The End of the American Dream and Beyond

Apr 16, 2022 17:49

Me made um big old pot of veggie soup, from various curiosities that were lying about, including chicken stock. Tastes quite nice. Healthy. Maybe this will make my brain go away. I just went back for seconds, yuh hum!

I love this post from 2016. It says a lot about me. And the country. I was done being a Dem but was supporting Sanders and also Trump. The stupid economy, genius. And the perennial end of the world. These are what got Trump elected. And then he accelerated the capitalism model, mainly, whereas the Deep State and anti-capitalist cabal, awash in viruses, brought him down 4 years later. This post tries to look at the whole great big picture, not the left versus right cop-out banana spaghetti monster vomit blather.

economics - wealth inequality, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, american dream /entrepreneur- usa, history - 2016, end of world

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