H.G. Wells: Time Traveller

Jul 01, 2022 07:43

Yesterday was quite bad, during, but especially before and after pushing myself through the exertion.  A fair amount of sleep last night, but still have CFS 'migraine', and now those blinding squiggles in my eyes.  I will have to try and sleep again, after I make this post for posterity.  I will be talking a lot about time travel and mad geniuses in the near future.

H.G. Wells was a big influence on my growing up.  He was influenced by Swift, Smollet and Defoe, just like me, and was familiar with other stars, like Verne, Doyle, and Huxley.  (And I am guessing Aleister Crowley and Charlie Chaplin).  He was a very imaginative, creative, thoughtful, observant and prescient(?) - (prescientific?) - human being, who also liked sex too much, hung with females, was highly naive and highly ambitious, loved nature and science, was both optimistic and deeply cynical, and was so wise that he became almost despondent for humanity.  Not only was he an inspiration to me as a lonely, searching boy, he was kinda like me in many ways.  I read a number of his books and was turned back on to him when Spielberg put out, "War Of The Worlds," in 2005. (Not long after 9-11).

Alex Jones absolutely hates H.G. Wells, and his teacher, Thoma Huxley, calling them, "Fabian Socialists," in the company of George Bernard Shaw and Bertrand Russell.  (I don't entirely take to heart everything that Alex Jones says, but he has more standing with me than with others, as he has read a huge amount of history).  The Fabien Society was a well-healed group interested in advancing the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow.[1][2] This movement was contrary to the communist putsch, which anticipated utopia via bloody revolution, and continues to be associated with England's Labour Party.  It also was in opposition to Germany, seeing it as a growing threat.

It is interesting that "communist" or socialist revolutions never really wait for the industrial capitalist state to first, "wither away," but, rather, on the one hand, try to force revolution, "unnaturally," (i.e., in contradiction to Marx's theory), and on the other hand solicit the significant backing of the non-revolutionary, or at the most, gradualist, left.  We have seen this in the USA in the past decade or two.

The less radical left, which is generally tied into established institutions and corporations, always tends to mess up the idealists' actual progress towards their true utopia.  (As does destructive violence by the radicals).  What ends up happening is that political change becomes exploited by selfish interests of old and rising elites, establishing or maintaining new power over the masses, controlling a new, oppressive and destructive state.  It reminds me of how all that free money to the poor of a few years ago has, as I predicted, resulted in rising inflation which is now hammering the poor far more than they had been helped.

Wells once thought that World War Two would be, "The war to end all wars," since, of course, people would see the horror of it all, and finally grow up and build a perfect world.  After he saw the devastation, inhumanity, and then lack of change, (as in the League of Nations),  Wells became instrumental in persuading many people that nationalism was a very bad thing, and must be replaced by a world government.  This opinion is a big reason why Alex Jones hates Wells.  This and Well's 'anti-family' sexcapades, etc.

And I agree with both of them.  Some other system has to be worked out, actually different to both nationalism and to global government.  The reason why global government won't work is because the same psycho-social, economic and physical processes that lead to nations turning into monsters will turn a world state into a monster.  But, in the case of the later, there will be nowhere else to run.  There will be no other alternate system to try.

(Jones also hates Wells because he 'dated' the young daughter of eugenicist, Margaret Sanger, the mother of Planned Parenthood which, according to Jones, has contributed to the genocide of 40% of the black population in the United States).

H.G. Wells started off thinking that, just like him, mankind possessed the hopeful ambition to transcend, to build better machines, and also to overcome war and greed and the temptation to devolve into Morlocks.  In fact, Wells' own naive ambition is not only what drove him to be so prolific, but also drove him to become cynical near the end of his life, he becoming less and less confident that his Fabian utopia really could solve all the big problems.

He came to the conclusion that I have, and that many in our day have, that the odds are stacked against man (generic), not the least being his own primate, selfish and defiant, natures.  But, a lot like me, Wells keeps pushing on, with a stiff upper lip, hoping to at least be an example, in the face of probably failure.

In this way, the boy of pure heart, once encouraged by a cadre of imaginative and adoring females, then experiencing the cruel reality of man, became something like me, a transcendental existentialist.  He was a missionary man, content that his mission should likely fail.  He was not any kind of ends-justifies-means radical communist, or vulture capitalist.  As more of an explorer of hypotheses, he actually inspired a lot of scientific, political and literary progress,when he lived, and up until today.

His naivite once told him that, if only government could be fixed, then humans could thrive in happiness.  He later learnt that it wasn't so much that government didn't work, but that people didn't work.  Capitalist democracies were contaminated by greed and corruption.  People didn't work because they felt driven to work, or out of work, especially when there were no unions.  In "communist" states, people didn't work because they were disicentiviesed to work for themselves, and by corecion from the state.

