No estas bien de la cabeza - y yo tampoco.

Feb 03, 2022 18:09

It turned out that my brain was not up to par again, even though the start was good.  I will be going to sleep early.  Soon.

I'm purchasing an inexpensive item on CL, via email and mail, and the guy is a freaky little twat.  Thank goodness that word is not really obscene in America.  Seems like I've been using it all my life.  I'm such a cunt.

My dog's digestive disorderly conduct continues to try to creep back in, which is a disgusting visual.  I am now replacing his water with super power water.  I boil some stuff in a little water, and then add that to his water.  He was skittish of it today, but probably because he found it too warm.  He wants it just right.  Here is what is in his water, now that I have purchased a few additional things via Walmart, my current God...

slippery elm bark*
diatomaceous earth*
nutritious greenie powder*
1/2 Benadryl
a sitting magnesium tablet
a sitting zinc tablet

* These, in powder form, make his drink taste something like pond water.  The other ingredients make it taste like poison.

I have thought about including wormwood but am waiting a while, to see, before spending more money.  In addition, I am excluding tomato, and greatly reducing broccoli, kale and treats.  All meat + grain-free dog food - no homemade wet mix.  That's on hold for now.  He gets two meals, the first one having fish as its main component.

These past months have been about me trying to recover from the move, and this is not yet finished.  Interruptions like that hardware guy the other day bring probs spiralling back.  In addition to being waylayed by CFS and related, I have been watching movies online.  Oh, time. I have not really been up to being an LJ comment monster but I want to do that soon, especially now that many of you have returned from equinox hell, including sue866.  I am glad, and want to cheer you on.  Anyone interested in personal and/or planetary health please look into my community which I think is a great concept -

I wanted to say to Melissa that my dog stared at my brainphone today for the first time, marvelling at the gifs in your recent post!  So, you see, people, all your doings here are not for naught.  They will go to the grave with my dog as shall all memory of yours truly.  I had another paragraph's worth but, as I believe I have alluded earlier, I am not right in the head.

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health - diet - gut / gut biota /etc., my dogs - king, music - morrissey / smiths, animals - dog health

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