Just got back from NAM!

Apr 30, 2022 12:34

I lost half a roll of TP fightin' them nips!

Cacao may have been the food of the gods.  And bioflavinoids, I'm sure, are very good, just like cocaine and caffeine and magic toads.  In the jungle.  But too much mocha can be a bad thing.  It can go right through you like nobody's business.  Do NOT go into the mocha business.  Especially if you also eat Hershey's ZERO SUGAR Special Dark chocolate!

Have you ever had those little Hershey's ZERO SUGAR Special Dark chocolate bars?!  They are soooo good!  and, they have no sugar!  Chocolate, right?  What could be better?!  Nam, nam, nam!  Well, there is something in them, probably inserted by China, which makes you crazy and you end up in a battle you will never win.

I call them Nips.  I don't know what Nips really means, but I am calling them Nips, because they took over my body and I was at the toilet for 20 minutes, imparting loud incantations my neighbours could hear.  My dog certainly did.  I had to flush that three times before I was done fightin' them Nips.  In the bud.  It was bungle in the jungle.

And now I am exhausted and no one will hire me and China now owns my toilet, and my dog is speaking some other language.  I could wave a flag at you but you won't listen.  You just think I am crazy.  A fool who believed all the wrong things.  And who now actually WANTS to wallow in the gutter legless and cursing Bolivia.  You don't know.  You just don't know.

Oh, but there's nothing like a purge.  Man.

I'm putting it all behind me now.

Hitting, "Reset."

Let's see what new wonders the day shall bring!...

Note: apparently "Nips" is what USA soldiers called Japanese soldiers, or Japanese in general, during WW2l.  It is very important to use derogatory, objectifying appelations when one is seeking to fight or kill other people.  These words are like guns, so if we take them away, then people will stop fighting and killing each other.  i don't know from wither "Nips" derived.  Maybe it was short for, "National Imperialist Police State."  I believe the term I should have used above would have been, "Gooks," or, "Chinks," although, "Nips," sounds better, and more in line with the music of the piece.  These awkward identifiers were not just used by Americans to describe various Asians, but were also used by Crackers, Honkies, Yankees, Rednecks, Niggers, Wiggers, Hicks, Hillbillies, Wetbacks, Degos, Guidos, Coons, Micks, Macks, Paddy's, Kikes, Hymies, Frogs, Gerries, Krauts, Limeys, Ruskies, Dumb Swedes, Kiwis, Sand-niggers, Towel-heads, Spear-chuckers, Gringos, Redskins, Fart-knockers, Nerds, Cheeseheads, Potato-heads, Couch-potatoes, Land-lubbers, Name-droppers, Side-winders, Tree-huggers, Dry-cleaners, Bleeding-hearts, Fascists, NAZIs, Teetotalers, Busybodies, Poodles, Curs and Bigfoot, many of whom had guns. - What's in a NAMe?!

objectification, diarhea, food - chocolate, labels, countries - vietnam, curse words / fowl language, words / language/s, names, health - enemas, my satire, my funny posts - and see funny

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