How people become monsters.

Oct 10, 2022 03:39

Here's the rst of the series.

The narcissist next door believes that I sleep in the mornings, when what I do is spend the morning, and beyond, trying to rest (and "meditate") away the day's worst CFS symptoms.  (I know this from observing his passive-aggressive retaliations).

So, at about (9:30 am, this morning, he started up with his extremely loud lawn edger, not far off.  On a Sunday morning.  His gf was out with their dog, and they were making a kind of party out of it.  I have seen this behaviour before.  She gets angry about something she sees me do, such as putting up a no-trespassing sign, and then she eggs him on into his retaliations, and comes outside defiantly, flaunting, proving, etc.

This time, they were retaliating about me putting up the signs, which were partly meant to ward them off of this lot, with their garbage, lawn mower, etc.  But they were also meant for all the other people coming through.  So, after they had their little annoying party, they went back inside, probably had their sex, and never came out again.  Today, he will probably come out and mow into this property, feeling emboldened, once again.  It's an addiction.  A sickness.  And they practice the same psychology I wrote about concerning idiots in the last town:

They assume that I am not disabled, and therefore am a terrible human being.  But, since they also assume that I am disabled, they feel free to fuck with me.  It's like when society identified so-called witches, and then hung them, or set them afire, or whatever they did.  The mob assumes the women are witches, and therefore horrible human beings.  But they simultaneously assume that they are vulnerable, and so they feel free to kill them.  It's the same thing that compels a dog to chase a rabbit.

In human society, it usually requires some kind of social sanction, otherwise it is considered a crime.  Just as war is fine but murder is not.  In the case of these idiots next door, they get their social sanction both through self-referential sex, and through loud, outstanding gossip with their idiot neighbour friends.

Anyway, they put their yard bags back behind this lot again.

I was not the only person they annoyed.  Someone fired off 8 loud gunshots tonight, around midnight.  Very nearby.  And then a car drove off.  I am going with the hypothesis that the person who did this was one of the black guys across the street.  After police had done rolling through with their lights and their donuts, said black guy could be seen walking outside.  In fact, it sounded like he was right between this house and Narcissist House at one point, talking to his dog, or to someone else.  This hypothesis makes the most sense.

The other hypothesis is that it was the idiots who come through here with their firecrackers, who also happen to be black.  Because there is this thing going on where blacks get to do these things, since whites deserve it.  But that's another topic.  I'm actually glad whomever did it, did it, but would have preferred that they had done a little more than make a little noise.  In fact.

The third hypothesis is that narcissist guy actually fired the shots, as a way to top-off his insistence that he is the alpha male of the neighbourhood, and has every right to use this property, and such, since I am, after all, a terrible human being.  Might makes right.  The logic of the narcopath.  But, I don't really see that, although it is possible.  I don't really care.

After the incident, my dog started getting whiny.  And then he wanted to go outside.  And then he wouldn't come inside.  Now, his stomach might be messed up.  So we might not be able to do the walk, planned for this morning.  Similar to the psychic bother inflicted upon my dog, children also get disturbed by this shit.  And, so, eventually a neighbourhood becomes like the one I lived in, last year, where people were dying form gunshots next door, and pittbulls were biting the faces off of pittbulls, and so on.

And all the children turned into little machines programmed to destroy property.   And the whole point of daily life was to trespass and blame and hate and hurt.  So, everybody died young, and children were abandoned, and drugs were had by all.

It's ridiculous, to me, that my whole life has been a journey through and away from these crazy narcissists.  I am on a train and, almost as soon as I wave out the window, "goodbye," to one town without pity, the train drops me off at the next.  There was my older brother.  Then there was, (in this same city), the crazy gay guy on the corner.  Then there was the Nethers, A-hole Guy, and the crazy bald man downstairs.

And, now, this idiot next door.  When I told him where the property line was, he acted all fine, even though his body language, and his huffing and puffing, betrayed his emotional lie.  So, even though he said, "Thanks!  I always wondered about that!" he continued to act like he owns this place, continuing to retaliate for me minding my own business.

Two Arabs, sitting on the shore.  They see a ship sailing by, in international waters.  But, since they can SEE it, then it belongs to them.  After all, the people in the ship are terrible human beings.  And those people are, simultaneously, very vulnerable to being attacked.  So, why not?  Seize the ship!

This is the main problem of infantile narcissism.  It rationalises greed and injury.  It assumes ownership where the law says there is no ownership.  It rationalises, for the West and for Russian, taking Ukraine.  It flouts the law for these irrational emotional rationalisations.  Often, these superstitions.  Often, this blind paranoia.  And sometimes, but very rarely, this need to survive, at the expense of everyone else.

Sometimes, a hungry homeless person salivates at the sight of a loaf of bread and, therefore, that loaf of bread calls out, "Take me, I'm yours!"  That is not narcissism.  That's almost hallucination brought on via deprivation.  There was a time when poor people, like this, were shipped off to Australia and so now we have the awful problem of human-kangaroo hybrids.  One day, we will all be turned into cyborgs just because we want candy.  Just testing to see if you're paying attention.

Actual narcissism takes these basic needs and balloons them into hyperbole.  The need for love becomes the need for toys becomes the need for big machines that roll over people when they are sleeping.  There is no end to it, as it becomes an addiction, and is fueled by social sanction - permission - encouragement.  Getting away with a crime becomes a thrill - an end in itself.

