Ignore Evil at Your Own Peril

Sep 02, 2022 05:51

Walmart order arrived yesterday.  One box of cereal, five cans of sardines, didn't make the trip.  Plus, it arrived late - ad cold, wet things were packed with, e.g., baking soda, and powdered chocolate.  I had forgotten to get the order from an alternate store - because this is the store that has been giving me all the problems!  But, cashews did show up, and it was nice to munch on them, last night.  I can't keep ordering expensive things, like cashews, or keto bars, much anymore.  There was a time when my SNAP money was ore than I can spend, and some how it is now way to little.  I might have to end the burritos and regress to cans of beans.

I slept a fair amount, last night.  The grueling frontal/brain problem is almost gone.  But it has been replaced by a deep wooziness and imbalance.  I was hoping to walk to the store, this morning, but no dice.  15 minutes ago, whilst my dog was tethered out front, I did walk over to the, "For Sale," sign in the yard of the narcissist.  Retrieved necessary information.  Meanwhile, my dog started barking at me to take him with me, or to come back.  (I only take him for a walk every three days, approx.)  This sort of thing is always annoying, but I didn't bother with him.  The time was 4:45am, CST, and my dog is yapping like a fool.  NO, I don't appreciate that.  But, I hope it woke up the narcissist.  I'm sure some sort of retaliation will follow.

And this has got to stop.  All day, yesterday, I was too ill to even imagine dealing with this - but today, game on.  I am going to start contacting people, just as a beginning.  I am done with this bone-headed idiot constantly buggering me.  Also, today: mowing, probably the whole lot.  Walk to store.  Have some wine.  Another project: Put up lines to catch the dog's long leash out back, and keep it from getting stuck at various points in the deck.  I also thought of putting up some flags to warn people away, keeping them from tripping.  So, I have those ready to go.  Waiting on some tacks to arrive.  Thought further to put up some string lights.  Got this idea weeks ago.  On Wednesday, noticed that narcissist had put up string lights on a on his far deck.  So, I am sure that he will see this as imitative competition.

That's an aspect of these unoriginal, imitative creeps.  They are so busy, rushing in to imitate and retaliate, that anything you do soon after that, is interpreted as you reacting, competing.  They leave no room in their heads for the possible idea that you may be a free actor, with your own agency, creating your own behaviour and choices - rather than being a jealous, mean-world, unoriginal, reactionary creep, just like them.  They project their crap onto you, and leave no room in their heads for the possible idea that you may be a free person, with your own agency, making creative choices, rather than reacting to them, competing with them, unoriginally.  They desperately try, ultimately, to leave you no room, or freedom, in reality, as well.  I am sorry, but this is exactly what the socially imperialistic Dems have been doing: projecting, and then banning and locking up.  It's a terrible sickness, narcissism.  If the fire is allowed to consume, then it only spells collapse.

The degree to which these people hate you, and will destroy you, is the degree to which you are, indeed, free.

Why are these people so pathetically needy and determined? Well, it is more than the fact that they are idiots, with limitted berth of imagination. It is more than they are so cravenly jealous, or that they feel forever deprived, deserving and priviledged by way of some kind of imagined victimisation, past and/ir present. No, these people desperately need to deny their own shame. Every time they feel any hint of shame, creepign up on them, then they must react to bury it, and bury the target behind it. Shame is the fuel they burn, and toss out upon others, igniting them. They would feel little shame in dealing with similar sorts as they - driven by fate, animalistic, Machiavellian, cynical, manipulative - because they can understand and process all that.

But the more they see someone minding their own business, the more they feel they must own that person, as they are ever reminded that they are not owners of all the universe, and they are not rulers of their domain by way of hate and control and cheating and lying. The free man reminds the tyrant of his own crime against humanity. And THAT triggers the evolved, important emotion of shame, which they immediately move to quash. So, you see, they are - and have long been - trapped in a vicious cycle, a cognitive-emotional addiction - that may end well for them, hour after hour, but which is ultimately tragic. NArcissists who keep feeding off of the spirits of other people, which is what many Native Americans saw that many incoming Europeans were doing, leaving outward (and psychic) destruction in their wake, except for themselves, ultimately come to a tragic end, in many cases.

These people react to their own projections of you.  It's a trap.  They accuse their targets of all the crimes of which they, themselves, are guilty.  To wheedle out of blame, they imitate all the virtues they see working for their targets.  It is a very real kind of predatory consumption.

In a shame-acknowledging, GUILT-acknowledging, society, more psychos meet a worse end. In a greedy, ends-before-means, power-hungry society, capitalist or "communist", less of them fail.

These people look out upon others and don't really care about how others feel, or how others fare, beyond what others can do for them. So, there are various degrees - a continuum - of these people: starting with people with narcissistic tendencies, who actually do care about what others think of them, such that ridicule or embarrassment or shame may be effective in curbing their greed - to people who give so little a shit about what others think about them, that they would basically burn people in the engines of their state machines just to keep their sorry asses in power. They would rather gas Jews than to have the NAZIfying status quo be pulled out from under their feet.

I was thinking about this continuum, last night, whilst the demented, aggravating voice of Deng XiaoBiden menaced from my kitchen. There are those narcissists who would manipulate and control. There are psychopaths who would control and kill. The first care enough that ridicule would get under their skin. The second don't care at all if laughing, gossipping people burn like ants under a microscope. I think there is a middle category, which includes a lot of politicians. The politician doesn't give a damn about what people think, other than when what people think is relevant to keeping them in power. So, they faun and praise and act like they really, really care. But they don't. At all. They could turn around and stab you in the back, just as if they were nothing but broken androids on a rampage. And, good, caring, free people generally do not think that such monsters are possible.

But such monsters are very, very possible. You forgive them at your own peril. The times forget and monsters attack once again.

ends before means, all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, biden - joe biden, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, narcissist next-door, my cfs diary (2022), evil - psychology of

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