Così fan tutte - (Women Are Like That)

Aug 28, 2022 15:23

Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti, (All Women Do It, or The School for Lovers), K. 588, is an opera buffa in two acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It was first performed on 26 January 1790 at the Burgtheater in Vienna, Austria.

More Wiki: Mozart (and Da Ponte) use the theme of "fiancée swapping", which dates back to the 13th century; notable earlier versions are found in Boccaccio's Decameron and Shakespeare's play Cymbeline. Elements from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and The Taming of the Shrew are also present. Furthermore, it incorporates elements of the myth of Procris as found in Ovid's Metamorphoses, vii.[13]

It dates back to the 13th century?  My, we are a civilised species.

In the movie, "Closer," (2004), this opera buffa (what?) is referenced, because the movie is about swapping betrothed.  And, now I get to tell you about how I saw, "Closer," again.

That was back when I though I could use LJ as a social dating site.  That would have worked except that everyone on LJ has social issues.  But, back then, I was green behind the ears, and growing corn.  I was going out with lots of local LJ users.  One LJ friend posted that she really wanted to see, "Closer," but wanted to go with someone.  So I said sure.  And she said, "but only as friends!"  Almost scaring me.  I totally kept to the friends thing, though.  I drove to her apartment, she drove us to the movie in her white Ford Ranger, and we saw the movie.  Apparently, I hated Julia Roberts even back then.  But, everybody else, I loved.  So, it was a wash, lol.

And I silently marvelled at all the moral decadence going on in the movie, pretty blatantly, yet childishly, in that stupid, awkward way.  I thought to myself, "who am I with?!  Is this how she is?!  What is going to happen tonight?!  Am I being raped?!"

We had a lengthy didactic conversation about the movie, outside, after it was over, then she drove us back to her apartment, where she introduced me to, "The Hurting," by, Tears For Fears.  I didn't know why she was so into an 80s album, but I had the notion that it had something to do with the quality of the music.  Looking back, now, it probably only had to do with her, hurting.  Stuck in that very clean, heartless apartment, reaching out for someone to watch a  movie with her?  Probably, hurting.  Her father was the financial advisor for the city.  So, maybe she just wanted love but had no idea what she wanted.  All I knew was that she was too tall for this to work, poor bird.

I drove home and thought, "What just happened?"

Where does the end of me become the start of you?

image Click to view

I always liked that song, though, and, of course, THIS ONE!

Full album playlist HERE

I think the characters in, "Closer," were a little uncentred by their blind lust for change.  I tried to find this movie online, free, and got two DailyMotions, but something is blocking them here.  Maybe they will work for you?

This whole discussion results from me having watched a different movie recently, which reminds me of, "Closer," but which is a better movie.  In this movie, two couples go out on a little romp in the woods, and something stupid yet relatively banal happens, which becomes a big thing, and threatens everybody's relationship, and we see everybody wanting to try on the other's partner, but then it kinda ends all wholesome.  No biggie.

This is the new morality of the X/millenials, compared to that of 2004.  The one similarity is that all actors are equally naive.  You don't allow you mate to go off into the woods with your friend, and alcohol, and not even question if something askew might happen.  This movie is based on a an ignorant, idyllic, lazy or drunken view of human nature, and is called, Drinking Buddies, and I loved it... except...

Not your typical Sunday afternoon movie, I am sorry.

The strongest point of this movie is the casual, impromptu, hip dialogue.  And that gets to be it's fly in th ointment.  Sometimes, the camera just keeps rolling a little too long, trying to capture a little more of the gay banter, and it starts to get old.  And these people are too clever to seem drunk.

And, another thing.  I wanted this to be a movie about both of the couples, but it ended being mainly about Olivia Wilde.  Ron Livingston got booted out relatively early, almost as if being killed for being the neo-unethical sore thumb.  And the great Anna Kendrick started turning into a flat bag of worry, gradually fading out of the focus of the movie.  So, that was a real disappointment - more could have been done.

I have come to see that many of the roles that Olivia Wilde plays has her being semi-normal and even cool, but then she slowly, and then quickly, goes crazy - her own special kind of crazy - and this really works for her, I gotta say.  Because, a lot of guys will walk into this movie and say, that hot chick looks kind of freaky with her big forehead and so I cannot relate to her unless she goes really freaky later on in the movie," which she usually does.  It's a shame.

But, this is a fairly good movie, which I recommend.  It slightly disdains over-drinking, and hides it's  moralising on this very well,  But, the message is there.  here is a great big, "LOSERS," sign hanging behind the screen of this movie, which you won't see unless you step out of the characters' own perspectives or attitudes, i.e., drunkenness.

And then you will see that this is the real reason why each of the characters has been having his or her own personal drama attack. These are amazing people - if not falling short of their potentials, maintaining a comfortably numb holding-pattern in life. The default 'bad guy', Livingston, was actually the smartest of the four, for moving on. Although, that relationship ended rather facilely.

Oh - and this movie did a little of the Così fan tutte (Women Are Like That) thing, which can be interpreted as, "women like to have sex, too," or, "women flirt but deny it and the next thing you know..."

I love all these actors, except the second guy.  I have no idea who he is.  But, here are other movies I associate with each of them:

Olivia Wilde - Cowboys & Aliens, Meadowland
Anna Kendrick - Table 19, Pitch Perfect, The Hollars
Ron Livingston - Office Space, Body Shots, The Time Traveler's Wife, Parkland, Tully, Music Within
Jake Johnson - The Lego Movie, I guess he's also Spiderman.
Joe Swanberg - Family Guy?  No, really, he sounds pretty interesting.

Wiki - In 2017, Wilde made her Broadway debut, playing the role of Julia in 1984. In 2019, she directed her first film, the teen comedy Booksmart, for which she won the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature. Wilde's second feature, Don't Worry Darling, premieres on September 22, 2022.

Also: "Director J. J. Abrams asked: "When you have a movie that's as entertaining, well-made, and well-received as Booksmart not doing the business it should have [the teen comedy underperforming at the box office despite critics' raves], it really makes you realize that the typical Darwinian fight to survive is completely lopsided now. Everyone's trying to figure out how we protect the smaller films that aren't four-quadrant mega-releases. Can they exist in the cinema?"[35]"

Booksmart failed in the theatres because the first half hour was nothing but two girls chirping about, "vagina!"

swanberg - joe swanberg, movies - 'booksmarts', movies - 'booksmart', kendrick - anna, movies * all movies, movies - 'closer' (2004), wilde - olivia wilde, alcohol consumption alcoholism(and see d, movies - 'dinking biddies' 2013), music - tears for fears, my past, drunk / drinking (and see alcohol), livingston - ron livingston, johnson - jake johnson

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