Life is an accident waiting to happen.

Jul 31, 2022 09:32

I did tune into, "I Survived," last night, but not for too long, and sometimes only half-watching.  I had already seen the eipisode(s) before but it's amazing how I can forget, and see old things in a different mood/angle.  And, you know, no angle is ever right, right?  Here is one story, from that series, wherein a woman describes how she was caught bare-footed by a tornado.  She is from and in Huntsville, (or maybe Mongomery?).  She is one of the most interesting of the guests, personality-wise.  I don't know how much of her is Huntsville, how much is a ditz and how much is a profound strong person.  But, if you set yourself to it, it can be interesting to think about how she views thngs, how she plays with her own skin, and so on.  Here is a snippet.  The full episode is under the cut.

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Episode contains account of tornado encountre.

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Tornado snippet.

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Poor guy tries to save people from oncoming tornado.

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Here is a fantasic account of a man being sucked up nto a tornado.  Unfortunately, I cannot retrieve a video for it, but you can watch it on DirectTV, etc.  The other stories are also good.

"I Survived," episode list.

I don't know who will survive my present trial, but it feels like it will be either me or my dog - not both.

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Family finds the dog that saved them from a tornado

I thought this was interesting... Maybe slightly relevant...

Bush, Putin Tour Texas Ranch by Pickup Truck, Talk Missile Defense

Giant UFO Attacks George W. Bush's Texas Ranch - More here. Whatever it was, it showed up on official radar.

George W. Bush Tells Brian Williams: 9/11 Was an 'Inside Job' - Is China, "inside?"

Photo at fatal Kentucky crash shows spirit leaving body?

I have so much to say about ghosts, later, hopefully before I become one. Whether this pic is valid, or an optical illusion, etc., the fact is that near-death / after-life reports always come from a particular point in space (and time), (or travelling along a finite trajectory). This means that if a spirit does in fact leave a body, then it is more likely, than not, going to be in a particular location (and time), such as depicted in this pic. Like some kind of transitional phase between what we know as physical/temporal reality, and quantum spacelessness/timelessness. It has always interested me that ghosts, and such, somehow manage to hue to the correct spot on the Earth, as when 'haunting' a particular building, even though the planet is spinning and careening in into vastly different coordinates all the time. How does this happen? So fascinating.

emergency prepping / survivalism sites, cities - crawford texas, king - larry king, presidents - bush george w bush (bush 2), tv - 'i survived', nuclear missile bases, usa national security, environ - weather - tornadoes, all * nuclear, putin - vladimir, ghosts / ghost people, unexplained / unsolved mysteries, weird news / strange news, ufo's (and see aliens)

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