And, the narcissist remains, or becomes more, blind, to the real needs and wants and feelings of other people, since it is impossible that other people are less terrible than the narcissist.  His own crimes are projected onto others.  His Machiavellian view is seen as being shared by everyone - and so it becomes eat or be eaten, even in the most vain of pursuits.

As I have said, narcopaths use the more-evolved part of their brains to facilitate the child/reptilian part of their brains.  So, in addition to the irrationalisations described above, narcopaths are unoriginal.  Instead, they are reactive and immitative.  They are not creative and cooperative, they are controlling and oppositional.  They are not truly generous or honest, they are thieving and dishonest.  They pretend to care, so they can gain more power, money and/or control.

If they see anyone who is original, creative and honest?  If they see anyone who is spiritually free?  They become obsessed with destroying this person, to the extent that they can get away with.  Since the world is a terrible place, then any apparently good person seen it in must actually be even sneakier, more untrustworthy, more threatening than anyone else.  Make that person top priority for advanced buggery.

Meanwhile, they grow children into their own mould.

As I said above, the worst characteristic of narcopaths is their cognitive over-shooting.  Assuming that things belong to them just because they see them or want them, (and simultaneously disavowing any responsibility for things or humans who cannot advantage them).

In wider societies, mass narcissism is sanctioned by public ideologies, so-called moralities, religions, and the like.  These can rationalise going to war or killing off Jews, or what have you - or they might get these snowballs rolling until they basically fuel themselves, driven less by the mind than by the blood-hungry gut, which was, after all, the original genie.

So, Islam can tell its adherents to advance Jihad against the infidel, and so advance the prosperity of Islam.  And Judaism can tell Jews that they are the most special people on Earth and so can infiltrate other societies and exploit them through usury and such.  And Catholicism can tell its flock to be fruitful and expand into other lands and neighbourhoods and wage crusades against Jews and Muslims.  And Protestantism can tell its gang that they have god in their heads and so they have manifest destiny to work and build and tidy everything up and marginalise entire races.  And so on.  This is the common dark side of apparently all religions.

But, I do believe that religion is also a good thing, promoting charity and justice and all that.  AND, religion is apparently indespensible in countering encroachments by the temporal, materialistic, self-aggrandising state.  It can come down to a battle between the Lord and Caesar, and it can come down to a battle between one manifestation of narcissism and another.  Good and evil.  Who's to say?  Even if we all agreed on what was good, and we all became very good indeed, I am pretty sure that the rest of creation would remain pretty pissed at us.

So, this over-shooting thing...  These blind, selfish assumptions...  Presumptions and intrusions...  What happens when one guy he owns 5 feet into another guy's property?  But, the other guy think he owns 5 feet into the first guy's property?  That's an ambiguous zone of ten feet.  In that amount of space, a lot of accidents can happen, where blame will be inappropriately placed.

Say a tree in one guy's property falls on a fence in that same guy's property.  The  other guy might assume that the fence belongs to him, but the tree belongs to his neighbour, and so he decides to retaliate by shooting through the first guy's window.  And then that guy burns down the other guy's garage.  Etc.  See where the ambiguity gets you?  It brings lawlessness - the law of the jungle - eat or get eaten.

Even if one guy is completely legal in his assumptions, the other guy, who is not, will continue to blame, retaliate and even attack.  And, then, what is the legal guy to do, when there is no legal back-up?  Go and read the Old Testament?

So, where there is this ambiguity, created by false assumptions, and widened and intensified through violence, then there is the development of a hateful, Machiavellian social attitude and, one day, public philosophy.  And politics of narcissism.  Anxious children grown into this mentality, and further the idiocy of their parents.  The gun becomes king but, most of the time, everyone is waging some kind of passive agressive mind-game bullshit war with each other.

So, a nation full of Karens grows up - filled with mass-shooters, and violent protesters, and gang-bangers, and so on.  Because everyone is stuck in this oppressive bullshit society and, for the most part, all they originally wanted was to be loved.  But their homes were full of this reckless egoism, and so that's what they became.

Good fences make good neighbours.  By good fences, I also mean good laws.  Sadly, my lawyer sister, who fancies herself good, has introduced me into more of the same, and assumes that my belief in privacy fences is some kind of part-of-the-game.  Not that I have a stress reactive illness and need to be away from jackass people.  Instead, she manipulates my other siblings to question my trustworthiness, because that is their game.

And, narcissist neighbours see me divorced from my sister, and they assume that I must be the terrible human being they want to assume that I am.  And, so, narcissists, who are basically selfish idiots, just keep the cycle going.  In fact, they insist on it.  They MUST.  It is a mission to bring society down.  It is a mission to bring this country to war.  It is a mission to watch while whole nuther countries of narcissists lob nukes into our cities and, you know, it's almost like, who could blame them?  It's all so pathetic and predictable.

"That's how the world is."

No. Thank you.

I remember when it wasn't this bad.

Note: People ask how did Hitler happen? He happened because society made itself rife for him to happen. People became monsters and put him into power. A nation full of assholes soon becomes a nation full of soldiers.

narcissism - religion, mass idiocy, dysfunctionalism, s- 'profile of a psychopath' (2021-2024), law - borders / property lines, narcissist next-door, gunshots! / gun shots (idk), all * law / legal / rights, psychology - boundaries / fences, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, sociology - mass psychosis, religion - gone wild, violence / fascism, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, hypocrisy - religious hypocrisy, ++, sociology - mass sociopathy, religion - conflict politics and war, psychology - narcissism / narcissists

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