Mar 01, 2022 06:04

Once a war is on, you can't believe much you hear from the media, or via gossip. Everybody's got their own propaganda campaign going on. Everybody's got their own wishful, magical thinking going on. Everybody wants to feel like they know. And look like they're smart.

Everybody wants to get the story straight, yet everybody mucks things up. Russians want to believe their leader is doing nothing wrong, so they push their own stories. Americans don't want to see what happened in the past, so they push their stories. Democrats want their president to look like he is in charge of the push-back, so they create stories for him.

Mistakes are made. Rumours are floated. Information is cut off. Everyone's attention is up. Everybody's brain is producing stories, or adhering to stories, the same way the brain creates dreams or hallucinations when deprived of sensory input.

So, if you really look at it, what is going on is that there is this great big explosion, on the planet, of imaginary images and thoughts and dreams and targets and blame and hate and pride - it's a big, collective, clashing and contrasting, propaganda machine. Cuz world ain't got no life. World got nuthin' better to do.

The snake Island incident: Sailors on the Ukrainian ship told advancing Ruskies to go Fuck themselves, and then the Ruskies slaughtered them, right? We find out, no, they actually survived somehow. Remember the Maine!

We hear that Putin is sending out a team of 700 special agents to assassinate the comic president of Ukraine. What, wait! How do we even know that? Where did that information come from - and how?! the fact is, we don't know if that is true or not.

Putin said, hey, citizens of Ukraine! You want to be free! Russia will show you how to be even more free than that! Our armies are only going to invade the provinces in the East of your country! So don't even worry about it! Woops!

Is Putin using weapons that were banned by the world! And therefore is Putin committing war crimes! There is a picture that says he was! I don't know if he was. Actually, who cares? The whole thing is a war crime. The next thing you know, Jews will be marching off to gas chambers. Or will they? I don't know!

Germany is welcoming Ukrainians fleeing that country free train rides into Germany. Free meals and showers when they get there! How nice of Germany! Wait. Free train rides out of Poland? In to Germany? With showers waiting? Where have we heard that before? lol.

Putin put Russia's nuclear forces into heightened alert. That either means he thinks that the west might attack Russia with nukes in response to this invasion, or it means Putin wants to scare the West into thinking that he is a crazy person, planning crazy things. And the West is like, "Look! He really scared! Like a cornered raccoon! Must mean he's going to nuke the West!" Seriously. What does anybody really know? It's all just a big bugaboo now.

Are Russians bomming US bioresearch labs in Ukraine? Or are the bomms just very close to those labs by coincidence? I don't know! Do you?! Does Putin really not want to do a lot of harm in Ukraine - he just wants to keep Ukraine out of NATO? or is he driven to expand Russia to its former great EMPIRE? Or union of uncomfortable communist states? I don't know?

Lot's of people grab one version or the other, but nobody actually knows! Lots of Russians are convinced that all of this was an act of self-defense. Can you see that? No you can't. Because this is war, and this is what war is for. To fry our brains until we're all lying on the sidewalk, forced to help each other up, and go off to find something to eat, like worms or wood or what have you. Idk.

And now today is the day when the great American leader speaks to the world and assures us all that everything makes sense because here is how he is so strong. Not to worry! Fearless leader with Alzheimers will do all the thinking for you! We will be sending in ships to Kiev! We will be putting up solar panels to eventually not buy Russian oil! We will be taking off our masks and shouting loudly! Because, we know! Weeeee know!!!!!!

We know all about you Russians! We know that you all colluded with Donald Trump for 4 years! That's how we know!

psychology - war, uncertainty, war * / wars / war and peace, rumour-mongers, my satire, countries - ukraine

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