The Matador Speech - Part ONE

Sep 05, 2022 20:23

Decades ago, the TV and newspaper news media switched from representing the Republican party with the colour blue, to the colour red.  And they switched the Dems from red to blue.  I can't tell you exactly when this happened, but it might have been as far back as 1978?  I know it took two or three cycles to fully turn.  Around 2006, when trying to discern which colour represented who, I mentioned to Ashley that I thought the colour red was more appropriate for Democrats, since liberals, in my mind, have always been more vital or emotional than Republicans.  And Republicans have always been more subdued, and true-blue.  (Also, red is associated with pink, a female colour, while blue is usually male, an arrangement which better represents the gender bents of the respective parties).

In 2020, this distinction between the parties was demonstrated by the fact that the Dems produced over three hundred violent protests, causing billions of dollars in property damage, injuring thousands of police officers, and resulting in many deaths - whereas the one raucous protest held by Republicans in the last 300 years directly caused no deaths, though was absurdly amplified by the left for political purposes.  (The one person shot dead in the capital, on January 6, was a defenseless female military vet, shot by police, the details of the unnecessary killing being covered up, by government and media).

Now, we watch election results on TV, with maps of "red states" (Republican) versus "blue states" (Democrat).

But, indeed, before the great colour switch, (a deliberate move by the media), the colour red has long represented communism, and the left.  Since the early 20th century, red, and the left, were understood to go hand-in-hand.  That's why "commies" became known as, "Reds."  And, apparently, someone in power, on the American left, decided they no longer wanted their party to be associated with maligned, "Reds," and so they coordinated to the media-wide switch-over to blue.  Deliberately altering conventional truth, like this, is called propaganda.  But, we've been just fine with it, because what does it matter?

Well, these things do matter to people trying to control power.  I never took it seriously much in the past,  but the fact is, these people place inordinate emphasis on iconography, symbology. myth, numerology, and all that childishness.  I guess one reason for this is that the people controlling power are usually narcissists and psychopaths.  We have learnt that narcopaths are, at hearts, animals, children and idiots.  They rise to the top by exploiting basic, often reptilian, sentiments and archetypes - and fears and desires - in the psyche's of their suckers.  Ha.

Also, there really are basic rules and archetypes which do lurk in the darkness of the soul, such as the deep response to injustice; such as the preexisting logical template for language; such as an aversion to snakes and spiders; such as basic predisposition to agree with rules of gravity, time, and so forth.  Interestingly, narcopaths aren't experts at the latter.  They are experts at tapping into and manipulating such basic rules in other human beings.  They know that darkness can be used to frighten people, for example.  They know that self-interest can be manipulated to make a person contradict deep-held convictions or beliefs.  They know that the mind can be influenced by means of suggestion, hypnosis and subliminal messaging.  If you keep flashing, "Kill Bill," on the screen, some people in the audience may acquire an urge to kill someone named Bill, although they may not know why, consciously.

I have written that there is a whole hyper-natural labyrinth of reality which extends beyond our here-and-now consciousness.  This realm involves a dynamic interplay of physics, geometry, time, possibility - and numbers.  Like the black hole, multiple world-line hyper-reality near the end of, "Interstellar," it extends beyond the integrated little world we normally focus on, and even beyond the impinging laws of, "sacred geometry," etc.  For millennia, civilisations have sought to manifest, and use-to-control, aspects of this realm of natural magic.  They have built cities modelled after the geometric configuration of stars.  They have made calendars and astrologies.  They have constructed vast hierarchies of representative gods.  They have projected sacred geometry into masonry and religion.  They have made the Cabala and other books of religious magic.  They have turned the ancient icon of the sun wheel into swastikas meant to inspire psychic power and mass genocide.

So, this realm exists.  People in power have tried to exploit and manipulate it in gullible people.  But, trying to really, fully capture it, is like trying to control the cat in Schrodinger's box.  It is like trying to drive the quantum uncertainty within a qubit towards large, classical-physics results.  It is like trying to build a sand castle out of water.  Yes, our whole reality has quantum weirdness underneath and throughout it.  But it is all in concert to establish this one concrete, classical state.  Time and space.

