They Rule By Fear #2

Apr 22, 2022 19:00

I should have mentioned in the last post that destruction is part of the higher philosophy of this movement.  The idea is that you run everything into the ground, then you can rebuild society without all its former flaws, in a new order of ehanlightenment.  Sorrry, that is crap, and exceedingly narcissistic.  The philosophy of marxism, which I have studied enthusiastically, asserts that only afetr idustrial/imperialistic unfairness reaches saturation point, then the state will naturally wither away, and be replaced by a collective of people ruling themselves like wizardly cherubs and all shall be well.  WRONG.  Aside from this being incongruous with psychology or sociology, these latest revolutionaries have actually stated, up front, out loud, that they were not willing to wait for this natural transition to occur.  Instead, their movement was all about FORCING the transition to occur.  What does that mean?  Violence.  Destruction.  Inflation.  Lies.  Everything we are seeing now.  all because these freaking narcsissits somehow KNOW what is better for us, even if it means killing off 4/5th of the human race.  OK, glad to get that out of the way.  This whole movement is knowingly ARTIFICIAL.

But this installment is not a post about politics.  It is about psychology.  It can be related to politics, or it can be kept apart, or related to anything you want.  These are simply some basic psychological observations by yours truly.  Let's start, shall we?...

So, I was watching the original Star Wars, last night, as per.  This one was about children of another human-identical planet taking control over the crew of Enterprise, because they wanted to spread across the galaxy causing badness.  And they were ruled by some knd of phantom who shall be referred to, here, as, "Santa Claus."  The thing about this episode is that several pscyhological concepts seemed to be dumped in, as if just hoping the episode would end up looking profound.  Or - was the episode actually profound.  I think the episode may only have been profound in the sense that it adhered to own profound interpretation.  It's like this: Parent complains that the kids have been annoying her, and they acted this way or that way.  And then stupid things happened.  Well, this parent could have written a good Star Wars episode, even if she didn't know the deeper stuff that was behind what she was talking about.

OR - Someone could have known what he or she was talking about, and then went about writing a very in-depth episode about human behaviour.

I think the first is what happened, by a couple of writers, and they threw stuff together, and they got lucky, because human nature sometimes shines through as profound.  They were like, "Let's mirror how parents get really anxious when they get bothered by their kids...  And let's add how kid can be locked up in fantasies and delusions.  And let's somehow connect this to trauma caused to children.  And maybe this all will come out looking profound!"  I think this is what happened.

But me, of floppy brain, being what I am, I looked at this episode as a way to shine light on the human condition, whatever it's crass or lucky origins.  So, here's how it goes...

Mind you, this is mainly my own stuff.  I really don't think the Star Wars writers knew any of this, other than in a vague, pedantic, emotional way.  Not that I don't credit writers.  I just think this is how it is here.

The Star Trek crew began experiencing (parental) anxiety when being around the extraterrestrial kids.  What was bothering them?  Writers suggest it must have been the kids' obscesion with delsion, or fantasy.  When the kids take control of the ship, that anxiety disappears, because the crew is thrown into worlds of delusion, or fantasy.  This is what I call, "espape-from-stress."  It is an idea I have offered as an alternate, or an addition, to the standard acedemic concept of reward.  Simply, if you experience chronic stress, and then are relieved from it, this is basically the same thing as if you were in a normal state and then presented with a bag of cocaine.

But, there is a fly in this ointment.  Anxiety, often related to fear, can be a self-serving loop.  If you;ve ever experienced it?  anxiety can go into a loop of irrationality, suspicion and supersition.  This is because it is rewarding itself not through regular rewards, nornally, but by release-from-stress.  It is, rather, using punsihment as a way to escape stress, or uncertainty.  You all know that some people, or some occasions, will invite obeiance by relying on the certainty of punishment, pain, or fear, as opposed to the UNCERTAINTY OF ANXIETY.   Right?  And this is driectly related to my concept of, "Paradoxical Learning," where routines are learnt via fear, because fear, or punishment, becomes a better reward than reward, simply because it releases a person from chronic stress.  It is a method of psychopaths to induce their victims into a state of fear - of chronic anxiety - so that they may induct these victims into thier cults.  Offering ABSTRACT rewards while inducing ACTUAL anxieties.  Paradoxical learning.  Fools rush in.

In the Star Wars episode, it was 'realised' that the way to escape this inducement - indoctrination - was to overcome the anxiety, and so overcome the power of the children.  By asserting confidence in one's own convition to what is real, should be enough to overcome the convivtion of the children to their fantasies, which cause all the anxieties and fears.  As simple as that.  Or, in other words, welfare mom, in trailer, needs to toughen up and assert herself as the real authroty, and then her kids should fall in line.  Then, the kids will turn into what we want them to be: apoplectic balls of mush, crying and dreaming and wanting and falling to sleep in the arms of us, the great authorities.

Not trying to be satirical.  Just looking at things.  Neither trying to be relativistic or wormlike.  It's not easy, trying to get this erratic, composit, haphazard, enotional episode into some kind of paradigm.  This episode is far more like something from, "Next Generation."  But, I do give it credit for being forward-sensing, in searching out concepts that really were only in rudimentary stags at the time.  As usual, this art srpung from feelings, and not from understanding.

These kids were ruled by a great overloard Santa Claus.  He ruled via promise and fear.  This is the main thing I recognised from the episdode.  He, and the children, were ruling by fear - or anxiety.  If this could only be overcome by force of will, then the demonic fantasy of the children cult could be crushed.  But, this is what I saw.  The control of other by inducing fear.  How this can be enough to induce followers into delusions or fantasies.  almost as if the blief in the fantisies, itself, was the whole undergirding of the fear psychology.  Fantasy.  Equals...

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