What is my basic opinion on UFOs?

Oct 02, 2022 14:39

I'm glad you asked, because I was just thinking about this about a minute ago.

I believe that it is very likely that this planet has been visited by current and future creatures, including humans. The distinction between current and future is blurred because the further out in space, then the further past, (and future), in time. These beings have used anti-gravitational craft, allowing them to turn on a dime, and so on. However, as they defy gravity - as they travel at lightning speed in space - they simultaneously travel through time. It is important to understand that time travel is fundamental to what they are, and now they appear. Because of this, or along with it, these beings and craft can be said to lurk between multidimensional. Most likely, more "androids" than living beings have been employed. And there seems to be a limited ability to remote-control from home, in distant space-time. Glowing orb foo-fighters are probably remote-controlled. "Drones." It is possible that these are associated with the constructions of some crop circles. Several downed "alien" craft have been retrieved by covert operations of the USA, probably Germany, possibly China, and maybe others. It is probable that some technologies found in these craft have been reverse-engineered and imitated. China is good at this sort of thing, so if China ever found craft, they have reverse engineered them, to some degree. At least one, and probably more, country in the world now have aircraft using the same technology as these discovered craft. Most likely, whomever controls these craft has a major influence on world affairs. My study of current affairs tells me that, again, China is a contender for such a role, at present. There have probably been contests between earthly craft and alien craft, and between various earth craft. We may be headed for nuclear war. If aliens are not determining this direction, then there is a chance that aliens might step in to save us from ourselves. But I wouldn't count on it. I currently regard all this - UFOs - as a kind of realistic hallucination. Since they are interdimensional, to some degree, then this idea is not completely irrational. I have found reality to be wildly unreal to begin with. So, it's hard to go wrong, imagining like this.

At least some aliens may be us from thousands of years in the future. And, now, for a commercial...

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"ufos", ufo's (and see aliens)

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