The only way to influence this realm is through persuasion, which means having others freely decide to believe what you believe, to do what you want them to do.  To the extent that people, or things, and quantum nature, are influence against their Will, there will be an equal or greater backlash and collapse, coming down the road.  It is impossible to make another person live your life for you.  It is impossible to put another in your own point in time and space, nor his mind in your own state of mind, without something akin to a consequent, "nuclear reaction," resulting.

So, although this realm exists, and those in power have tried to exploit it for power, there are huge limits to thir ability to do so.  The more they attempt as much by imposing control, the more they are doomed to fail in the end.  The more Big Brother repeats the big lie that 2+2=5, the more you will one day awaken from your coma in convulsions and rebel.  No matter how expertly those in power try to keep the ball rolling, with trick after trick, false flag after false flag.

This is not to say archetypes do not exist - they do - but archetypes are subservient to will.

You see, yes, underlying quantum 'chaos' conspires to bring everything together into one orderly universe, in which you are the central observer/creator.  But, so must be everyone else.  So, the concrete universe can only be constructed where each entity in it must be slightly different to every other, in placement and in perspective - and in will.  Any two things in exactly the same place must also be in exactly the same time.  Any two things in exactly the same time must also be in exactly the same place.  Leibniz had a very similar idea, in his philosophy of monadism.  In order for two things to be separated in concrete reality, they must be inspired by at least a slight difference in e/motivation, or will.

The quantum soup in your head, even while reconciling your situation and self to those of all the rest of reality, must produce at least slightly different results than would the quantum soup in the head of, say, someone like Hitler, or your mom.  Or even your twin.  Closer proximity, greater similarity, does result in more coincidence of thought and action - but n ever identical in space and time.  This is a really fascinating subject that I should not discuss much more here, but I'll try to curb my enthusiasm and try to move on soon.

Something that is truly identical to itself, is so outside of space and time, i.e., in the quantum realm.  Identicality of self is always accompanied by a loop, or an individuality of will.  Self-entanglement.  Consciousness beyond space and time.  Now, we are all entangled with other things in the universe - connected faster than the speed of light.  But, just as archetypes are subservient to will, superluminal quantum connexion - or psychic awareness - must always be secondary to the world of time and space, where every entity is separate from every other.  OK, like, two twin puppies may have similar thoughts, but not 100% the same thoughts, or they would be the same puppy.  Identicality of self is kind of like a black hole, filled with a loop of eternity, in the otherwise fairly mechanical universe.  It may be entangled with other black holes, but not completely, at least by the measurements of the mechanical universe.  The entropic universe.

Maxwell's Demon, in his box, alone, may be unable to bring order from chaos - to reverse the deterministic attractors of entropy and time.  But Schrodinger's cat.  Not the quark in the qubit.  They have the power to influence entropy and time, en masse, for it is they who create entropy and time.  And this is all willfully accomplished through mutual observation societies - and the power of persuasion.  Trying to turn this little devil into something lie a magical Maxwell's Demon, all alone, and not in concert, inevitably leads to collapse.  Goodbye, Schrodinger's Cat.

Likewise, dictator wanna-be's, in their own little boxes, of their own quantum soup, can never take over and rule concrete reality, unless we, in concert, choose to allow it.  Unless we abandon our responsibility of will, and cede it over to them.  Unless we give up on our time, and surrender to the force of their time.  If we believe that iconography, and myth and fantasy and words - and demonism - is something stronger than our very souls, then we choose to become fodder for history's next great pogrom.  "Souls" - as in SOLE.  Self-evidentiary.

But, it is true, that when a bull is riled and angry, and startled with the wave of a red cape in its face, it will, headlong into its death, with a small of surviving instead.  When we are pushed into fight-or-flight mode, the ancient archetypes, and fears, and superstitions - the red flags - are reawakened, and easilly manipulated by predators.   When we are stressed - with anxiety, fear, hate, anger, or parasympathetically forced desire - we descend from our more intelligence consciousness into more reactive responses.  It's a matter of assessing odds and taking risks, and all that.  But, when we are more reactive, then we more more susceptible to having our will supplanted by that of another - just as a deer caught by a mountain lion may still try to flee, or goes into shock, ever so conveniently for the lion.  Going into shock is a form of will, just not the primary one working for us in normal survival.

