
Nov 19, 2022 19:07

After many months, I logged back into my free Roku account and checked out the TV / movie offerings.  Before that, I browsed through tubit, which is great.  In the latter, I watched a few episodes of a 2018 comedy series called, "The Doners."  I vaguely remember hearing about this show in the past, but it isn't even noted in wikipedia.  I think each episode is 15 minutes.  It's pretty good, for a stupid TV show.

Three young ladies live together, and come up with the idea of selling their eggs.  So they go around trying to entice couples to choose their eggs.  That's when the fun begins.  There is one white comedienne reminiscent of Reese Witherspoon and maybe Amy Kholer.  One is Hispanicy, like a mix between Anne Hathaway and the Colombian wife in, "Modern Family."  And the third is a black female who acts hip whitish.  The show is a little like what Modern Family would become if it degenerated even moreso into quick-paced, pointless gags.  There is no strong character development whatsoever.

This show reminded me of an aspect of many females.  They very nicely but deviously try to contrive to get their way, manipulating and exploiting, if they have to.  They change their minds on a whim, they do dishonourable things, they have no shame.  But the end is ultimately noble: security, pregnancy and family.  It's somewhat backwards to how many males approach life, more with direct, blunt force.  Both sexes can lose track of the point of their ambitions, and become habitually annoying or toxic to society.

After that, I went to sleep, such as it was, and had dreams, one of which included one of my sisters.  I looked down to discover that she was weirdly fumbling for my penis.  She was hoping to catch my sperm in a little cup.  I was aghast.  I told her that this was a reprehensible thing to do.  But, she told me she wanted my sperm for a baby.  Not really thinking about the incest implications, I told her, fine, just ask me - don't through all this sneaking around and invading my privacy and stealing!

Awake, it occurred to me that this is kind of how my sisters have been with me all my life.  Not going after my sperm, per se, but all creeping in to steal away little parcels of my personal life, without shame, and with all the best of intentions, or so they have thought.  None of them have really seen what harm this meddling has caused me over the course of my life.

Women!  I can see how many men think they are essentially crazy.  Maybe it is necessary for most men to conclude as much, or such, else they will observe what is really going on and so proceed to blow out all their psychic and metaphysical fuses.  If they were to know the real jungle behind the dance, they might rather run for their lives.

And this got me thinking more, about how men and women are almost diametrically different in how they process and proceed through time and its logics.

Big qualification here: Men and women are almost the same thing.  They are both alive, both animals, both humans, but intelligent, creative, practical, logical, and so on.  However, if you were to eliminate all other factors, and reduce the universe to only the man force in contrast to the woman force, then the two would look to be very oppositely oriented indeed.  We are only talking about the tip of existence's iceberg here - the tiny little sex difference - but it you were to isolate and amplify that realm, then the differences would be the size of a football field, in which face off two opposing bacteria.

As I mentioned, females seem to be indirect and sneaky.  They gather and forgive and defer and please and wait and tempt and shun, and so on.  But, they are still here, so they must ultimately be getting their way.  They must be running off with the gold cup, of whatever is in that gold cup.  Men, on the other hand, are always playing their forceful, direct, logical, manly and brutish games, with only one or two goals in mind, all else be damned.  And, men, too, are still here, so this strategy must also be working, in some way.

What was that play by Euripides, where the Trojan Women boycott the men?  And the strong, wise, powerful men all collapse because they have lost their sex...  Whether sex was a prize for them or some necessary vent in the course of their trials and pursuits...  Losing that one pleasurable manipulation by the sneaky, graceful women totally undid them, and they could not stand it.  So, the woman won whatever the argument was. "It's better to just to agree with everything they say," say the husbands.  "If you try to understand them, you will lose your mind."

So, despite the work and building and exploits and cunning and tools and weapons and successes of men, it appears that the more pacifist, jut-jitsu, "irrational" strategies of women ultimately prevail and win.  Women are the ultimate victors, if only because men are tragically, sadly self-handicapped.  When god was dipping them into the vat of divinity, his two fingers grasping them by the heals, he left that one part of them mortal, vulnerable and fatally flawed.  Men: The those insufferable heals of Achilles.

Except when you take into account one thing:


War returns all we beasts to square one.

It's man's trump card, hidden up the sleeve, pulled out when the pressure has become insufferable.

And then women both die and swoon.

Because, as I said, there is more than a tip to this iceberg.

And we are almost, essentially, the same stupid person.

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movies - 'titanic', my family/relatives, male and female, my dreams / my visions

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