They are like gods!

Sep 30, 2022 04:13

It's amazing how they told us that there would be blackouts, and that a pipeline would be blown up, and that there would be food shortages, and that new pandemics were coming, and that they would win elections, and so on!  And then these things happened!  It's just like in ancient times, when the elites would pull magic stunts, and this would rouse the masses to get behind them, bowing down, worshipping them as if they were gods.  Meanwhile, their young virgins got thrown onto bonfires.  Not before visiting the chambers of the high priests, of course.  Conveniently.

Europe Braces For Mobile Network Blackouts

If you would not do this to yourself, why would you let them do it to you?

regions - europe, cellphones * iphones / ipads, bs - bullcrap / bullshit, predictions and prophesies, elitist nonsense

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