So, the corrupt elite are not wrong in thinking that they might be able to work people over, and derive from them more power, by controlling them with their voodoo iconographies.  They are not wrong in thinking that they can overcome our will, so that these charms may take hold.  But they must first get us into a state of intense anxiety in order for this to succeed.  Let's say, they map out virus pandemics, or something like that.  Hundreds of riots, maybe.  Threats of terrorists and, oh, idk, people saying they want to make America great or something like that.  Getting us all isolated into our own boxes.  Inflation, you know.  War.  Nukes.  Putins.  All powerful and all knowing and ever present racists.  Pedophiles and then anti-pedophiles.  Each other.

Creating the problems and then setting themselves to be the only solutions to our problems.

They are not wrong in thinking that they can divide and conquer us, this way - compelling us, basically, to pay them a fortune in protection money and virgin sacrifices.  But, even if society gets worked up into a frenzy, it is still possible for a few to maintain their own free will and, as examples, lead the rest of the flock back to safety.  It is only by society's abandonment of its own will and control that the devil is let out of his box to reign over them.  And, it does happen over and over again, in history.  That's another post.

It is always transcendent will - individual altruism for the sake of society's Good - which breaks the hold of these bastard psychopaths.  The early Christians prayed to a higher god, and that helped them a lot.  Those who survived in the NAZI death camps were those who held strong to meaning in their lives.  Tyranny cannot prevail so long as people defy the danger and keep speaking out.  Keep fighting is the same thing as keep winning.  So long as you live, the other has not become you!  They can never take your freedom.  In, "V for Vendetta," a central message is that you win when you no longer know any fear.  For, after all, the enemy was a lie - a false charade to begin with.

When the Dems switched from red to bue, this was the beginning of a deliberate plan to out-Republican the Republicans.  Earlier, racist southern Democrat, "Dixiecrats," abandoned the party, when civil rights bills were signed into law.  And the GOP picked them up, along with their racism.  After defeat by Reagan, it seems that Dems started trying to win them back.  Bill Clinton signed the crime bill, ended "welfare as we know it", and actually tried to reduce the deficit.  Dems eventually drifted away from being pro-labour and anti-illigal-immigrant, to being fairly opposite.

They used tactics of lies, intimidation and power that had previously been the expertise of the right.  They started several wars.  And so on.  Now, they have merged with the deep state, and they are no longer about sticking it to the man - they are about preserving the status quo and increasing their wealth and power.  Instead of helping certain groups in their constituencies, they were harming them.  And - they became racist, etc., in various ways.

Simultaneously, political correctness morphed into the woke monster called cancel culture.  Censorship, once the purview of the fundamentalist religious right, started being imitated by the growing fundamentalist secular left.  Where once the Dixiecrat right had been intolerant and exclusive of blacks, the woke fundamentalism on the left became intolerant of white, especially white males.  Because they are the ones full of white rage, gunning each other down in the big cities, uh huh.

The party merged with Big Tech and Big Media and Big Bureaucracy and Big Intelligence and Big Billionaires to install a status quo repressive to questioning and alternative voies.  At the same time, new recruits were being solicitted, through the advancement of transgenderism beyond actual gender dysphoria, through the sexualisation of children, through introduction of new illegal immigrants, and so on.  At any turn, the opportunity to create a new identity-group, to exploit, and pitch against other identity-groups, was seized upon.

There is an LJ poster who showed up, relatively recently.  I have reposted one or two of his things.  He posted numerous anti-left posts, day after day, most of which were very relevant, if not downright pithy.  When I messaged to him, "Are you CIA?" all the posting stopped.  Because CIA (and FBI) will do this sort of thing, in order to entice and entrap innocent minds online.  Whether he was fair or foul, one of the things he wrote was on the mark.  Well, I cannot find a quote.  But he basically described the state where one liberal group demands more attention than other liberal groups, and they all fight against each other, and it is a big entropic mess.  Or something  like that.

