Apr 07, 2022 06:03

Can't find it, but within about a month ago, I posted a hypothesis that slightly larger brain size might result from mixing people of greater genetic variation.  (Also, more genetic-related illnesses, etc., could also occur).  I came to this hypothesis from at least three directions.  1 - Just math and probability.  More possible combinations, outcomes.  More avenues for growth.  Occasions where there are less limitations on growth, (and occasion where there are more).  2 - Out-Of-Africa probably included some admixture of other genes both within and into Africa, along with advances in technology and language.  (Other things like cooking food and eating fish or nuts could also have contributed to brain growth).  3 - Casual observation of possible increasing brain size following matings of Neandertal and Sapiens, including hypothesized Giants who are conjectured to have derived from some such mixing, who also carried another genetic flaw, bad teeth.  And also casual but careful observation of people today.  People from different races may sport larger skull sizes as well as some genetic oddities.

I can hardly keep up with my own thought, so I can't really be an expert in every field I touch upon.  In fact, over the years, with my CFS, I tend to forget about important things I have learnt in, e.g., chemistry, microbiology, French, etc.  CFS forces me to generate my own thought, as it is so difficult to analyze incoming information now.  I am pretty good at the things I was good at before I came down with CFS: walking, arm strength, writing, singing, humour - all creative, self-generated stuff - so long as I practice and have the energy.  Even without this, maybe my brain capacity would be too small for being an expert in every field, seeing as I am pure Irish, and not a hybrid.  I am good at being a leprechaun, blarney, being melancholy, dancing around and singing like a drunken fool, these sorts of things.  Ireland never had a lot of physicists or classical music composers, so I was never headed in that direction to begin with.  But I do have this hypothesis that it is Irish family members who effectively discourage these sorts of pursuits, above, you know, being a priest, or a cop, or a mayor, or the like.  They probably also discouraged drunken poetry, as well, but failed, as the gene for that is so strong.

So, when I came up with my idea that there may be a higher probability of larger brains, (and some genetic oddities), between more genetically different members of the same species, especially our species, I only knew I was pulling the idea out of my own leprechaun hat - not that this may be part of a concept already extant in the fields of evolution studies.  But, apparently, this specific idea is not yet proved in those expert fields, but is still floating around.  Well, I am quite happy that I came up with something, once again out of the clear green sky, that might have something to do with reality.  I am a still waiting for my idea to be confirmed that genitals were original intended as can openers.

First, I started reading in Wiki about wolfdogs.  Wolfdogs are actually bred in various parts of the world, even to help the police, and such.  And, they also occur throughout the wild.  That is, the breeding or mixing of domesticated dogs with wolves.  Various kinds of dogs with various kinds of wolves.  Since this works quite well between dogs and wolves, but not between dogs and coyotes, etc., the conclusion is that dogs and wolves belong to the same species.  You can find most of my posts on dog evolution HERE.  Aside: An interesting thing to know is that the black colouration on some American wolves - which you might have seen in nature videos - actually derives from domestic dogs, who mixed with wolves.  Indeed, there is a surprisingly high percentage of (new) dog genes in wolves, and vice versa, especially in the Old World, which had more time for interbreeding to occur, one result being werewolves in business suits.  But, if you look deeper, the black colouration might actually have originated in European wolves very long ago, and then died out, but not before being introduced into dogs, who brought it to America, and so to American wolves.  Genetics is like whack-a-mole.  Whack a  mole is actually a major force in natural selection.  Very important to cockroaches.  Who are basically humans in disgusting bodies.

So, as I was reading about wolfdogs, I came upon the following.  And I will continue with other experts for you, to finish off this post, hoping that tonight you go to sleep, have bizarre dreams, and wake up with a larger brain.,,

Wiki wiki WOLFDOG -

The physical characteristics of an animal created by breeding a wolf to a dog are not predictable, similar to that of mixed-breed dogs. In many cases the resulting adult wolfdog may be larger than either of its parents due to the genetic phenomenon of heterosis (commonly known as hybrid vigor).[26] Breeding experiments in Germany with poodles and wolves, and later on with the resulting wolfdogs showed unrestricted fertility, mating via free choice and no significant problems of communication (even after a few generations). However, the offspring of poodles with either coyotes and jackals, all showed a decrease in fertility, significant communication problems, and an increase of genetic diseases after three generations of interbreeding between the hybrids. The researchers therefore concluded that domestic dogs and wolves are the same species.[19]...

Wolfdogs are generally said to be naturally healthy animals, and are affected by fewer inherited diseases than most breeds of dog. Wolfdogs are usually healthier than either parent due to heterosis.[26]

Wiki HETEROSIS ('hybrid vigour') -

Heterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring. An offspring is heterotic if its traits are enhanced as a result of mixing the genetic contributions of its parents. These effects can be due to Mendelian or non-Mendelian inheritance....

The term heterosis often causes confusion and even controversy, particularly in selective breeding of domestic animals, because it is sometimes (incorrectly) claimed that all crossbred plants and animals are "genetically superior" to their parents, due to heterosis,[citation needed]. but two problems exist with this claim: [SEE WIKI TO READ MORE ON THIS]...

Since the early 1900s, two competing genetic hypotheses, not necessarily mutually exclusive, have been developed to explain hybrid vigor. More recently, an epigenetic component of hybrid vigor has also been established.[11][12] [SEE WIKI TO READ MORE ON THIS]...


In 2013, a study found that mixed breeds live on average 1.2 years longer than pure breeds.[17]

John Scott and John L. Fuller performed a detailed study of purebred Cocker Spaniels, purebred Basenjis, and hybrids between them.[18] They found that hybrids ran faster than either parent, perhaps due to heterosis. Other characteristics, such as basal heart rate, did not show any heterosis-the dog's basal heart rate was close to the average of its parents-perhaps due to the additive effects of multiple genes.[19]

Sometimes people working on a dog-breeding program find no useful heterosis.[20]

All this said, studies do not provide definitive proof of hybrid vigor in dogs. This is largely due to the unknown heritage of most mixed breeds mutts used. Results vary wildly, with some studies showing benefit and others finding the mixed breed dogs to be more prone to genetic conditions.[21][22][23]...

See also: Exogamy
Human beings are all extremely genetically similar to one another.[25][26][27] Michael Mingroni has proposed heterosis, in the form of hybrid vigor associated with historical reductions of the levels of inbreeding, as an explanation of the Flynn effect, the steady rise in IQ test scores around the world during the 20th century.

s- 'big brain series' (2022 series), ***

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