How global corporate conglomeration is behind this. How the idea is to dismantle American power by plucking off the most vulnerable countries along the fringes. And demoralising its people. How a war on two or three fronts is planned. Millions will die. How Putin is in it for his ego, but America is in it not because of Trump, but because of Biden and Clintons and The One Party cabal. How this tragedy included the COVID pandemic, which was prepared for a decade ago. How Biden saying, "We will respond like nothing anyone has ever seen," prompting Putin to say, "We will respond like nothing anyone has ever seen," means nuclear weapons will one day be used. How it is intentional that oil prices go up, benefitting Putin, and forcing the West towards hardship and alternate energy sources. How George Soros and Klaus Swab have been buying up prosecutors and politicians in order to force these mandates and clamp-downs on innocent people. How this no longer needs to be justified by COVID, now that it can be justified by WAR.
I don't want to be sitting here, writing all this out so that who knows who can read all about it, while the main media conspires towards fascism - while people are already evacuating their cities - and the warning signs are flashing now - I don't want to be sitting here explaining war to you while there is a nuclear weapon heading straight down at me in my sanctity of wisdom. It's not worth it to cover every point, when things are moving so fast that no one can keep up with the important things that just happened a minute ago, never mind plan for the future. I can't convince you that all of this was planned by a handful of billionaire psychopaths wanting to depopulate their planet when I have nowhere safe to escape to. Nor the energy or means. And who knows, maybe every last word of mine will go up in smoke with lead, lithium and plastic, like Hillary's emails in some planned conflagration. A kind of logical conclusion to planned obsolescence.
Just ask yourself: Is it conceivable that a war between Russia - and then China - and the West, could lead to the use of nuclear weapons? Of course it could! One day, nuclear weapons will be used, and that day may be coming soon, because there has been no greater set-up for it than there is now. And, if not nuclear, or even dirty nuclear, then ultrasonic missiles, drones from nowhere, space weapons, new anti-crowd weapons, bank shut-downs, cyber-attacks, power shut-downs, roving gangs of looters, curfews, bombing raids, government agents at your door, snitches, people eating pets, rampant disease - it is all just as possible as was COVID-19 before we woke up to it.
This is the seizure the world must go into every so often and this reality may be now. When people are so stupid that they are buggering each other just because they fucking hear each other, or see each other, and they're shooting off guns because they feel dissed, when they've got everything in the world, and more, that our ancestors could ever have dreamt of!
And I cannot tell you what profound, sell-out idiots are now supposedly running this country. All because Trump made offensive tweets. And everybody is a racist. And give everybody free money so we can all suffer from inflation. Nobody has been thinking lately. They have been rioting. They have been chasing red herrings. They have been bolstering lies. Trying to pretend a safe society can be built upon fear.
The dangers are real, for nations, for individuals, for animals, environments, economies, health, sanity, safety, life. Very real. Who can say they are not, when they are rounding up truckers in Canada?! This planned assault is happening all across the WEST. It is part of the attack. And people are just eating it up. Like tools. Mice in a Skinner box. Does it make you feel alive to become a ghost in the Machine? A silhouette on a brick wall? To take down wisdom, and libraries, and computer servers, and truth, all so you can obsess away with your Thanatos insanity? This is what once was called Evil. But, since it isn't called that, anymore, then I guess it's OK.
Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right. The arm of Satan from below. Missiles from above. What am I supposed to do? Concern myself with the petty distractions from this 25-year-old neighbour who will end off being marched off to become fodder for war? Transforming that petty hate into real bullets and blood? Never underestimate the military power of America, because it is all stored up, on ice, as bugger the Jones'.
Some years ago, I started putting together ideas for novels, which would include a time in the future when there would be an outbreak of riots. I even gave them a three-letter acronym. Then came the 600 riots by BLM and Antifa, and I guess my idea became obsolete now. But, I predicted it. When I looked at all these bioweapons labs all over the country and the world, and I saw microbiologists being suicided, and I heard feeling billionaires saying, "You have no idea what they are planning to do to this country," I said, "Something bad is coming!"
When I predicted INFLATION, what happened a year or so later? Inflation! So, why would it be so crazy for me to say, "I don't want to live in a populated area," because economic and military chaos may be on its way? Why would it be so crazy for me to try to save precious metals? Instead, they said, "Oh, that's just him being deluded again! Ha, ha, ha." And they said to me, "We know what's best for you. We, who have the money, will eliminate all your choices, and set up where you will one day be vulnerable, because we are the wise ones."
We lose Afghanistan, and thousands of Americans trapped there. We lose Ukraine, and thousands of Americans trapped there. We lose Israel to an Iran with nuclear weapons. Because, Jews. We lose Hong Kong. And Tibet. And Taiwan. And probably Canada, and maybe Mexico, Australia, what difference does it make. "I am not Australian!" "I am not a Jew!" "I am not an American - ergo white supremacist!!" And these people, with their imagined higher understanding, brought us COVID, and lockdowns, and unsafe vaccines, and lock-outs of alternatives, and riots in the streets, and inflation, and now war - these narcissists who think they know better are destroying this planet.
Where am I going to go?
Should I buy a truck and go on a Mad Max road trip?
This will go on through November, trying to get Dems elected. Russia will get what it wants. And then progress toward peace will raise its ugly head before the 2024 elections, trying to get Biden or Hillary elected. Because it's an agreement. It's a real war created out of deliebrate lies.