Old News

Sep 06, 2022 05:44

Since YouTube replaced a Levin video, for which I was looking, with a January 6 propaganda video, I thought it would be fair play to post this.  I don't think it will disturb the delicate balance of the universe.

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Regarding the millions of non-Americans being allowed into this country.  This all began with an executive order by Joe Biden, right about Day 1 of his administration.  No, wait, the concept was actually hatched a few years ago, when immigrants were encouraged to flood Europe, sponsored by the likes of former NAZI, George Soros, (and others), the same guy who pays for public prosecutors to be elected, who let criminals go free.  These are just facts.  Calling opposition to illegal immigration, "racist," just doesn't wash anymore.  If someone were to argue that, then one could come back with a claim that this invasion is a racist assault on white people.  That sort of thing has been going on in South Africa, in recent years and, to call it out, in Australia, one gets shadow-banned.  What else is new?  In either situation, human beings are being hurt.  At our southern border, because of this deliberate stragedy, people are dying, children are being raped, women are being trafficked, drugs (from China) are being spread, COVID and Monkey Pox are coming over, actual terrorists from Ukraine, Iran, and so forth, are getting in.  and, when people point it out, by sending a few buses of immigrants to WDC or NYC, they are attacked in the media, as being the cause of the trouble.  This is absolute bullshit.  There is nothing wrong with legal immigration policy, screen people for possible problems, and protecting Americans from losing jobs, from viruses, from crime.  I am insane for these things?

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environ - population /depopulation, countries - china, american decline / declinism - usa, economics - globalisation, immigration, levin - mark, imperialism, bs - bullcrap / bullshit, youtube, bb - conspiracies

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