But, it is true.  R. Kelley was never called out, since he was a member of the black bloc.  Not til after years of a music host on NPR had been sounding the alarm, and not til after a different bloc, the Me Too movement, woke up, and came down on R. Kelley, for his obvious crimes, was this monster put on trial.  In the Democrat Party, there is constant discohesion between all its various groups.  Blacks unhappy with Hispanics.  Labor unhappy with immigrants.   Women unhappy with transgenders.  Asians unhappy with blacks.  Left-leaning church groups unhappy with atheists.  Eclectic small business people unhappy with anarchists.  BLM unhappy with Jews.  Farmers unhappy with squatters.  Academics unhappy with rednecks.  Peaceniks unhappy with psychopaths.  Vegetarians versus goat farmers, and so on.

So, after years and years of trying to manage this polyglot hodgepodge of so-called multiculturalism, the left decided to be ore like the right, and bring cohesion by blaming everything on some external enemy.  But the external enemy has been a moving target: first it was Trump, then  it was Putin, then it was white supremacists, and then it was teachers, and then it was MAGA, then it was "anti-gays" - and now it is about the half the population of the country.  The enemy of the one party state most likely includes both you and me.

You had Hitler's Superman Cult blaming the Jews, and western bankers, and communists, all pretty much interchangeable.  But, now, you have a movement of every stripe - become superman - blaming whites?  non-vegetarians?  corporations?  NO!  They try to keep the srcipt to blaming Trump.  Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump; Trump,Trump....  The worst of the worst.  Couldn't get any worse.  Even worse than COVID.  Even worse than China.  Even worse than inflation.  Even worse than the downfall of Western civilisation.  And nukes.  And living in a pill-box.  And eating bugs.

After managing all this for years, a certain switch occurred, again, where, on the one hand the disparate groups were attempted to be congealed, somehow - with a common enemy - and - all those years of pretending to be blue?  Nice, quite, little baby blue?  Lights out.

The left is RED again!

CRT, Marxism, wokism, anti-racism, and all these, these are the mantras substituted for the homogeneous Superman Cult rhetoric.  And, it calls the right fascist, when fascism originated from the left.  And racism has long had its home in the left.  And irrationality calling itself science has been the hallmark of leftist mass movements, such as those of Mao and Stalin.  Not that going too far to the right isn't a bad thing, too.  It very much is.  But what is going on, today, is that the left has gone so far left that it is now right-wing, fundamentalist fascism pretending to be fair and equitable.  All those groups, once squabbling within the Dem party?  They have become vectors of strife pulling the wider society apart.  Liberally peppered with passive aggression, inflation and crime.

Strife is filling up the spaces in the wider society where trust used to be.

This is why Fearless Leader went on your screens, the other day.  After instigating all this restiveness, the puppeteers of the Dem party have decided to now switch you over to being avid, enthusiastic followers of their great, one-world-uniting, only-one-enemy plan - to roping you all back together again.  They tore you apart, and now they are here to save you, to patch you up.

You learn how these things are, the more you progress in your studies of people.

Well, this fractive, divide-and-conquer game, is only a game so ong as you allow yourself to be played.  Decades ago, it came fromt he right.  Now, it come from the left.  Just words.  Facile distinctions.  It's the same damn devil, and you must not forget that this was was you were fighting when you began.  You must see that your alliances and indurations, along the lines of polarised ideologies, has left you largely blind to the injustice that you first cried out against.

There will be no demon to haunt you world, so long as you stop feeding delusions to the demonic.  So long as you terminate belief that their ideologies and icons are somehow more authoritative than your own innocence and will.

I would suggest, at this point, that readers consider presently doing more research on mass psychosis.  And, I will be posting more on that, soon.  They build up ou internal floating anxiety, and then focus you on some common enemy, that you may again "connect," and they may reap exorbitant profit and control.  You don't gain control by believing in them.  They do.

Now, I want to briefly touch on a few "political" points, which ma be expanded upon, later.  Because I am almost done for tonight.  In fact, maybe these will just be incomplete bullet points for the next post.

In fact, since I have been beleaguered by brain and stress issues, all day, interrupting the flow of this post - maybe you might ask questions or point out issues you might see in this post?  Really, it is not as good as it could have been.

No.  I will save the political/psychological points for the next post.   After these pics, goodnight.

Keep that devil in his little red box.

biden - joe biden, +++

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