisation, of this country.  Because the country is in fact under attack.

That's what inflation is for.  That's what many shootings are for.  That's what genetically-engineered pandemics and vaccines are for.  Shutdowns.  Lockdowns.  Shortages.  Outages.  Fear-mongering.  Lies.  Wars.  These are all ways of injuring humanity, including the American Experiment and the American Dream.  There is a deliberate attempt, by a true global conspiracy, to destroy the ideals which have made the world free.  It is very sad to really see this.  No longer as hypotheses, or even as strong hypotheses, but as what is really happening.  Sadly.  But true.

Biden has signed an agreement, via the G20, requiring the use of vaccine passports for international travel.  If you want to travel out of country, anywhere, you must be vaccinated.  This is in full denial of the inefficacy, even deep danger, of the vaccines.  The uselessness of the continuing pandemic "emergency."  Do you know that, after Pfizer succeeded in getting the CDC (and so many states) to require school children to regularly receive these mRNA vaccines, it upped the price per vile by 10,000%?  Absolutely criminality going on here, killing children for no reason, solely to gain more money and power by Big Pharma, which already controls the media.  So, however the pandemic began, consider it a part of, not only woke fundamentalism, but of the conspiracy to destroy humanity.

Ever notice things?  In the media?  How one message prior to an election completely changes after the election is over?  And how some stories are covered up prior to voting, until (and only if) they must be released, at a more palatable time?  How Biden yells, prior to an election, that the Dems absolutely will codify Roe - but after the election his tune is different?  Because they need the issue around to run on for the next half century?

Notice how there was this huge hubbub about Republicans being election-deniers, prior to the election?  What was that for?  It was a cock-block.  A prophylactic.  In many locations, without a doubt, the 2022 election was rigged and stolen, according to plan.  So, they knew to have their forces put up this big stink about election deniers ahead of time, both to discourage 2022 "election-denying", and to say, "See, there the Republicans are doing it again!  See how its always them.  Always denying election results!  See!  We told you so!"

They know what they are doing.  They have massive amounts of money, psychological research, technology, AI and power on their side, giving their marching orders to the troops, top-down.  This isn't about Democrats.  This is something far worse and more insidious.  Than any partisan politics.

And what was that microburst all about how we must combat the real threat of China behind TikTok, (something Trump was saying a few years ago)?  What was that for?  That talking-point blitz was aimed at shifting attention from the fact that Biden was not shouting to Xi about Taiwan.  They didn't want ti to look like we were lubby-dubby soft on China, which this administration is.  If anything is really done about TikTok, it will because American Big Tech requested it.

And why all this legal action and FBI raiding of Trump's home, and so on?  The sham trial on national TV?  3+ years of claims of Russian collusion.  Well, simply put, all this was deliberate BS, meant to scare away Republicans - just like that bogus fence around the Capitol - just like the bogus January 6 bogusness - and to make it look like MAGA is the worst possible thing ever, and ban you if you say otherwise.

We took a ride on the Mar-a-Lago-round!

What was that Alex Jones sham show trial that fined him almost a billion dollars for, not killing anyone, but moving his lips?  Same BS.  All of this stiff is part of a plan.

So, it is very sad to finally see what has been going on, on planet Earth, raped as she has been by a lot of disgusting apes.

They really do mean to reduce the global population massively, by hook or by crook.  I am sorry to have to say this.  But I am now quite sure that this is true.

I have been considering this for years, to some degree.  I also came to the conclusion that these powerful agents have been capable of convincing so many players in government, industry, etc., to take part in the slow collapse of the USA, not just by the lure of money, but by the fact that the nation is in extreme monetary debt to China.  China is behind most of what has been going on, and is poised to move on this country militarily when the time is right, and the country is significantly weakened.

I am thinking that a reason why China is buying land around USA nuke sites and military bases might be so that it could set off a few nukes locally, and thus trigger a massive war between Russia and the USA.  Tidbit: At the same time Zhelensky was claiming that the errant missile-into-Poland had come from Russia, (despite knowing otherwise), someone impersonating Macron, calling the president of Poland, apparently trying to get him to involve Poland (and NATO) in a wider war.  So, that's what this demonic conspiracy wants.

Even if this is not the reason why China has been buying up this USA land, China will still have the ability to netter spy and attack these military bases once it moves up the Transnational Highway.  China has 65,000 troops poised in Canada, near Seattle.  It also has troops in Mexico.  It also has countless so-called "police stations" in cities across the USA, illegally.

Biden has deliberately not upped funding for the USA military, even to keep up with inflation.  He also deliberately depleted our strategic oil preserve.  And sent valuable high-tech missiles to be used up in the Ukraine war.  Which is also contributing to food and oil shortages.  All according to a PLAN.

The WEF boasts about controlling half the governments on the planet.

As far as the scheme to greatly depopulate the planet, here is an interesting video from the great Catherine Austin Fitts, from long ago, whe she states the same conclusion I would reach some years later.  Never saw this video before now, btw...

In the last decade, I did take note of some very strange apparent suicidings, e.g., of microbiologists and naturopaths, as well as a flight of billionaires, in the know, to safer countries, like NZ, the Cook Islands, etc.  To quote one of them, "You have no idea of what they are planning to do to this country!"  That was at least 5 years ago.

I have also studied the coronavirus-19, its politics, and various scientific aspects, and medical effects of, the COVID mRNA vaccines.  All quite fortuitously supported the idea that depopulation is seen as a good development, to put it innocuously.

These observations and conclusions have partly swayed me to become less active on LJ.  Of course, more reasons than that.

See beyond the 2nd grade teacher...

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Answers forthcoming...

narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, +++, fitts - catherine austin, bb - conspiracies, end of world

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