UFOs - by Map and Madness

Oct 04, 2022 06:38

First, here are some maps showing UFO sightings. There is a far higher incidence in higher population areas. (And, there is a higher incidence in certain countries).

UFO-sightings-YouTube-mapping-system- | No Particular Theme

Here's a couple of images which includes sightings from 1940-2007. ***

UFO Sighting Visualized Data On A World Map

It is obvious how sightings are largely in the USA/ Canada/ UK. This may be due to relatively fewer UFO visits elsewhere; relatively fewer reports elsewhere; lower technological ease of reporting / media coverage elsewhere; something to do with the English language; a cultural thing; a failure to collect better data from elsewhere - or, "aliens" are specifically interested in USA/ Canada/ UK. Maybe there are few reports in China because we don't get the info on them - or maybe China is being ignored - which makes one ask: "Maybe China is the one with the UFOs, spying on USA/ Canada/ UK."

Focusing on the USA, it is also obvious that sightings are tightly correlated to population densities. So, this suggests that the whole UFO phenomenon might just be a mainly-English-speaking fad - something like mass hysteria - possibly driven by a loop of media feedback. (If it's an English-speaking phenomenon - then what about Australia? Etc).

However, we can adjust maps for per-capita sightings, (see below). Strictly per-capita representations will, however, reduce the significance of cases where, e.g., one UFO is sighted over Chicago, versus where, e.g., one UFO is sighted over the middle of nowhere. I.e., if corrected for per-capita, then lots of less-weighted people seeing a single UFO in Chicago will reduce the relative significance of that UFO, relative to one more-weighted person seeing a single UFO in Nevada. You can correct for per-capita, but you cannot easilly correct for how many people report the same UFO, or how many people report different UFOs, especially in more populated areas.

Here are a few raw, non-per-capita maps, showing how the population bias clearly distorts, such that, e.g., Chicago is a primary hot spot for UFO activity - since so many people report - when that is not so true.

If you go to this sight, you will see more sightings in South Asia as depicted int he maps above.

The UFO Sightings Map lists over 80,000 records of UFO sightings in the United States from 1910-2014. Historic UFO sightings are marked in yellow on the map and contain detailed reports about the incident. Just click on the spot you're curious about, and you can learn more about the UFO sighting.

This interactive map details how alien sightings happen to spike on one famous day.

Map of UFO Sightings and Population in the Continental USA [OC]

So, you see the problem. Although, differences can be discerned. Now, here is a map actually adjusted for per-capita, (which includes that distortion I metioned above, where, e.g., Chicog gets under-weighted).  Bright green = more sightings.

See this sight: Map Shows Where UFO Sightings Are Seen The Most In The USA

(Compare this to maps of Big Foot sightings.  Purple = higher proportion of sightings to population.  Green = low). -

Below, a version, dimmed for population density, is included. This might include a further distortion of the per-capita problem...

(From the same web sight as above).

For a more representative map, per-capita must be blended with slightly more weighting of higher population areas. To what degree would depend on a lot of study and stats. And psychology.

Another major factor to consider is that piezoelectric phenomena occur over geo-magnetically stressed areas, such as volcanoes, faults and mountains.  Such effects are commonly mistaken for UFOs of the extraterrestrial/paranormal sort...

Earthquakes Can Cause Mysterious Lights In The Sky

A few of these pics might not be showing up/ properly.  I'll see if I can fix that later.

Can you discern any correlations visually between earthquakes, Bigfoot and/or UFO sightings?  I have one hypothesis that the Phoenix Lights, and other, UFO sightings over Arizona, (around 1993? 1997?), could have had something to do with geologics.  It might have been that the craft were taking measurements of dynamics below the surface.  Or, it might have been that the UFOs were piezoelectric phenomena created by such geodynamics - but I don't believe this is the case, for the most part.

UFOs do seem to cluster around military bases, just like China and Bill Gates, buying up land in those areas...

Nearly 60,000 UFO Sightings Show Correlation Between Sightings and Military Bases

The green swath are reported sightings, (higher in higher population areas), and the tags are military bases.  If the reported sightings had been corrected for population, as as I suggested above, then the correlation between suspected UFOs to military sites would definitely show itself to be stronger!

(There is probably a slight correlation between military bases and population).

Here is a time-lapse!...

A time-lapse map of UFO sightings in the US since 1910 shows a major uptick in reports after The X-Files Premiered.

I'm not sure if that pic is going to show up for you, but it might at via the link.

Yes, it is true, a major factor in sightings is sociological trends. And, there are white plastic grocery bags wafted in the wind, which people think are orbs. There are silver balloons and clusters of balloons which people are sure are UFOs. There are birds. There are people testing out jet-packs, drones and secret government aircraft. There is piezoelectric. There is X-Files. There are waves of xenophobia. There is the fool moon. There are asteroids. There are pranks. There are satellites...

Despite all this, I do believe that there are also credible alien-type, anti-gravity UFOs going on, hypothetically. Call me a romantic conspiracy theorist. Or a true scientist. There are so many other factors which lead me in this direction. More later...

maps - ufo / related, ufo's (and see aliens), maps

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