Don't believe everything you see, or read.

Jul 03, 2022 07:54

I think LJ may be messing with the original post editor just to irritate people into using the new one. And the only possible explanation for why they keep pushing the annoying new post editor must be because they use it to spy on you.  Or else it is  ghost.

Game show quiz: Can you complete this sentence? "Never trust a ..."

I might also mention that another weird thing has been happening to me online. I post videos here, and some of them get taken down two months later. Maybe I increase viewership so YouTube says, "We should monitise this one!" Or else the Big Eye Man is just try to stymie my over all seditious influence. Or maybe it's ghosts again.

I walk around naked most of the time, since the AC sucks, here, and despite the fact that the narcissists next door can see right through my kitchen windows. The siblings put in these really see-through shades, which work even better when it is bright inside and dark outside. But the neighbours can see in all day and night, except when the sun shines on them. This problem would be eliminated, at least eliminating the line-of-sight from their upstairs bedroom window, which pertains to all the naughty bits, if awnings would be put up along that side of the house, thus reducing my expense on trying to cool this place in vain, as well as my vain nakedness.

I didn't suffer too many firecracker intrusions, last night. (I am sure many are coming tonight and tomorrow eve and night)! I just put on noise cancelling headphones and watched the loud version of, "I Survived," as well as most of, "RV," with Robin Williams, who is now a ghost. RV (2006) is free on YouTube because it has a low appreciation rating, so I had been thinking of watching it, there, for a while, but it showed up on TV. It really isn't as bad as the critics rated it. It is nice, clean fun, plus the daughter has a hot body, and looks very 2006. (Remember 2006, and all that Hollywood Rat Pack stuff? What a time).

This was one of the few Robin Williams' movies which I could actually watch despite Robin Williams. In fact, he was abnormally mellow and mature, and didn't do too many annoying things with his mouth. In fact, he lent a nice deep sweetness to an otherwise formulaic and blase movie. Not really funny, but mildly delightful. It reminded me of that terrible elephant movie with Bill Murray, but better. It also reminded me of the, "Harry And The Hendersons," movie, without Bigfoot. Thus I thought that lantairvlea's kid/s might like it, hmmm? A harmless family movie. I ws a bit biased in favour of it, due ton my lifelong ambition to be entombed in a recreational vehicle.

After more distortion of my brain's space-time continuum, I experienced sleep and CFS issues. But I did awaken feeling oddly alert, and yet oddly effed up in the capesa. Every few years, on average, I seem to have a dream where I huge anger at my mother. Don't get them much, lately. It's concerning, though. I was known as my mother's favourite, but she was also someone I hated. Later on in life, I insisted that we could not work together except on a FRIENDS basis, since I had been successfully resolving past psychological issues, and refused to go backwards.

This was a mature move, on my part, but never understood by other en ma famile. Instead, for instance, my older brother, who read my mail, aped this move, among other things, and tried to co-opt her as being HIS "friend." And other siblings just proceeded in life thinking that I was a sad mama's boy and, thus, my CFS was just an extension of my patheticness. A patheticness they envied.  Ohhh, it's a long story, which I don't want to get into right now.

It was they who continued into life only breeding more of the old dysfunctions, rewarded by the world's dysfunctions.  And I who was killed  by them.

But, my mother was important to me, despite her quite, angry, narcissistic tendencies. So, I sometimes feel like reaching out and asking her to help me, in the throes of my CFS, and related failures. In the dream, last night, I yelled at her to STOP talking to me! Because that was the problem. I wonder if watching vignettes on, "I Survived," which included family violence, as so many do, encouraged me towards this aggressiveness in my dream. Or if, (not mutually exclusive), it was my paining brain. Maybe the CFS demon in the centre of my brain just uses her spectre as a ploy to work things back and forth, healing and hurting, healing and hurting. Or, maybe my mother is a ghost.

The dream gave me the thought that many, possibly most, relationships are an effort, by both parties, to escape the narcissism of this disrespective Mothras. After all, we all come from, and must wean ourselves, from attachment to the womb-monster, over time. It's a natural thing. And then we die. Some people succeed, and some people, who remain glaringly anonymous in this journal, fail.

