Is it world war yet?

Feb 28, 2022 14:33

It's mask-free Monday, Chicago!  You can take your N95's off now and replace them with gas masks!  Funny how things just magically work out like that!

Yes, FEMA actually did release an advisory...  Really?  : "When sheltering from nuclear weapons, it is important to wear your masks and keep a safe distance of 6 feet."  When 6 thousand miles isn't even safe enough.

So, BelowRuss is joining the war, and the UK is shipping in jets to Ukraine, as the airposts haven't yet been captured.  Don't worry, it isn't global yet.  Really, the USA won't be bommed until Biden and his son are out of the country, so relax.  I mean really, really - the only way this all will end will be if China takes a stand against the invasion, and we all know that won't happen.  Rather, it is likely China will take advantage of the opportunity and grab Taiwan.  Which means a world war.

No one wants a world war.  They are lazy.  That's why we stand a better chance of all being vapourised instead.

Seriously, I have felt like a radiation victim for about 4 days now, and that's just CFS.  I really hope I feel better tomorrow.   Because I desperately want to get things done.  I'll probably start focusing a little more on personal survival, meaning less time for LJ.

Chris Plante was in good form today, making light of it all, and blaming those who blame it all on Trump, oddly. - FEB 28 PODCAST WILL BE UP SOON....

Of course, I think this is all tragic and unnecessary.  There was no direct provocation by Ukraine.  But I do agree that the West has been leaning to weirdly upon Russia since before 2014.  I hope you all catch that video over at russia_2_usa, please!  All this could have been avoided if we just allotted a fair part of Ukraine to a new Russian-speaking country, made the middle neutral, and gave the Ukrainian west to NATO.  But that's not life happens.  First, there must be massive warfare and death before everyone decides to carve things up rationally.  Sometimes irrationally, see Eastern Europe.
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