It's a wrap.

Jul 24, 2022 18:05

I am naked and sweating because you can guess why.  My black hairy dog is pushy for more cold water.  I am wanting to call it a day.  CFS on the brain was pretty bad.  Finally took care of recycleables and washed some pans, etc.  Slow and steady wins the race...

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Three things about Kenyans: Everyone knows they are great, persistant runners.  I noticed that Kenyans tend to have tall, very Sapiens foreheads, some quite beautiful.  And the other thing is that they are close to, and were related to, that cradle of civilisation, Egypt.  Some tribal groups in Kenya and the northern Sahara still carry on proto-Egyptian lifestyles, like drinking the milk and blood of goats, and what have you.  This does not means that Kenyan sapiens were the first to get naked, sweat and run.  But they are like the genetic epicentre of that, as the changes developed in homo-erectus and continued forward into modern humans.

My left opposing thumb is a bit on me tonight.  Note to self: buy some plums.

++, evolution - human - and see prehistoric

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