Here is an interesting, supportive article, about observation creating reality, on the quantum level. Mind you, on the medicosmic level, this process battles against itself across all creation, and so some kind of shared reality seems to emerge for all, with only indiscreet aberrations of illogic, but also with strange emergencies of meaning, here and there, for each and every being. For example, meaningful ghosts may one day visit you, and then you will die content, that you did, at least, one day, experience meaningful ghosts. I mean, that's something, right? And, delusively, you assume that you shall be off, and on your way, to some kind of integrated eternity. Well, sincerely, whatever. Nothing surprises me anymore.

A very few of you may be happy to know that I have ventured into new ideas concerning physics, cosmology and consciousness, within the past few days. Briefly, I an say that the main hypothesis is that we have been, since the "Big Bang," superluminally, and so illogically, entangled, not only with the rest of the universe, but with the antimatter universe. Bleed-through events, or ghosts, which I once assumed were from alternate dimensions, could rather be seen as being from this antimatter universe, which is countre-temporal,in addition to being countre-material. So, it all kind-of works out, in many ways. It's just that this grand scheme of things is dependent on the theory of antimatter, which I don't like accepting as a premise, since I prefer to keep it as a hypothesis, "a priori". But, it's a good mock-up.

Unfortunately, I might not be explicating much of this, soon. Instead, I thing I might be touching around the fringes of it, posting more loosely about time travel and ghosts. Which many of you may find more fun, anyway. Who knows what will happen. I might disappear down the toilet in a few minutes from now. Which may be what has been desired by the grand schemers of things in the first place.

Objective Reality May Not Exist At All, Quantum Physicists Say

Does reality exist, or does it take shape when an observer measures it? Akin to the age-old conundrum of whether a tree makes a sound if it falls in a forest with no one around to hear it, the above question remains one of the most tantalizing in the field of quantum mechanics, the branch of science dealing with the behavior of subatomic particles on the microscopic level.... Now, scientists from the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) in the São Paulo metropolitan area in Brazil are adding fuel to the suggestion that reality might be "in the eye of the observer."

In their new research, published in the journal Communications Physics in April, the scientists in Brazil attempted to verify the "complementarity principle" the famous Danish physicist Niels Bohr proposed in 1928. It states that objects come with certain pairs of complementary properties, which are impossible to observe or measure at the same time, like energy and duration, or position and momentum. For example, no matter how you set up an experiment involving a pair of electrons, there's no way you can study the position of both quantities at the same time: the test will illustrate the position of the first electron, but obscure the position of the second particle (the complementary particle) at the same time....

"We used nuclear magnetic resonance techniques similar to those used in medical imaging," Roberto M. Serra, a quantum information science and technology researcher at UFABC, who led the experiment, tells Popular Mechanics. Particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons all have a nuclear spin, which is a magnetic property analogous to the orientation of a needle in a compass. "We manipulated these nuclear spins of different atoms in a molecule employing a type of electromagnetic radiation. In this setup, we created a new interference device for a proton nuclear spin to investigate its wave and particle reality in the quantum realm," Serra explains. "This new arrangement produced exactly the same observed statistics as previous quantum delayed-choice experiments," Pedro Ruas Dieguez, now a postdoctoral research fellow at the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) in Poland, who was part of the study, tells Popular Mechanics. "However, in the new configuration, we were able to connect the result of the experiment with the way waves and particles behave in a way that verifies Bohr's complementarity principle," Dieguez continues.

The main takeaway from the April 2022 study is that physical reality in the quantum world is made of mutually exclusive entities that, nonetheless, do not contradict but complete each other.
Stephen Holler, an associate professor of physics at Fordham University, tells Popular Mechanics that the study underscores a famous observation by Richard Feynman: "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics."

my family/relatives, physics - observation, williams - robin, physics - antimatter, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, movies - 'rv' (2006), all * narcissists/ narcissism/ psychopat, ghosts / ghost people

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