Where are you - in relation to possible nuclear war?

Oct 17, 2022 06:14

A new study has found that nuclear war between the United States and Russia would cause two-thirds of the planet to starve to death within two years.

The dire prognosis was explained in modeling by Rutgers University, which found that 5 billion people would perish, primarily as a result of nuclear detonations causing huge infernos that inject soot into the atmosphere which blocks out the sun and devastates crops.

“Even a smaller nuclear skirmish - such as between India and Pakistan - would likely lead to 2.5 billion deaths within 24 months,” reports the Telegraph.

The investigation found that in the event of a full-scale nuclear confrontation between the US and Russia, food production based on total calorie content would be reduced by 90 per cent within three to four years of conflict.

The team found that the outcome could be even worse given that they didn’t even include heating of the stratosphere which would destroy the ozone layer and allow ultraviolet radiation to damage the surface of the planet.

The map above shows likely dangerous, irradiated areas in red.  Safer areas are in blue.  Wind direction is not known.  As far as including the hundreds of nuclear power plants that would be hit, releasing their own massive amounts of radiation - I am not sure that this map takes this into consideration.

Here is a basic map of likely targets.  (Nuclear plants might not be included):

And here is a more benign-looking FEMA map of targets and radiation spread:

As far as 5 billion people being killed, that basically means everyone in the northern hemisphere.

image Click to view

"Nuclear winter" would starve billions, but some countries may be spared

We are already guaranteed a hard winter, esp. in Europe, because of inflation and fuel wars.

Please check out my posts relating to nuclear issues HERE!
For more specific sub-topics, you can also scroll down to "nuclear" (etc.) in my TAGS.

For nuclear war simulator maps, go HERE.

Here are USA nukes residing in Europe:

And here's a general map of NATO countries and their nukes, aka, targets:

Europe is not much of a defense for the USA, as Russia can lob missiles right over the arctic.

In a nuclear exchange, Europe and Russia would be obliterated.  Most everyone would die from immediate and subsequent consequences.  The super-rich, who are getting into this trouble, would be safe in their underground complexes in New Zealand, Uruguay, Colorado, and so on.  In a few years, they would arise like locust and rule the remaining world in its pristine, healthy condition, ameanable only to solar-powered robots, or something.  Be sure to click this map:

"A map of Europe shows there is a fair chance that you have probably been within striking distance of a nuke:

But, actually, if you are near a blast, you are lucky.  You will die faster than everyone else.

By Zero Hedge Friday, October 14, 2022, (also here):
Best Places To Survive A Nuclear Apocalypse In The US

image Click to view

Is this also what happened to "Atlantis"?!

Atlantis and Global Cataclysm


image Click to view

So Very Doomed - (I love this defunct community).

image Click to view

There is so much more to this vast and troubling topic, especially what to do to improve your low chances of survival. For the latter, visit the sites of the widely derided preppers with their tin foil and their seeds. More 'conspiracy theory' videos HERE.

Presently, this topic is more important than climate change, wealth inequality, and partisan politics.

More info will be forthcoming at a few of my LJ communities, and in my jnl. Please take care! And prepare. Hoping for the best!


Click the pics above for more info.

++, all * nuclear, nuclear bombs/ weapons/ nukes/ (wmd)

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