Democracies cannot prevail unless undergirded by a moral people, and so by some kind of public philosophy or religion, rather than having swarms of sheeple falling behind lying, cheating, corrupt politicians, flauting the false legitimacy of their law degrees.

And, Wells may also have inadvertently lured other naked apes to emulate some of his ideas, for their own nefarious purposes, as usually happens in this pathetic world.  I have discovered.  Hitler may have latched on to Well's book, "The Shape of Things To Come," both to execute his military campaigns into Europe, and to promote a perfect utopia, albeit run by a lot of NAZI's.  While The UK Fabiens were advancing gradualist Socialism, and praising the rise of fascism in Spain and Italy, Hitler took the leftist idea of fascism, and co-opted a socialist political party, and turned into into a right-wing, statist movement to eradicate communists, gays and Jews.

Inevitably, this ironic swing would clash with the direction in which the UK, and Europe, was tending.  World War Two was so odd, because it was like an echo of World War One, (the war to end all wars), only a lot bigger, and only two decades later!  So, who is to say that Hitler stole from the predictions of Wells, when the mere fact was that everyone was just fating themselves towards WW2?

On the other hand, for his NAZI effort to improve the world, Hitler did steal ideas from Mussolini, from Neitzsche, from archaeologists and myth, and from the USA's amazing highway system.  He even stole Charlie Chaplin's moustache!  There is no doubt that his career was one of using other people's ideas and power to advance his own ego.  This is the way of missionary narcissistic psychopaths.  In contrast to Wells, Hitler was looking for fame and glory.  But, whatever.  The world, at the time, was full of rising technological progress, rising middle classes, (who could read books), and destabilising economies and geopolitics.  Whatever these men were, personally, they were also only vehicles for the times.  Consuming all the new books and media.  Thinking they had the answers.

H.G. Wells was quite deliberate in his career(s).  He knew that the reception of his first book, "The Time Machine," could make or break him as an author.  In this book, he offered new scientific imaginings to the world, but also choices between evolution towards good, or towards evil, as a species.  He consciously meant to admonish and inspire - to encourage progressive change.

Although, "The War Of The Worlds," did partly grow out of preceding popular literature in England regarding sceneria of possible invasions by Germany, this book clearly warned of greater threats to our frail species as a whole, and advocated the need to unite the world into one cooperative civilisation, before it became too late.  Subsequent Science Fiction writers, such as the son of his mentor, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Robert Heinlein, Phillip K. Dick and Gene Roddenberry, took up this role, of acting as both prophets and teachers for the present, a kind-of class of well-advertised monks for the future.  The fore-brains of our body politic.  Out to save civilisation, largely from itself.

This kind of altruism is something I find very appealing and respectable in such sages, and it is a primary trait in all of my heroes: Tesla, Kafka, Einstein, Socrates, Thoreau, Florence Nightingale, Camus, George Harrison, Gandhi, Jesus, the Monks of Iona, the Founding Fathers, the great philosophers who made science for us, the people who keep pushing and fighting on, for that very same spirit of altruism.  Even Karl Marx and Adam Smith.

And, this spirit of altruism, or innocence, also seems to be inherent in a lot of the real prophets you read about, and which you will read about more, should you choose to subscribe to this journal and keep sending me money.

I don't think Wells should really be blamed for being a part of a slow socialist movement, or for advancing world government.  He was merely looking for answers, in a very tumultuous and really strange epoch.  He did not side with the far left, which eventually became responsible for the mass murdering of tens of millions of people in the 20th century, nor did he side with the far right, which has its own record of mass genocides, (although more advertised than the former, these days).  Extremists and psychopaths have been killing hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people since our race started off.  All Wells was trying to do was to search out a middle, non-destructive, progressive way.  Which is a lot like me.  The sad thing is that always, it seems, the middle just keeps getting exploited and handicapped by the corporatists and the extremists.  And, this is the continuation of our attempted evolution towards human progress, and wisdom through adversity.

Another interesting aspect of Wells was that he began from a poor background - parents who were basically servants of the upper class.  It was illustrative of a string middle class that Wells was able to arise into that upper class, by propagating popular books to that public.  His sexual and political mores represented both a lower class vulgarity and an overturning of Victorian strictures and hypocrisies.  Trying to work through a changing system, just as has been going on in this country for many decades.  Both a product of the times and a maker of the times, he can neither be blamed for his personal life.


Here is a nice, meaty documentary of my hero, H.G. Wells, a true, original time-traveller...

image Click to view

books - 'war of the worlds', political - socialism - fabien socialism, hitler - adolph, huxley - thomas, my heroes, science fiction / sci-fi, books - 'time machine', +++, heinline - robert e, history - interwar, books - 'shape of things to come', jones - alex jones, history - ww2, sanger - margaret sanger, history - ww1, war - ww1, history - 1800s - late / victorian

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