What were those Kiwis thinking?!

Jan 24, 2022 09:44

Still not  better.  Did second round of shovelling this morning, after last night's.  Narcissist next door walked his new rott by, and then brought out his husky when I was bringing my Akita inside.  Both dog's were happy to see each other.  The guy waved at me but I just gave a girlie wave and went inside, not only ill, but an half hour behind on feeding dog.  I have given up trying to explain to people that the more they see me up and about, the more my CFS is, and/or will be, killing me.

I developed a cold sore on my lower lip after playing two harmonicas I bought a few years ago, at a garagae sale.  If they were the source, then I either caught the sore from my past self, or from the now-deceased man who once owned the harmonicas.  However, the source might have been my dog's nose, which I recently touched slightly, and then washed.  The sore is not external, it is more like a solid lump.  But. somehow, the top lip next developed a contingent sore.  So, wtf?  Will I ever be able to play harmonica again?

I watched, and scanned through, a NZ post-apocalyptic film called, "The Quiet Earth." The end of the world isn't explained much,  but it includes no bodies, and yet there are also bodies; and no electricity but there is also electricity; no sense but there is occasionally sense, etc.  It refers back to, "On The Beach," and general Sci Fi stuff like 2001 and so on, but it is really bad Sci Fi.  Possibly, America is the only place where good Sci Fi is made.  To wit, I noticed an older Sci-Fi Latin American thing on TV and it was a ridiculous immitation of the old Start Trek.  Not that Buck Rogers isn't laughable.

I recall seeing three movies from NZ: This one; Whale Rider, and Hunt for the Wilderpeople.  The latter two were nice, but had their shortcomings, (read via tags).  All three seemed to be trying to immitate American-type social commentary, or political correctness.  In THIS movie, there is the undercurrent theme of racism/reverse-racism going on in a weird way, pretending to be intense, but being quite tame by American standards, shall we say?  Same w/ feminist motiff.

And there was all this teasing going on.  When survivors first encountred each other, they were all defensive and angry, then suddenly they hugged, la la la.  When the main character was putting the girl-woman' to bed, he did these things where the audience is supposed to wonder if he is going to molest her.  That same female does a tease with her bare ass.  So much more I can't even remember.

What I found most interesting was some of the secret psychology going on.  The main character goes crazy for a bit, and reveals a bit of what people in NZ may think it would be like to be the last person on Earth.  (When they are already stuck on a romote couple of islands anyway).  Apparently, NZers think there would be a problem with any survivor thinking that he (or she?) was now GOD.  Which is kinda odd.

But, (as in the other movies I mentioned), there was just a lot of naivite in this movie.  The apparent last survivor is assumed to have been closely connected to the corporation which actually caused the end of the world?  Or, maybe they even disturbed the fabric of the entire universe?  Now, the, "constant of the electron," is now changed?  Even if, "The Effect," had naurally emerged, "Like The Creation," the way to fix it would be to drive an explosive-ladden truck into a building?!  Ha ha ha!  I won't even tell you what end that brings to the driver of the truck..

The nice thing about watching foreign movies is that they usually aren't as formulaeic as American movies, and so they offer something new here and there, even if it might be stupid or reiculous.  Sometimes, it's not.  Sometimes, whatever it is, it gives you something to think about.  And there are the different cultural norms, and all that.  And, sometimes, it is just interesting, if not fun, to see how strangely they might meandre.  Personally, I found some of the nuances of the main character, a NZ guy, remeniscent of those of my father, who had lived down under for a number of years.

There you go.  A post!

**, countries - new zealand, movies - foreign, movies - 'quiet earth'

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